Intelligent Islands

The Goo MachineAuthor: MOM4Evr
Total downloads: 4,249
Latest version: 1.2
Release date: 09/18/2010 - 04:39
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with GooTool
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Toy with the BamGoozle Perpetual Motion Machine in the Goo Filled Hills! Whack a miniature Beauty around to your heart's content in Island 2! Set a bunch of sleeping Goo Balls on fire to explode a mysterious box in Chapter 3! Watch Goo Balls slide on the Slippery Information Superhighway! And fling bouncing Goo Balls around the Giant Telescope Cannon of Doom in Chapter 5!

NOTE: Because this addin changes the "island1" level, if it is placed at the top of the stack in GooTool, it overwrites all the level mods you may have installed. Make sure this mod is placed at the bottom of the stack before you click "Save and play World of Goo."

Now introducing version 1.2!

island1.scene is properly merged, so you no longer have to worry about it being in the right order in the GooTool stack. Also...
*Goo Fountain added in island 1
*More beauties added in island 2
*Island 3 is now more bouncy, which made hitting the target easier, so target is now smaller
*Island 4 - a couple general improvements
*Island 5 - bouncier than ever before! With more goo!

NOTE: There was a slight problem in version 1.1 with the depth of a scenelayer in island1. This has been corrected in 1.2. Thanks to Daft as Brush for pointing this out!

There are 8 screenshots.

The Goo Machine
Hit that thing!
Let it burn!
Information Superslide!
Building in the Sea of Knowledge
Giant Telescope Cannon of Doom
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.2AllSat, 09/18/2010 - 04:39com.goofans.MOM4Evr.IntelligentIslands1.2.goomod173.24 KB2,362
1.0AllThu, 11/05/2009 - 05:24IntelligentIslands.goomod172.43 KB1,884

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