Oh yeah, I saw that you were playing that. Just checked it out now in the Store, looks pretty nice. If I ever have a spare $10 lying around (unlikely), I might get that.
*random subject change
Remember gooey wanted to make an experimental game with scratch? Is there anyone who knows game maker here? I find way easier than scratch.
I've used Game Maker before. To be honest, I treat it like any other program. Click buttons until it does stuff. Everything seemed fairly self-explanatory.
Oh yeah, I saw that you were playing that. Just checked it out now in the Store, looks pretty nice. If I ever have a spare $10 lying around (unlikely), I might get that.
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*random subject change
Remember gooey wanted to make an experimental game with scratch? Is there anyone who knows game maker here? I find way easier than scratch.
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
I've used Game Maker before. To be honest, I treat it like any other program. Click buttons until it does stuff. Everything seemed fairly self-explanatory.
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