
14 replies [Last post]
Joined: 04/17/2011

What I just saw I'm amazed - I saw an advert of the rubbish game world of tanks - plz put there an advert of Tanki online too cause it's much more cooler game!

Joined: 09/01/2009

The ads are controlled by Google Ads, so that ad probably showed up because you've been playing Tanki Online.

(Also, moved topic to Pictures of Your Cat, since it didn't belong in World of Goo General Discussion)

Joined: 12/23/2010

Yeah DavidC can't control the ads. Even if he could he wouldn't because he's not here Stare

MOM4Evr wrote:
(Also, moved topic to Pictures of Your Cat, since it didn't belong in World of Goo General Discussion)

You sort of failed doing that with the other, much more off-topic thread Tongue

Joined: 09/01/2009

Apologies. I only noticed it with this one. Tongue

Joined: 02/20/2011

I don't have ads. i have Adblock, and it makes my internet slightly faster.
Davidc can't control ads, it is by google.


Joined: 04/17/2011

MOM4Evr wrote:
The ads are controlled by Google Ads, so that ad probably showed up because you've been playing Tanki Online.

(Also, moved topic to Pictures of Your Cat, since it didn't belong in World of Goo General Discussion)

You haven't even noticed of what you just said. There was no add from tanki but from world of tanks so don't think you're smart as Einstein. What I'm saying is that there was add of World of tanks and I wish there was add of Tanki online as well but it doesn't seem to have any adds that possibly could be about Tanki online cause they make only small advertisements like on

By the way I like that alien goo ball image of yours Smile

puggsoy wrote:
Even if he could he wouldn't because he's not here

Told yah, he doesn't care about this web anymore cause it doesn't get any worse than this...

Joined: 12/23/2010

Worse than what? The website seems fine to me, in fact it's looking very good nowadays.

Joined: 02/20/2011

It is just an ad. It won't do anything even if there WAS tanki online.
Davidc DOES care about the site. He isn't on much, but he cares.
Don't insult the mods. they have been on the site much longer than you, young padawan, and probably are more experianced than you. I am not saying i have more experiance (i have less) than the mods, but try to relax.

google wrote:

Contextual targeting:
AdSense displays ads related to the content of your page.

Placement targeting:
An advertiser can target your site based on demographics, vertical, geographic location, or URL.

nterest-based advertising:
An advertiser can show ads based on your users' interests and previous interactions with that advertiser.

basically saying 3 things:

  • Google places ads based on what is on the page.
  • It also places ads based on where you are in the world, or what site you are on.
  • It also places ads based on your interests and what ads you have clicked on before.

Google's plan:
1. Find out what people will be likely to click on.
2. place ads by a plan to have people run their site for free if they put ads.
3. try to convince people to click on the ads.
4. ???
5. profit!


Joined: 04/17/2011

Kirdneh wrote:
you padawan

Ahh... we've got a rude person here... (I don't actually know what that means but it sounds rude)

But I don't wanna spoil. The reason the website is nothing because there aren't many people here - there are newa that have been there sitting for years and if anyone would actually care this web site would have as much members as Tanki online which now have more than 10 million members (May be some people have multiple accounts like me).

This web looks great only 2D games aren't in style so if WOG was converted into a 3D style or at lest looked like in 3D then people would definitely be much more interested in this thing.

Joined: 02/20/2011

"padawan" is a Star Wars term that means someone who is still in training to become a Jedi. They are newer to jedi.
It is not true that no one cares about this site. I still care, the mods, everyone else cares, even you care enough to be here.
2D games ARE in 'style'. 3d games and 2D games are 2 completely different things.
I'm done here.


Joined: 09/01/2009

Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
You haven't even noticed of what you just said. There was no add from tanki but from world of tanks

Yes, that's precisely what I said. "The ad for World of Tanks likely appeared because you've been playing Tanki Online." Ads work that way. If you visit a site where you can buy clothes, you'll likely see ads later for another clothing site. Google tracks where you've been and what you've looked at and displays ads that it deems are similar enough for you to have an interest in. Since you've been playing Tanki Online, Google thinks you like online tank games, and thus displayed an ad for a different online tank game. 'Nuff said.

Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
By the way I like that alien goo ball image of yours Smile

Thank you. It's actually not a Goo Ball, though. It's an alien called a Yorp from the DOS game Commander Keen. Very fun platformer. You should check it out.

Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
davidc doesn't care about this web anymore

Sure he does. He just doesn't care as much as other stuff. He has priorities, like the rest of us.

Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
if anyone would actually care this web site would have as much members as Tanki online

We've gone over this before. Tanki Online is a massively multiplayer online game, World of Goo is not. Therefore, Tanki will ALWAYS NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE DOES have far more players than World of Goo. And I like it that way. I personally loathe MMO games, and don't particularly like the huge communities surrounding them. I'll take a few good online buddies any day over a million people you know nothing about.

Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
2D games aren't in style so if WOG was converted into a 3D style or at lest looked like in 3D then people would definitely be much more interested in this thing.

That is a complete and utter lie. I personally despise the vast majority of 3D games. I will likely always like 2D games better. It's a matter of personal preference. I've seen 2D games that are far more stylish than any 3D games I've ever seen. Super Meat Boy, for example, had a higher Metacritic score than Fallout New Vegas when it came out. That says a lot. 2DBoy will never change World of Goo into a 3D game. 2D is in their name, for crying out loud. I don't even personally see how a 3D version of World of Goo would logistically work. That's utter nonsense.

Joined: 12/23/2010

What MOM said.

By the way 2D games are awesome. Seriously Bastion was one of the best games I've ever played, and although the sprites were based off 3D models, I didn't know that until I read about it. The only 3D game I'm looking forward to currently is The Witness, and only because I know it will be as good, if not better, than Braid (which is another fantastic 2D game). The 3D games I play I don't play because they are 3D, but for whatever reason I like the game, such as the mechanics or story. To be honest I couldn't care less about the dimensions a game has, I mean I generally lean towards 2D for various reasons, but that's really one of the things I least focus on when choosing or judging a game.

Joined: 02/20/2011

a 3d WOG would be completely away from the style WOG is. it wouldn't be the same.
and MMO forums have tons of people where no one knows anyone.

illustration: pretend people are drops of water, and to know them you have to drink them. This site would be a cup of water while a MMO forum would be a fire hose.


Joined: 08/06/2010

I agree, Cave Story is an amazing game for example even though its art style is super pixellated. Compare that to a simple 3D game, or even a simple 2D game with better graphics. Just look on Armor Games or Newgrounds or some other Flash game site. There's no comparison.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 11/04/2008

Of course I care about the game and the site - if I didn't, I'd have shut it down long ago! It is a large expense for me.

At the moment I am occupied with RL contracts and dreading the long-impending upgrade that is needed for Drupal to support infernofans and other sister sites - more so because it will require a lot of rewriting of the goofans code so I'm discouraged from making code changes to goofans like the long-standing leaderboard issue since it'll require rewriting for Drupal 7 anyway.

That said, the source code for GooTool and GooFans are in SVN and it's not like I have a responsibility to maintain this...! And just because I'm not posting all the time doesn't mean I'm not active or watching. I have faith in our moderators and the other active posters on the site.
