Everything Concrete
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Sun, 05/20/2012 - 15:59
If you think anything on this list needs to be modified, or if you think something should be added, comment.
- Singleplayer
- Currency: AC
- Underground for the most part
- The name has the word "Chthonic" in it
It's also a game based mostly/fully underground. We should make that concrete right off the bat, or else people will be making stuff for above/below ground stuff, when we only need underground stuff.
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?
Umm, we were just saying in the other thread that it wasn't entirely underground.
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Note mostly/fully.
Well, we should at least make it concrete to know if it IS fully underground, or if it is part above ground. I'm still confused about it, so others might be too
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?
well, it's called beloh. kinda says what it is about right off the bat. maybe the main charector is trying to get outside? like chell?
Note mostly/fully.
Note mostly/fully
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Isn't it Journey Below?
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My most recent screenshots and uploads have "Beloh" as the window title, but it isn't concrete.
"Journey Below" no longer gets my vote. I think it's really generic. Also "Beloh" doesn't sound that bad if it describes a person or a place, not just us trying to be "deep" with Latin meanings.
I tweet like a bird
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I think most of us (or at least me and AP) were leaning towards "Chthonic", if we decided against "Beloh". I mean, chthonic is a real word, with a relevant meaning, but nobody's heard of it and it looks cool.
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Oh yeah, I forgot about Chthonic.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
My two cents is "Chthonic" sounds like a adjective to me for some reason. But it does look cool.
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It is.
But we can use a substantive. After all, "below" is a preposition.
I do like "journey to the chthonic beloh lower below land" as well. Anyone else want to use that?
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Yeah, there's no big deal with Cthonic being an adjective. If you want we could add on a noun, but there's no real need.
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Chthonic Depths? Or something like that. I don't know, just brainstorming
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?
About that word, it mainly refers to that of the underworld. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chthonic.
I tweet like a bird
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I got the word from a dictionary (specifically WordWeb) where it says:
1. Dwelling beneath the surface of the earth
"chthonic regions"
So yeah. By the way, I think "Chthonic Depths" sounds OK.
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I was talking about the origin of the word.
The current meaning might have been broadened.
I'm not really for "Chthonic Depths". It doesn't get my vote.
I tweet like a bird
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Ah, OK
No "Chthonic Depths"? Well, I think "Chthonic" by itself is all right anyway. If we come up with a better idea we can use that, but I don't think it's necessary.
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What do you not like about it, Red?
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All of those consonants together in one part of the word. It's difficult to say, especially for somebody who's native language isn't English. I'm guessing that people who play the game won't have any clue on how to pronounce its title.
I tweet like a bird
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That's the only problem. We could promote the pronunciation though (like writing it in brackets after the title in descriptions), and in trailers or interviews (if those happen) people would hear how it's pronounced.
Some people will also Google the word, which will probably yield the definition + pronunciation. So I don't think it's too much of a problem.
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Or people will just call it "Cthulhu depths" or something, because they won't know how to pronounce it.
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Eh, close enough XD
But anyways, we should "concrete" (so to speak) the title, so we have something to work off. If the title goes from "Chthonic Depths" to "The World Above" that changes the style of game completely
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?
In order for something to be considered concrete (and added to the list) there should be very little doubt or none at all.
I doubt the success of that title.
I tweet like a bird
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Well we should say if we decide on "Chthonic" in the title at all. Personally I don't think pronunciation is a big issue, most people will read or write it more than say it anyway.
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There's currently no doubt. You're just trying to veto it yourself, and nobody's really said who's in charge, so nobody knows if anybody has veto power or not, or if it's just majority rules.
It may not be perfect, but hey, it's just a working title. World of Goo was called "Tower of Goo" for quite a long time before they changed the name.
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hey red, maybe at the top you can list all the concrete things we have decided.
Chthonic sounds okay, and so does Beloh, but if it came down, i'd choose Chthonic.
is it "kuh-thon-ick"?
I think its (chuh-thon-ick)
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?
It's actually just "tho-nik", the "ch" is silent. As I said that's the only reason I wouldn't choose it, since the pronunciation isn't obvious, but I don't think it's that big a deal.
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Hey MOM, it's not a veto. I'm definitely not in charge here. It's just my personal opinion that the game name should be something flexible, as we may change our minds. I meant for this thread to be a list of things we definitely wouldn't change later on.
I put in the bit about the word "Chthonic". It doesn't sound like too bad a word, actually. Definitely some level of creativity there.
The full name isn't something we have to worry about too much for now. Let's focus on gameplay and story. We still need some form of story boarding to occur.
I tweet like a bird
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I'm working on it.
*hardly working on it, wrestling with own mind to try and stop procrastinating*
Seriously though, once I get started it'll be smooth writing from there. I just have a few things to finish off first.
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