Moderators - Personal addin publishers

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Joined: 04/17/2011

As I know MOM4evr told me that moderators publish any addins. Well it's time to separate them. The members of the goofans (Those who moderators know really well or those who are moderators) - I thin that every each of them have to have Personal addin publisher so the member can know who has published his/her addin. If PAP (Personal addin publisher) is really busy and cannot publish any addins at the moment then somebody else of moderators test and publish the addin. Those who are just walking through goofans and are not members don't have their own PAP. If member asks a moderator to be it's PAP then he/she should accept it. What do you think about this PAP idea, guys?

Joined: 09/01/2009

Well, generally there's not supposed to be very many levels in the queue unless a mod or two aren't actively publishing levels like they should (like me recently coming back here to this slow internet). I don't personally see the need to complicate things by saying "He'll publish your levels, and he'll publish my levels". What, in your mind, are the potential benefits of this sort of system?

Joined: 04/17/2011

Pad on? Don't get it but the thing is... I just though it would be a good idea so the people would know who have been published their addins and so if there are any problems with them then may they should ask their PAP!

Joined: 12/23/2010

Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
If member asks a moderator to be it's PAP then he/she should accept it.

That sentence sounds real compulsive. A mod shouldn't have to accept a request like that.

I think that PAP is unnecessary. Typically, mods just try to publish levels when they can, there should be no priority. And as MOM said, when there are only a few addins they get published relatively quickly.

Also, most of the time mods comment on the addins they publish/refuse to publish, saying what's good/wrong with it, so you can ask them for advice/help in the comments.

Joined: 08/06/2010

And this new system could cause problems. For example, Wiki, let's say I go on vacation. That would mean none of your addins even get looked at until I return, at which point I'm flooded with publish requests. With the current system someone else who is online would be able to help you.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 12/29/2008

In case you hadn't noticed:
Member number>Moderator number
This is an unnecessary system, addins (good addins) get published fast enough on goofans.

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