World of Goo 1/2 Level Making Contest

25 replies [Last post]
Joined: 05/11/2011

EDIT: I still need one last entry. Enter soon!

Have you ever wanted to get your level featured in World of Goo 1/2?


Well, now you can!

For the fourth chapter of World of Goo 1/2, I'll be hosting a contest. Winners, of course, will be featured in the fourth chapter.

There are some rules, however.
-You can only use common goo, goo product, goo balls from World of Goo 1/2, and the goo balls that didn't make it down below.
*Just a tip, entries that use the unused goo will have a better chance of winning.
-The season will be Autumn, but levels will look a little more like spring. Kind of how the second chapter was in spring, but looked more like fall.
-You can have multiple entries, but unless not enough entries are provided, only one entry will win, so make it count Wink
-If you're using signs, try to write them as if MOM were writing a letter.
-If you made an entry, post it here.
-levels cannot use pipes as a means to complete levels. You must either use target height or endonnogeom, where you destroy virus blocks.
Levels submitted will be modified to fit the rules, so if your level follows the rules, it'll have a better chance of winning.

Now, remember the link with Goo? Lemme smash explain what they do.
-Rock Goo: When the goo ball hits a mostly deadly surface, it'll become a surface structures can build on. Do NOT put it in a level with ballbusters.
-Ish Flame: Just a digital flame. It lasts 60 seconds long.
-Lure Goo: While I don't think this fits too well with World of Goo 1/2, I thought I'd include it anyway. The lure goo pulls goo towards it with a single strand. I think this version pulls things quicker, so be careful Wink
-PinkEye: Kind of like a balloon, but different. Point it in a direction, and it'll fly that way.
-WeatherBalloon: Another balloon! This one is extremely strong, though. It's also instantly killed by fire.
-Aqua: This goo floats on water, but is heavy on land. Water must set antigrav to true for it to work.
-Screw: This goo sticks to objects, but cannot be detached. It rusts when put in water (put a geometry with contacts set to false and a ballbuster and detaching tag by the water). At that point, rusted goo won't stick, but can be collected in a pipe.

Good Luck!

However, if less than 8 entries are submitted by October, the contest will be canceled, meaning no winners.

I made goomods.

Joined: 05/02/2017


I now go by StrixToxis.

Joined: 05/02/2017

Wait.. can we have multiple entries that make it into the fourth chapter?

I now go by StrixToxis.

Joined: 03/31/2017

I'm in!

...once I get to the windows desktop I'm using

It's been... how many years? Man, I feel old.

Joined: 03/19/2015

hay dude you shoed make a world of goo LIP contest Toxic

Joined: 02/14/2017

Count me in! Laughing out loud

Joined: 12/05/2013


Nerdy Z is coming.

Joined: 01/20/2017

I'm in!

o rly?

Hello! I'm Fishgoggles.

Joined: 05/02/2017

doods we need levels for this! There is only one entry!

I now go by StrixToxis.

Joined: 05/02/2017

daxperrin wrote:
hay dude you shoed make a world of goo LIP contest Toxic


I now go by StrixToxis.

Joined: 11/22/2016

I am in. Are custom fx allowed?

Joined: 05/11/2011

Watching Youtube wrote:
I am in. Are custom fx allowed?

I guess you could add some if you wanted, but I may change them.

I made goomods.

Joined: 11/22/2016

I have started my level. It involves using the pink eyes to fly through the wind

Joined: 11/22/2016

It is still in the works a lot. Any ideas on what to have?

Joined: 05/11/2011

Watching Youtube wrote:
It is still in the works a lot. Any ideas on what to have?

What to have in your level?

just follow the rules, and make sure you don't use any pipes in your level

I made goomods.

Joined: 10/18/2016

I am in

Benjers Squared: now with more sodium.

Joined: 05/11/2011

Deadlines coming soon! get your levels ready!

I made goomods.

Joined: 05/11/2011

If you've made an entry for this contest, please post it here. Otherwise, I might not see it.

I made goomods.

Joined: 03/19/2015
Joined: 09/23/2017

i have a one level

I have a WoG2 project.HELP ME PLEASE!Innocent Innocent Innocent Innocent

Joined: 05/11/2011

KOVIV wrote:
i have a one level

If you can send it via discord, I may accept it.

I made goomods.

Joined: 09/23/2017

I don`t have a discord,but i have this
This a last level for your WoG 1/2.

I have a WoG2 project.HELP ME PLEASE!Innocent Innocent Innocent Innocent

Joined: 05/11/2011

KOVIV wrote:
I don`t have a discord,but i have this
This a last level for your WoG 1/2.

Because the level uses Ivy, balloons, and other goo from the original game, I can't accept this. Also, I've already completed the last level.

I made goomods.

Joined: 09/23/2017

Sorry.I have a problem with goomod package in WOGLE.

In wogle .goomod with new balls levels not a creating.And i have Windows 7 by OVGorsky.
I fix this in future.

I is very sad.

I have a WoG2 project.HELP ME PLEASE!Innocent Innocent Innocent Innocent

Joined: 01/20/2017

i still' don't did anything. cause im very busy last time

Hello! I'm Fishgoggles.

Joined: 05/02/2017

can you make room for 2 more???? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I now go by StrixToxis.