How do you make fire like on the "Keep on Running Level" by Goomatz?

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Joined: 04/24/2010

Greetings. I'm helping my 9-year old son who has been making some of his own WOG levels for about the last year. He's interested in creating "fire" like that found in the "Keep on Running Level". He's opened the level and it looks like there is a custom effect involved, but he's having trouble porting that over to a new level. Is there a tutorial for doing something like this? Or does anyone have any tips/pointers? Thanks Smile

Joined: 08/06/2010

The effect is saved in [goomod]/merge/properties/fx.xml.xls. Open that, copy the proper code (the stuff that looks like plain XML) to the end of WorldOfGoo/properties/fx.xml.xml, encrypt, and test it. Smile

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Joined: 04/29/2009

You can also just make sure that the level Keep on running is installed and enabled with gootool.
The effect should be available in the editor if the level is enabled and playable.
*Don't forget to click save in Gootool.Wink
What AP said is correct, but the "electricfire" effect uses a custom image which need to be defined in the WorldOfGoo/properties/resources.xml.xml.

Joined: 04/24/2010

It's not ther PS.what dos enabled mean

Joined: 08/06/2010

That means whether it's turned on or not. If it's not enabled, it does nothing, and might as well not even be there, except in a few special cases (such as Deliverance).

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 04/24/2010

Where is [goomod]/merge/properties/fx.xml.xls? PS.would you like to see my upcoming Features

Joined: 04/29/2009

It's within the com.goofans.goomatz.keeponrunning.goomod. Rename it to .zip and open it to find [goomod]/merge/properties/fx.xml.xls.
But as I said, if you can play the level after clicking "save and play" in Gootool and if you can open the level in the editor you should also be able to select the effect in the editor.
If this fails, brouse to WorldofGoo/properties/fx.xml.bin decrypt it and add these lines:

<particleeffect name="ElectricFire" maxparticles="18" rate="0.3">
    <particle image="IMAGE_FX_ELECTRICFIRE" directed="false" rotspeed="-2,-1" rotation="-180,180" scale="0.07,0.16" finalscale="0.2" fade="true" additive="true" lifespan="0.15,0.22" speed="0.6" movedir="0" movedirvar="180" acceleration="0,0"/>
    <particle image="IMAGE_FX_FIREMAIN2BW" directed="false" rotspeed="-4,-2" rotation="-180,180" scale="0.1,0.2" finalscale="0.6" fade="true" additive="true" lifespan="0.2,0.3" speed="0.5" movedir="0" movedirvar="180" acceleration="0,0"/>

Than do the same with WorldofGoo/properties/resources.xml.bin and add:

 <SetDefaults path="res/images/fx/" idprefix="IMAGE_FX_"/>
    <Image id="ELECTRICFIRE" path="electricfire"/>

And last make sure there is an image called "electricfire.png" in WorldofGoo/res/images/fx.

Joined: 04/24/2010

thank you

Joined: 04/24/2010

I can't open fx.xml.xls
how do I Sad

Joined: 12/23/2010

I personally use Notepad++, but you can just open it with any text editor such as Notepad.

Joined: 04/24/2010

It just shows crazy stuff I don't uderstand

Joined: 12/23/2010

Well, just install Keep On Running in GooTool and save. Then you should be able to select "ElectricFire" as a particle effect in WooGLE.

Joined: 04/24/2010

It's not ther I use wogeditor

Joined: 12/23/2010

(WooGLE is another name for wogeditor Wink)

Here's how you do it. Install and enable Keep on Running in GooTool. Open wogeditor and open your level (or create a new one). Make a fire object. On the right hand side, select the particles property and type in "ElectricFire".

If you follow those steps exactly it should work.

Joined: 08/06/2010

Make sure your WooGLE is pointed to your modified World of Goo. Never edit the original.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.