Change resolution on Android version?
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Fri, 07/06/2012 - 09:09
I've got the game on Steam and Android, and I know there's a trick to change the resolution on the PC that makes the game look incredible on high-res displays. Does such a thing exist on the Android version? I've got a Galaxy Note and it looks terrible on the screen, as it appears to be running at less than the native 1280x800 resolution of the Note. Thanks.
Well, I wouldn't say "it looks incredible on high-res displays", since the artwork is the same resolution no matter how large the screen resolution is set to. To me it doesn't look any different, so I still play at 800x600. But whatever. In any case, the Android version is based off the Linux version afaik, and it's a config.txt there. We don't know a whole ton about the Android version, and about all we know is here:
Good luck!
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My memory must be fuzzy then, I was thinking it looked better. Well regardless I've searched through the files on my device and can't find anything that points to what resolution the game is running at. I'll just hold the device a little further away from my face for this one, thanks
Changing the resolution just expands your view of the room, stops all the stretching that's done by default. It looks better, and you can see more of the level at one time, but it's not an amazing change.
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What Red said.
Personally I run it in 1280x720 but the only advantage is that I can see more, I don't notice any change in graphics quality. (It's also a nice change since I initially played through WoG on an old square monitor
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The graphics improvement is this: If you're running WoG on your screen's native resolution, you'll see no stretching of any kind. So pixels will be much much harder to see, depending on the screen.
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Ah, ok. I just don't like it much because the mouse cursor is smaller, and the sensitivity seems to be less, so I have to move the mouse more. But of course this would be a nonissue in the mouseless Android version.
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Mouse cursor becomes the intended size, rather than the stretchy version.
The sensitivity is the same. It seems like less because you can see more of the screen, and the cursor is smaller, but it's the same.
I tweet like a bird
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Well, yes. But the relative sensitivity is less, so I have to move my mouse farther to move the same distance on the screen.
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