Leaderboards are back

The leaderboards are back! All the profile parsing and tower drawing has been rewritten in PHP, as the functions the original Python version required are no longer available.

Because of this there may be bugs - let me know if you spot any. However I've also taken the opportunity to add some new features, such as showing fan level achievements.

A lot of the data is now much easier to access, so ideas for improvement are welcome.


New GooFans Rules

Here on GooFans I, along with the help of MOM4Evr and Albino Pokey, have put together a few rules for the forums. There haven't really been too many problems, but the forums are pretty active so this is an effort to keep them clean and organized. You don't have to check them every time you post, but it would be appreciated if you could take the time to read them over them and get a basic grip of how to keep the forums healthy Smile

Universal Rules

Little Inferno Teaser and Beta Program

Little Inferno's first teaser and info on the beta program just appeared over here! Congrats to Kyle, Kyle, and Allan on getting this far, and we look forward to seeing the gameplay in the beta program.

Little Inferno coming "soon"!

I just heard word through the mysterious depths of the interwebs known only as "twitterverse" that there's been a blog update about Little Inferno, and it may come as soon as this winter! Check it out! http://tomorrowcorporation.com/posts/building-little-inferno

New Chapter Tutorial

Hey, look at that! Seems that our moderators have finally put together the long-awaited chapter tutorial! Check it out here: http://goofans.com/developers/resources/chapter-addin-development

Hopefully this will mean some awesome new chapter addins from our community members in the near-term future!

Android Humble Bundle, including World of Goo

The Humble Bundle is back, this time for Android devices (though you also get copies of the games to run on Windows/Linux/Mac). Anomaly, EDGE and Osmos are the core games, and if you pay more than the average, you get World of Goo too.

Pay whatever you want to get four excellent games for Android mobile devices, as well as any Windows, Mac, and Linux computers you have: Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Osmos, and EDGE. Customers who pay more than the average will also receive World of Goo, an indie classic and an Android delight!

Addin backlog and new moderators

Please join me in welcoming Albino Pokey and puggsoy to the GooFans contributors team.

I'm aware that there is currently a backlog of addins waiting to be published. Hopefully with the enlarged team we'll be able to review these soon - and I'll be making some time myself later this week to help out.


You're growing up so fast! Love, MOM.

Would you believe it, the World of Goo is three years old today? And yet the little darlings are as charming as ever.

May you continue to evolve and multiply. Love, MOM.

P.S. Birthday Nostalgia

Happy Birthday 2D Boy - World of Goo Beauty sale

Fall has arrived, and Little Miss World of Goo would like to point out that iOS versions of World of Goo have just dropped to 99¢ – now through the weekend. (And the Mac version on the Mac App Store has dropped to $1.99.) International stores have corresponding reductions too. Rouge your cheeks, fluff up your hair, and smile for the cameras. This sale is valid for only the most attractive visitors.

Please help us translate the World of Goo App Store text!

Hi everyone! Ron from 2D BOY here, asking for your help...

We want to make the game more accessible to people who don't speak English, so we'd like to translate the description of the game on the App Store to French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese. If you're interested in helping, we started a google doc that you can all edit collaboratively to add translated text.


Much love and thanks from the 2d boys,

Ron and Kyle