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popup game

New gameplay-no goostructure building or flinging goos.

I doublechecked all the spam you could undelete in "Deliverence".
Guess what! There wasn't only spam in the recycle bin.
I found a small popup game.

GooPeg Template

With this addin you can make your own GooPeg Level. Be sure that you have the GooPeg addin installed before installing this one.

Fire and Earthquakes
Burning Fuses Rain!

Fire! Earthquakes! Burning fuses rain!
This level is my fifth level on goofans. It was made long time ago and I improved it and published it here.
Goal: 999 balls Tongue
OCD: 100 balls
Not hard. Have fun! Smile

P.S. Fuses has burn time. A whistler will help.

This level shows you A NEW LEVEL ENDING WAY and how to create EARTHQUAKES!!! Feel free to use it!

0.3 Updated

Add a new level ending way and move this stuff to sample category!

Whack Pack: Balance of Fury

This is a collection of 10 levels altogether. The main 7 require the same kind of skill and will test how good you really are at balancing.
The 3 bonus levels will need a variety of other skills to complete them.


Version 0.3
Changed the directory names

Snowblower Bugs
Snowblower Bugs in Upper Shaft

Give your time bugs a funny ability to blow snow! Laughing out loud
(this is my first ball style, welcome to try it Wink)

P.S. The XSL in this goomod is also a template. Feel free to use it.

The Toy Factory

This was meant to be my level entry for the Little Inferno Level Creation Contest. However, I had already preordered the game, and was politely asked not to enter. So here it is! Enjoy!

On an unrelated note, please check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves, if you like alternative music.

5 collected

The simplest structure building. Enjoy. Laughing out loud

Goal: 4 balls
OCD: none
Personal record: 5 balls

Developers: This is a sample for showing the usage of the autodisable bug. Thanks @copcap for discovering it.

Rainbow Common Goo
Rainbow Common Going Up

This is my second ball style.
It customize the common goo ball to 20 style of colors and types with rainbow strand.
Special Features, Rainbow Colored Common Goo Balls.

Version 1.5 out now !, with 30 types of goo

N.B.: Thanks for Jamerz that inpired me to make this.
Please help me in XSL coding,.. I'll try to put individual colors in the
strand for the next version

Goosweek's Special for PoG

I decided to post my PoG addins outside the main Platforms of Goo page.
To install this addin extract the zip file into levels folder of your Platforms of Goo (inter folder and GoosweekSpecial.ord.txt file should appear).

Goosweek's Special Level Set

is a set of PoG levels dedicated to really good players since most of Specials are much harder than any level in official chapters. Because of the difficulty, all of those levels can be skipped, and there's no need for solving them in order.

Some of Sepcials are showing features and inventions to inspire level designers.

the shattered piece filled city
title for my earlier mod

i made this inspired by gooeys level Graceful Highrise
