Chapter Addins

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Blue Haze Part2: Blue Revolution

Note: This goomod is no longer supported and the setting of this chapter has been abandoned. More plans are in the works.

This chapter was made last year, and Lihe made it at a phenomenal rate after the completion of Part1. We are satisfied with it. I'm sure it won't disappoint you. :)The story is in a beautiful town with auroras. It contains 20 levels and a complete plot.

Level List
1.Aurora Lights
2.Pokey Path
3.The Blue Ballon Flight
5.Blue Chain
6.Faster Building in Blue
7.Ode to Snowy Bridges Builder
9.The Fantastic Fuses

.5: The Gear Chapter

.5: The Gear Chapter is my fifth chapter and the last chapter to feature gg alive. This is my first chapter based on destroying geometry. The chapter took influences from goomatz “two-strokeengine” and MOM4Evr’s “Gravity Hole” and many more. Gg and I made this chapter to a successful one, hitting 40 downloads on its first day, despite the fact that it is the chapter with the most bugs. This chapter was supported by 3 single levels, “Geargiarsenal”, “Weight Regulation” and “Rotary Club”.

The Red Mist

The Red Mist is my seventh chapter and gg’s last chapter with me. It is about a villain trying to colonize the Information Superhighway. It is the 2nd chapter released for Season3. It contains cool fx and gfx that makes the gameplay more interesting but it sometimes make the eyes of people hurt ‘cause the color of the most levels is red. The chapter grossed 658 downloads w/ single levels and grossed 227 downloads alone.

Single levels from this chapter

1. "Digital Jail"
Released: January 13, 2014

Lush Woods

This chapter ROCKS!

This chapter is the very first I uploaded to goofans.
The ones with hyperlinks are here, whilst some don't.
Also, please uninstall EVERY SINGLE version of the levels in GooTool.

It contains:
Lush Tower
Honeybee Tower
Citrus Tower
Barbershop Tower
Machine Tower
Donut Tower

Blue Haze Remastered Version

Blue Haze Remastered Version is available now!

How does the Remastered Version differ from the original one?
- All levels have been redesigned
- Almost completely different four levels
- A new and complete story line
- More reasonable difficulty
- A new kind of ball
- Remove a lot of irrational design
- More fitting OCD
- Different ID

City Forces

I'm Lihe,I will bring to your new chapters!
Advanced to thanks:
Liyuan, controlled the chapter's level smallest mistake,
and try to package.
Tanjinsong: teached to Liyuan package,is a undelopement helper.
and ME: I'm controller these levels and to make these levels.
Download Now!

Version History
- initial version

- packaged into GooMod

- fix an error

- fix an error

1.0 (official version)
- some of the details of the repair
- improved version of (the last second off names)

Winter Wonderland
Front cover(main snapshot)

Winter Wonderland is my debut chapter. It is an eight-leveled chapter which has a winter themed environment. The chapter was moderated by movildima. He was the first moderator to release my chapters. Despite the lack of level production, Winter Wonderland maintained a good reference to a cool chapter containing the best gfx I made. As of October 2015, downloads for the chapter is more than 500, making it the second most downloaded chapter I have released.

The Jungle Part1

My first custom chapter
it has 5 levels
Graceful Failure
Spiky way

Black and White

Black and White is my second chapter. It is also the first chapter I have created with gg. It has 12 levels and a hidden level called “Eeyore” that later appeared on Woody Mountain. This chapter went down once because the name of the intro level “Going Down” was already taken by another addin author and twice when the intro level again crashed. It is the first chapter to be moderated by MoM4Evr.

Single levels

“From The Void”

“The Noir Bomb”

Idea of the chapter

Vol. 3:(Sandy World For Goo-660)

Vol. 3:(Sandy World For Goo-660) is my third official chapter. The chapter is one of the easiest chapters to play by a regular WoG player. This is where my levels kind of started to evolve but this is where gg only contributed 3 images. A person I’d like to hide in the name Starrstudent helped me out but to this day, he never joined goofans. I have no Idea who moderated this chapter but for the chapters after this, I know MoM4evr is responsible for publishing my addins. This is the first chapter I haven’t released single levels.

