The Language code of Chinese is wrong
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Sat, 05/19/2012 - 11:30
Generally it is "zh", but it doesn't work in WoG.
The corrent value is "cn".
EDIT: Found it! As far as I know, this can fixed by changing line 50 in gootool-\src\com\goofans\gootool\model\ . This reads:
new Language("zh", "Chinese"),
Changing it to
new Language("cn", "Chinese"),
Is there an official Chinese translation? I thought the patch was fan-made.
If you're using that patch, you should re-upload it with the correct code. That way other people can download the correct one.
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Yes, it is cn. The country code in my profile is cn. But it causes a problem that there are more than one languages in China:
bo-CN Tibetan language in China
ug-CN Uighur in China
zh-CN Simplified Chinese in China
I find this bug when I was making World of Goo Modifier. I think the best way to solve this problem is use zh-CN for the language code.
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I've asked Gil Carmel(another 2DBoy) the correct value, and he said...
Official response~
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an Android developer. Developed WOG Android version. Ron's brother
didn't know he had one.
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Well. I wonder whether davidc will fix it.
There's nothing to fix. cn works, zh doesn't, that's it.
And DavidC isn't one of the guys who made WoG, just a fan like us (he made GooTool though).
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GooTool is using the wrong value, and I hope davidc can fix it.
Nothing to fix. It's two letters. Deal with it.
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if WoG can be played in the language you speak, but GooTool does not allow you to play WoG in the language, will you feel happy?
In other words, I hope GooTool start using the correct value so I don't need to correct the config file every time I install new goomods.
You're right, I checked and when you choose Chinese as the language in GooTool it uses zh.
If DavidC ever announces a newer version of GooTool this should be fixed, but for now you can just edit the config file yourself.
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Okay… Just wait
Ah, I get it. In that case, fill out a bug ticket here:
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It's open source, so if anyone knows Java (big if there
) we could fix it that way.
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ooh, fair point.
Snap, I know absolutely nothing about Java. You shouldn't have to, though, just do a search-and-replace for "zh" and it should crop up. I dunno how to compile it, though. Especially if we want Mac/Linux builds.
EDIT: Found it! As far as I know, this can fixed by changing line 50 in gootool-\src\com\goofans\gootool\model\ . This reads:
Changing it to
should work. I don't think it's hardcoded anywhere else. Anybody know anything about Java who thinks they can fix it?
Building should be fairly straightforward; the source code there includes the NSIS script that david used for building the installer, even. I think everything is there that you need, if you know what you're doing.
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Oh, I didn't understand completely before. Yeah, that sounds annoying to have to do.
Someone could probably just let David know. The next time I see him on Steam, I'll point him to the thread.
For sooner results, compile yourself or email him.
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For more specific Simplified Chinese should be used.
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You might want to write a report in if you haven't already.
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He hasn't already. I asked David. He ought to.
I tweet like a bird
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Sorry I can not see the link to create new ticket on . I'm using Opera Mini.
I would suggest selecting "goocommon" as the category.
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Thank all You!