Making a World of Goo cursor for windows.
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Sat, 10/15/2011 - 17:54
I asked someone to make a world of goo cursor for me (prototype works on windows desktop already), but it's not perfect and I'd like to know where to find the code for the original cursor of the game if that's possible.
Or some code that would give this result :
I'd get it...
Many many many many many people have tried. The closest thing I can think of at the moment would be an imitation you can make in Game Maker. Google that if you want to have that.
The original cursor's code is unavailable to us, but it seems fairly easy to do. Just draw circles over each other. For each circle drawn, make the next one's size a little smaller.
I tweet like a bird
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In addition, you'd have to make some code to make hey grey outline.
But yeah, making it just for Windows (not Game Maker or a Flash app or anything) is pretty much impossible.
However, I like to use MOM4Evr's cursor pack. It's not really the same, but it gives your PC a nice WoG feel
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Woobb, are you a good programer? It would be hard to make, unless you are better than most, as said by puggsoy. If you do, though, you will get our resPect
There's one thing you could do...
Use DLL Injection to put new code into the Windows system processes. Difficult, but doable.
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No, as a matter of fact i'm not the one programming. It is done by someone else. However I already got the cursor and it's working, but it's not perfect yet, that's why I asked about the code from the game, but whatever.
Can we see it?
I tweet like a bird
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Ok, but right now it's still a bit buggy, it needs some fixes, so later.
I'm excited too. It'd be cool to see a working one, just as long as it doesn't use 70% of the CPU
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It's done now, send me a mail to if you want it.
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I tweet like a bird
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Okay, that is AMAZING! Screenshot:
But how do you change the color, etc.? And how do I get my computer to include it in normal screenshots? NVM, figured it all out. Good job with it. Could you release the source?
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let's give wooobb and his friend a round of applause!
clap clap clap clap clap clap
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
The email he sent had a broken link. :/
EDIT: Nevermind, now it's working.
I tweet like a bird
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It's actually kind of flickery for me, like there's double-buffering problems. Any idea what would cause this?
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Emailed and waiting
EDIT: It's pure awesome. I fiddled around with the settings but the defaults are pretty much perfect, although I set the rubber force to 8.
I know what you mean by it not being perfect though. If you move it slowly, the goo doesn't stretch like in the game.
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Not what I meant. There's some very noticeable tearing for me.
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Uncheck the "normal goo" thing. No more random variance.
Or set it to your system's MAX_INT value. That works too. I'm sure you'll notice NO tearing AT ALL.
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Yes, it works very smoothly for me.
I tweet like a bird
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@MOM: I wasn't talking to you, I was talking in reply to wooobb's remark:
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Ah, k.
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Well, I can't really answer technical stuff since it's my programming guy who did it, but he tested it on various configs and it works well on everything it seems.
We did work quite a bit on improving the motion to make it smoother, I don't think you could do it much more than that honestly.
I'm glad a lot of people like it.
Ask him what language he used. I'm guessing C#.
I tweet like a bird
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Yeh, the interface looks pretty C#-ish.
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I tried to make one with C# but really don't know how to stroke.
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He said he used C++/Win32API (without MFC) MS Visual Studio 6.0.
Visual Studio 6.0, typical.
I tweet like a bird
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