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Birthday Nostalgia
Fly Away Little ones, before we had big tongues

For World of Goo's birthday today, what could be better than a pack of levels giving us nostalgia about how the game used to be, and celebrating how far it's come? Happy Birthday, World of Goo! This is my super-secret birthday project I've been working on for the past 20 minutes. Basically, it's the old levels revised. I block-copied most of the info from the original XML files (It's surprising how little of the XML file format changed over the course of development), so these levels are as close to the originals as you can get! A few of them I made changes to, for various reasons.

Challenge Levels
Poster of Challenge Levels

Challenge Levels is my very first addin since I joined GooFans. There are 10 levels to fullfill challenges throughout the game.

- 10 Levels
- They can be seen in Chapter 1.

keep on running

It's the sequel of on the run.

This level wasn't build in one day,
it wasn't build at all, I would say it has grown by its own and it has grown big.
It may take 10 sec. to load.

World of Goo Movie Editor


We have made this page public so that testers can download and check the package.
Everything's a bit "raw" and somethings aren't well understood ..

Please use the comments below for reporting problems....

Attributes that are too limited, or not limited enough
Combinations of values (or missing values) that can crash the game
Program error messages.. and what you did just before it appeared.
Technical Issues regarding the movie / animation encoding.


My second-ever level, Waterlogged introduces the first ever Goo Boat! Sail the seaworthy Goos to safety with a bit of a push in the right direction...

Additional language support to follow in v1.2

SPOILER - Check out the video for the OCD!

New Look for World of Goo
Normal screen Crab Nebula

This addin changes the World of Goo main menu

  • Changes the background image
  • Changes the profile, credits and quit buttons

1.2 version - It supports 1.1 goomod format!

1.3 version - Major bug fixed!

1.4 version is out now!

update September 24, 2010

Widescreen support finally added!
The bigger the screen size the better! Try it! Smile

The radioactive Levels!
a lot of goo

I made these guys. I do not know how to make a sandbox so this level has a pipe (but you cant reach it). The goos are not cloned but have the functions of original goo balls (except most of them can have 4 strands). The shadow and the ivy-fuse (they are the ones on the very left when you look at the dispensers) are the second generation. Inside gootool one level will be skipped (rdlevel6) That is because that level has gooballs that failed to work.

For moderators:

World of Goo Language Packs
Brazilian Portuguese translation

From the closing World of Goo Community Wiki.

The following languages are included:

  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Catalan
  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • Esperanto
  • English of course Tongue
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Slovak
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

You can also download these language packs if you want:

Industrial Oven
Ain't she sweet

A damsel has been trapped in her own oven! You must save her.

by Grant

War of Goo 2

Revolution at the world of goo corporation!
Goo vs. Goo
OCD is 130 seconds or less.
I'd uploaded a new one because the last one wans't finish yet.
So this is the final version.
