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World of Goo Update

This patch updates World of Goo to version 1.30. It is mirrored here as the official 2dboy download site is no longer available.

World of Goo UnderSnake
UnderSnake Icon

This is an entire World of Goo chapter that overrides Chapter 5

It contains 10 levels for YOU to beat, in order, with 3 custom gooballs. Special thanks to Albino Pokey for providing the sequel and to Goomatz for fixing my island.xsl to allow cutscenes.
Version 2.5:

  • Cutscenes
  • Island changed on Map World View
  • Level fixes to avoid loop holes



World of Goo Screen Saver
Screenshot of Island 3

This is BETA software and comes with no warranty. There. I've said it.
Feel free to distribute this screen saver freely, as long as credit is given to MOM4Evr, and as long as no money is charged.

To download, click the "Download Now" link and
save it onto your computer someplace. Right-click on the program
and choose Install. Enjoy!
NOTE: This program does not, and will never, contain any viruses,
malware, spyware, and such.
This program has been tested on Microsoft Windows Vista and
found to work correctly. It should work fine on XP and 7 as well.

World of Goo Profile Renamer
World of Goo Profile Renamer Screenshot

A small program I made. Just for the newbies.

Before you use this program, you must install:
· .Net Framework 4 Client Profile
· World of Goo (and played) (or you have the profile file)

V1.0.2.8 Updated: Merged two language packs; Changed encrypt encoding; Improved encrypt algorithm; Changed application icon; Make window resizable; Made the program smaller.
V1.0.1.2 Updated: Fixed two bugs.

P.S. Remember to make a backup of your profile. And if you find a bug, tell me about that please.

World of Goo Portable
World of Goo Portable Main Interface (With GooTool)

World of Goo Portable is a launcher for World of Goo that automatically copies your World of Goo profile between the computer that you are on and your portable drive.
Important update: This latest release (0.21) fixes an issue with profile copying, along with new features and improvements. Please update!
Also: Source code now uploaded! (People sure love source code? It's on par with the download of the binaries.)

For more information, please see its main thread at,2336.0.html
Thread at GooFans Forum:

Tested Windows Vista/7 and 64-bit compatible!

Current Version:
[0.21 Beta] (April 30, 2010)

World of Goo Movie Editor


We have made this page public so that testers can download and check the package.
Everything's a bit "raw" and somethings aren't well understood ..

Please use the comments below for reporting problems....

Attributes that are too limited, or not limited enough
Combinations of values (or missing values) that can crash the game
Program error messages.. and what you did just before it appeared.
Technical Issues regarding the movie / animation encoding.

World of Goo Mouse Cursors
Look at all these wonderful cursors!

Now introducing...
The World of Goo Corporation approved* mouse cursors for Windows!
Simply unzip the folder, put it somewhere safe on your hard drive, and go into Control Panel.
From there, find the mouse properties (should be somewhere close by, it's in "Appearance and Personalization->Personalization" in Vista), click on the "Pointers" tab, and start changing your mouse cursors to the appropriate ones from the package (use their names as a guide). When you are done, click "Apply" and Poof! Your mouse cursors are instantly World of Goo Corporation approved! Smile

World of Goo Modifier
WoGModifier Main Icon

World of Goo Modifier (aka WoGModifier) is a utility that helps you goomod more easier and faster.


You need to install .NET Framework 4.5.1 (or this link) before using this program, just like you must install JRE before using GooTool.
Although it's a preview version but it has all functions it ever had! And more functions!
Welcome to try and give me some suggestions! And please rate after trying. Tongue


World of Goo Mod Editor
Main View

This is a mod editor for the great puzzle game World of Goo. It structures everything in a temporary folder so you can edit the files in your native file explorer. It auto-creates the goomod file from the specified user-controls.

NOTE: This program requires the .NET Framework 2.0, get it here.

World of Goo Level Editor
v0.73 - Goos look like goos!

"World of Goo Level Editor (aka WooGLE) is a level editor for the great puzzle game World of Goo. With WooGLE you can create new levels or tweak existing ones. It also integrates with World of Goo, allowing you to test the level you are editing by a simple button click."
Picking up where (nitro)zark(92) left off...
Aiming to improve on his fine work, and rewrite bits that aren't quite so fine.

Intro, FAQ, Info and Reference Pages, Guides... and NOW a tutorial....
