Goo Fishing

goo hillAuthor: Jamerz
Total downloads: 6,641
Latest version: 2.0
Release date: 06/25/2009 - 23:05
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with GooTool
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Version 2.0 now with added fish.
My forth level, has a twist. The goo is hidden in the pipes. Use the fish and water to get them out. Some nifty manipulation of those weird fish might help and a little patience. Fishing is a relaxing pastime, no need to hurry as you are not against the clock on this level. When you have your catch. Drop it over the cliff. Be careful of the goo lake, or your catch will be reprocessed.
The OCD of 89 moves should be a challenge for most of us. Hope you enjoy the fishing, I had lots of fun developing it.

There are 4 screenshots.

goo hill
fishy fish
made it
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
2.0AllThu, 06/25/2009 - 23:05jamerz.GooFishing.v2.0.goomod239.31 KB5,223
1.0AllWed, 06/24/2009 - 23:52jamerz.GooFishing.v1.0.goomod236.73 KB1,418

There are 2 current downloads.