World of Goo Cursor?
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Wed, 10/21/2009 - 14:35
I've been playing World of Goo demo for a while and bought it a few weeks ago at the birthday sale.
I have a question: Is it possible to copy the ingame-cursor onto the desktop? I think the cursor is really cool so I would like to use it on my desktop .
Thanks, Mister Kanister
P.S.: I'm running Ubuntu Karmic...
i think no,it's to dinamic or something.but you can take a screenshot of it and set as desktop background!
Crazeh man!
Hm, no, not as background wallpaper
I have painted my own wallpaper and I'm happy with it.
Really no possibility?
Running Karmic Koala & World of Goo 1.41
no possiblity accept screenshot?
Crazeh man!
here is a cursor but just for linux...
I can't get in contact with the guy who made it
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
Wow! That one looks good! As you can see in my signature, I'm running Linux...
Running Karmic Koala & World of Goo 1.41
I have this free program I got online called RealWorld Cursor editor that can create Linux and Windows cursors. I'm not sure about the possibility of creating a cursor that looks exactly like the WOG cursor, but it may be able to come close. It would be cool to have a cursor like this for your normal mouse cursor, though!
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I talked to the guy who made this cursor (see above, youtube video) and he said he built it using dotnet framework, so it only runs with windows...
Running Karmic Koala & World of Goo 1.41
I talked to the guy who made this cursor too!! and he said, I quote - "This is programmed in the XNA framework for game-development, so there is no way to be using this outside the game-application.
But don't worry, I have some friends that can make one... We already began working on it but since we don'e have much free time on our hands the process is slow.
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
So you two obviously talked to two different people who "made this cursor".
my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment
I talked to the owner of the video above, stockzimi is the name.
EDIT: and it the video description it says: "A World of Goo inspired cursor made in C# and XNA"
EDIT 2: I did some googling and this is that I found
a start
topic no.1
most promising
great fun!
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
Well, I talked to stockzimi, too. But he said it won't run because it's dotnet.
@Pavke: Hope you can finish your work on the cursor soon!!!!
Running Karmic Koala & World of Goo 1.41
i dont think u can but search it on google!
I am Awsome yes i am and if you have a problem Speak to my friends the Devil, Werewolf, Vampire and The Wizard!!!!!
Sorry, Mister Kanister, I misread the RealWorld Cursor Editor. It can import Linux cursors, but can't make them...
I too am working on a World Of Goo cursor with full functionality, but am running into troubles. Hope your attempt fares better, Pavke!
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
The example download on it will really work so if you want to know how I made it you can download that and/or ask me now!
The example download on it will really work so if you want to know how I made it you can download that and/or ask me now!
Yeah, google is awesome isn't it!
can you post a direct link here?
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
Apparently the WillHostForFood website is down and that means that one of the download links for each download will not work sorry. Here's the Rapidshare link though:
I'm sorry about you people having to wait for a download.
*sniffle* but im not a premium user! *snifflesniffle*
OVER 9000
You don't need to be one! Just download it as free user.
You still have to wait like 50 seconds though.
PLUS a 3 minute download (sorry it's a big file)
I know that no one has spoken in this topic in almost a month, but I just thought this would be nice to hear...
I talked to my dad about it (he is a major programmer, knows a lot of C languages) and he said that it is very possible to remake the cursor that everyone loves in windows! He's been at it now for almost 2 hours. He's expirimenting with different commands that can do pretty much anything.
He'll probably finish by Christmas! I'll post a download here when he's finished.
wow, nice to hear that!
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
Is your father making any progress??
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
Yes! In fact, it's all he ever does!...except for online poker of course.
He's currently at a point where he shows a custom cursor up on the screen by pressing a button in an application. The cursor is just made up of 3 little dots, but he can change that later. His main bug to fix right now is to make sure that the windows cursor goes back to normal once the application closes.
Thanks for the update!
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
hi guys
i have no idea how to write on C++ or python or something like that
just want to give one idea for linux users who use compiz
there is a compiz plugin called "wizard"
wizard have effect similar to "show mouse" plugin but with radius 0 px on the center of the mouse cursor and is active only when mouse move
here some sreenshot's
this is wizard plugin:
and that is the show mouse plugin (we don't need this):
my idea is as follows:there is many setting's in wizard plugins such as "stars size,number of start, colors, speed, dynamic, wind, gravity and other's
even better 

if only somebody can make the stars become to circles that will look just like goo cursor or similar
that is my idea
the compiz wizard plugin and how to:
and for "windows" user's.... i don't think windows can support this dynamic on desktop. sorry
No friend like the music...
You know what I just thought of? You can probably make the still goo cursor into an animated Windows cursor.
Author of World of Goo Portable. Download here!
noo.. gooo cursor is dinamic
he show animations only when you move mouse that was my idea this plugin do the same... and about the cursor with GIMP you can make X11 or windows
the rest is imagination 
No friend like the music...
I was thinking, that since the mouse can have holograms of it follow it, then you could design that to be the goo-trail.
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