Angry birds invasion
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Sat, 02/11/2012 - 09:22
-the Sign Painter's best game is Angry birds. I would be pleased if Angry birds game and WOG would have a contact and advertising like WOG and minecraft so I ask if that's possible cause this is the only game -the Sign Painter likes.
You mean shooting gooballs on a sling shot?i had a idea of that once.
I made goomods.
a level has been made of that.
angry birds is starting to get on my nerves. t shirts are understandable, but dog toys? seriously? WWWAAAAYYYYYY to much advertising.
I´m the only one who made a level based in angry birds, with the slingshot and all the birds and pigs, But MOM erased it because it is illegal, I am still angry about that...
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Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO
angry go0-gles.
i remember downloading it, it was fun.
But didn't it get modified and re-uploaded?
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I think that was requested, but not done.
This reminds me of The Pit, that level I made based off the Braid level. I still haven't got round to modifying that into legal form. Kind of pointless really, the coolness of it was using the Braid graphics and music.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
I went out of my way to fix it, I made improvements so the level is better anyway, and uploaded and published the fixed level. Afaik, you weren't ever really mad about it, just disappointed. I thought it was a great idea myself, and didn't want to see it die. You can download the level here: . It turned out really great, and I thought it was an awesome idea.
And someone recently made a really cheep (haha pun) takeoff on Angry Birds, and we didn't approve the addin.
As for -The Sign Painter, it's not my fault if he only likes Angry Birds. Everybody has their own tastes and personal preferences in games, and there's not much we can do to change that.
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I still think that the original nOn-evil-edited version is the best one...
Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO
Of course it was. I'm sure everybody would agree it was. It's just that it's illegal, and there's not much we can do to change that.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Idea was hundreds of years ago. There are even original levels with shooting the balls. Someone once already made one angry birds level but it was illegal and that's why I made this forum - so it would be legal.
I still have that level
Oh, don't be a sausage - we just need to get a permission. If they disagree about that only THEN there is nothing we can do
Why they would agree, I do not know. But you do have a point: go and ask them if you like.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
i doubt they will find it under the cluster of fan mail spaming their inbox.
c'mon,lets ask
I made goomods.
You do realize I'm not 2dboy, developer or even a moderator to ask them... First I need to ask if Kyle would like to invade it in goofans and then davidc.
You do realize that Red emailed Ron and Kyle and he isn't a moderator.
I've emailed lots of companies. Traveller's Tales, Ratloop, and I think I had a go at Nintendo too, once... in any case, as long as you don't write anything that looks like spam, they should read your email. You don't need a status of any sort, other than "human".
If you really don't want to email , I can do it for you.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Stop copying - you do realize! And I can't believe you don't realize that I meant 2dboys, developers and moderators as different types, you, sausage!
I'm neither though.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
What do you mean by "stop copying"? Red sent a completely unrelated email a while ago, and that's what Puggsoy's referring to.
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He means that I shouldn't use the words "you do realise" because he used it.
Wiki, I did realise that you meant them as different types, I just didn't feel like saying "Red isn't a moderator or 2DBoy. He may be referred to as a developer, but even so he's not the kind of developer you mean."
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No, I just don't want somebody to laugh at me as in - I dislike when somebody says the same 'you do realize' to me back like having a laugh at me. I can see that if you say that to me back and exactly after my post so please don't do that. In other case you can say that if you think that's a smart point. You may think I'm too kiddish to be a moderator but think - usually I'm writing really fast and that's the point I don't have time to write smartly as puggsoy said before. I would be a good moderator in testing and publishing the levels (As I said before so beware of me if I get into moderator as in - I won't accept any poor addins in any case as other moderators sometimes did). I'm having good ideas but it's hard to make it real but I'm getting well with that anyway
. Just let me make a forum to improve myself that I could be a good moderator one day. And I get really annoyed with saying sausage by myself so I won't say that anymore.
This is precisely why you WILL NOT be a moderator. The addins you claim as poor AREN'T POOR for the simple fact that moderators published them. For you to claim them as poor is just rude on your part. Moderating and publishing addins has nothing to do with rejecting "poor" addins or approving "good" addins like you seem to think it does. It is the job of a moderator to look over addins to make sure they work fine, try to find any bugs or glitches, alert addin developers to said bugs and glitches, help them fix said bugs and glitches, and publish the addin when it's done. While overly simple levels are rejected, they're rejected on the basis of "This took you 5 seconds to make; please put more time and effort into it and make a more professional level" rather than "This level sucks, get outta here." Stop claiming to know everything about addin moderation, because it's a complex task. I apologize if I gave you the wrong impression with some of your levels, but this was because you were making 3 new levels a day and requesting publish for every addin of yours every hour, filling my inbox with spam, not listening to any of my suggestions, not speaking proper English so I could understand, and generally driving me crazy. Look at my "Goo Bowling" level. I imagine that it is impossible to make a level any simpler than that one. But has anyone ever claimed that it's too simple? No, nobody has. And it is likely that nobody ever will. Why? Because I put a lot of time and effort into the level, and the gameplay for the level is streamlined enough that the simplicity is a benefit, not a drawback. In fact, I got a lot of positive feedback about the level. Go ahead; play the level. It takes 5 seconds max to beat it. And reflect on the fact that simplicity doesn't automatically make a level poor. And stop saying on addin pages that the levels are too simple, because I'm sick and tired of hearing it.
Sorry if I came across as harsh here; this statement just irks me.
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Wow, MOM. I thought Daft was in charge of those posts.
But I agree. Simple levels like the Sandbox or Goo Bowling or The Ancient Temple are fun, both because they're simple, and because they're unique. Clones of Going Up won't be approved, but a fun demonstration of your new Goo Ball or a cool minigame will be, because people will play and enjoy it.
Sorry, Wiki, I know we're being a bit harsh on you here.
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Personally, I love simple levels. They're nice and clean, play smoothly, and are less prone to glitches and such. They're also often easy to finish, but still fun and interesting at the same time.
Anyway, don't think us moderators are teaming up and picking on you or anything, just making a point.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
But that's exactly what I meant. As I have a time limit being on a computer which is an hour I don't have enough time to explain myself. If I did I would say something slightly different and I'm sure you should had to know that cause I remember I mentioned once something about my time limit. Just my mom doesn't understand that I'm actually 'educating' on goofans by reading, writing, understanding, getting more information and all that sort of stuff.
AP there is no point of being even a bit sorry for me especially in this case cause on goofans I feel epic any time and in any case
. This was just a big misunderstanding - I'm here for a whole year and I know what's the moderator's job and I would love to do this. Just in case if I say something like "I didn't had time to explain myself" that means I want to write more but I don't have enough time to explain myself and I'm sure now you guys can understand.
And guys do you know where addin Wog corporation reverse has gone? Has it been unpublished or something? I can't find it!
It's right here, as always. Number 5 in the Other addin section.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
It's also on the first page of the tracker, as people have been commenting on it lately.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
It's also on the first page of puggsoy's profile.
And if worst comes to worst, you can always search for it in the handy-dandy search bar to the right -->
But I think you get the point by now.
Also, for the record, please don't quote huge posts. I know, it's my fault for posting the huge post in the first place, but if everyone else below the post is still talking about the same thing, you don't really have to quote a post, unless you're highlighting a particular part of the post for emphasis. Nitpicky of me, I know, but just so you're aware. Thanks!
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Personally, I think that a (nice) forum is a great way to get used to another language. You get to
hearsee people conversing.Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
I made goomods.
I know what you mean guys but I still wanted to say about these poor levels - and you would enjoy to play ten levels that look 99% like going up? That - would be junk. But I'm not talking about the other small levels - I like them as well! But most of the addins are the big ones cause there are so many skills that is even harder to think out than to make it! Like my levels - Skill of confusion and Cheeky balls.
About the puggsoy's addin - It wasn't on latests, it didn't open me on search... Like it disappeared on one day!
And AP, everyone all time says this like I would be bad at English but instead I feel like I am not only Latvian but either English cause it's easy to talk when you say small sentences. But on goofans it's even easier - I can write as much as I can and without mistakes (Well sometimes but who doesn't mistake?).