PoG is an inspired WOG game based on the features of the WOG - The full name is Platforms of goo - I'm working on the design of the chapters. Then I'm gona take pictures of them and send to goosweek and when he will have time he will make a new version - if there will be any glitches or wrong systems I'll tell him, he'll change the PoG to the final version - if there will be nothing like that then the next version will be the final.
There is either a PoG level editor - I've been using it to test the level types I think out - Ummm... good idea - I can put levels in zip folder and send the levels to goosweek. You can make your own levels either - the PoG level editor is downloadable separately from the game and remember - I'm talking about PoG level editor not the WoG level editor.
There are 3 different editor - I think all made by Daft as Brush. One is level editor, the second is ball editor and the third one is movie editor (Not 3D movie editor if you think so).
These lots of things are complicated so I would say this is the best place to ask - or you can ask me whenever actually - but here it will make more sencec
Meanwhile, goobomb, you lied me (Or you rorgot what you wrote) - you told me you spelled it right but you did it wrong - edit this forum and change it to - Questions
Who says the Irish are bad at spelling? I'd suppose he's either young or someone for who English is a second language. It could also be a typo, some people don't type carefully and make lots of mistakes.
Indeed. Kinda like "mist" is wrong spelling. Proper word is "missed."
"Mist" is a light fog or rain, "missed" is to overlook something. Quite a huge difference. Though they ARE pronounced the same way...
Good grief, English is a stupid language.
From what I've heard, German is fairly easy to learn for native English speakers, since it's fairly similar in some ways. Dunno, though. I've never tried.
English is consistent on the whole, but most rules are either confusing or rarely known. For example, I only read a week or two ago about putting "ie"s at the end of plurals. If the word ends with a "y" which is preceded with a consonant (e.g. city), then the plural replaces the "y" with "ies" (e.g. cities). However, if the "y" is preceded by a vowel (e.g. monkey), then a "s" is simply added to the end, like normal (e.g. monkeys).
Yes. Or replacing -us with -i in the plural, but only if the word is derived from a second-declension noun in Latin. "Circus" is fourth-declension, so it pluralizes normally. "Octopus" goes to "octopodes" because it's actually from Greek, not Latin at all. And so on...why should you need to know the etymology of a word to know how to pluralize it?
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
i just called it octopi, sort of like "nuclei" and "cacti", as they all end with "us". but so does virus, but it is pronounced viruses, and platypus is both platypi and platypuses, but octopi and cacti can be octopuses and cactuses, and....
English is confusing when you think about it
Native speakers are the only people who can understand English without the knowledge of rules like these. We know how to spell "cacti" and "viruses" because of how we were raised. I never learned those rules.
I learned such rules but naturally, and new "us" words are still confusing. But the "us" and "i" bits are derived more from Latin rather than true English, aren't they?
Yeah, on the most part. Almost anything ending in "-us" is. But there are three different ways a Latin word ending in "-us" can be pluralized depending on the declension (nucleus -> nuclei, tempus -> tempores, circus -> circus), and that shows up in English as well.
Also, almost all of the confusing silent letters in English, such as the "gh" in night (which used to represent a voiced velar fricative, a bit like the German "ch") can be traced back to one single person, during the time when spelling was being standardized. He spoke German, and he insisted that all of the old letters from German, such as extra "e"s at the end of words or "k"s at the beginning, stay there.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
PoG is an inspired WOG game based on the features of the WOG - The full name is Platforms of goo - I'm working on the design of the chapters. Then I'm gona take pictures of them and send to goosweek and when he will have time he will make a new version - if there will be any glitches or wrong systems I'll tell him, he'll change the PoG to the final version - if there will be nothing like that then the next version will be the final.
There is either a PoG level editor - I've been using it to test the level types I think out - Ummm... good idea - I can put levels in zip folder and send the levels to goosweek. You can make your own levels either - the PoG level editor is downloadable separately from the game and remember - I'm talking about PoG level editor not the WoG level editor.
There are 3 different editor - I think all made by Daft as Brush. One is level editor, the second is ball editor and the third one is movie editor (Not 3D movie editor if you think so).
These lots of things are complicated so I would say this is the best place to ask - or you can ask me whenever actually - but here it will make more sencec
I can't tell if this is what you're asking, but the original game was made by Ron Carmel and Kyle Gabler.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
He was talking about PoG not WOG
Meanwhile, goobomb, you lied me (Or you rorgot what you wrote) - you told me you spelled it right but you did it wrong - edit this forum and change it to - Questions
He sais "games", plural, so I wasn't sure what he meant. My mistake.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Well I do - when he wrote this he was just right next to me sitting
(He's just bad at spelling - probably cause he's half or quarter Irish...)
Who says the Irish are bad at spelling? I'd suppose he's either young or someone for who English is a second language. It could also be a typo, some people don't type carefully and make lots of mistakes.
Anyway, fixed the title.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Wiki, you make a lot of grammar mistakes as well. Many of us our native speakers, which is how we notice. They're usually quite small though.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
give him a rest, wiki, as we did to you. and what's wrong with irish people? one of my best friends has a little irish blood in him.
I'm a quarter Irish, but I don't have any knowledge about my heritage.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
So Im guesing that it's was intentioned there?
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Nope. The irony was real.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
It's not because I'm quarter Irish - I'm just keinda bad at spelling
Beginers luck!
Goobomb exrocks!
wow, the irony here is just sickening
Can you please, please don't quote something the person didn't actually say.
By the way he better likes when everyone calls him just Goobomb like me as Wiki!
That is something he said.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Indeed. Kinda like "mist" is wrong spelling. Proper word is "missed."
"Mist" is a light fog or rain, "missed" is to overlook something. Quite a huge difference. Though they ARE pronounced the same way...
Good grief, English is a stupid language.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
I like english, try to learn german, then tell me if you still think english is hard!
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
From what I've heard, German is fairly easy to learn for native English speakers, since it's fairly similar in some ways. Dunno, though. I've never tried.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
My sister learned German easily, since it's practically Dutch with a bunch of "sch"s and some extra Zs thrown in.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Yeah, it's not that easy... I consider English a very simple language!
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
My brother is learning German, and it seems to be a nice language.
Although, English does have rules that work consistently.
(Such as adding -ly to positive-degree adverbs, Puggsoy.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Noticed that when re-reading it just now. Fixed
English is consistent on the whole, but most rules are either confusing or rarely known. For example, I only read a week or two ago about putting "ie"s at the end of plurals. If the word ends with a "y" which is preceded with a consonant (e.g. city), then the plural replaces the "y" with "ies" (e.g. cities). However, if the "y" is preceded by a vowel (e.g. monkey), then a "s" is simply added to the end, like normal (e.g. monkeys).
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Yes. Or replacing -us with -i in the plural, but only if the word is derived from a second-declension noun in Latin. "Circus" is fourth-declension, so it pluralizes normally. "Octopus" goes to "octopodes" because it's actually from Greek, not Latin at all. And so on...why should you need to know the etymology of a word to know how to pluralize it?
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
i just called it octopi, sort of like "nuclei" and "cacti", as they all end with "us". but so does virus, but it is pronounced viruses, and platypus is both platypi and platypuses, but octopi and cacti can be octopuses and cactuses, and....
English is confusing when you think about it
Key phrase is "when you think about it"
Native speakers are the only people who can understand English without the knowledge of rules like these. We know how to spell "cacti" and "viruses" because of how we were raised. I never learned those rules.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
I learned such rules but naturally, and new "us" words are still confusing. But the "us" and "i" bits are derived more from Latin rather than true English, aren't they?
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Yeah, on the most part. Almost anything ending in "-us" is. But there are three different ways a Latin word ending in "-us" can be pluralized depending on the declension (nucleus -> nuclei, tempus -> tempores, circus -> circus), and that shows up in English as well.
Also, almost all of the confusing silent letters in English, such as the "gh" in night (which used to represent a voiced velar fricative, a bit like the German "ch") can be traced back to one single person, during the time when spelling was being standardized. He spoke German, and he insisted that all of the old letters from German, such as extra "e"s at the end of words or "k"s at the beginning, stay there.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.