Moving Custom-made Levels into a Different Chapter
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Wed, 05/26/2010 - 23:15
Yeah, I want to move my Official Metal Levels into a different Chapter. Goosweek had moved his/her levels to chapter five. But how do I move my levels into a different chapter? Teach me how.
- inwog
I used merge folder in goomod.
Step 1: I needed to add level names and subtitles (LEVEL_NAME_levelfolder, and LEVEL_TEXT_levelfolder). It was just text.xml.
Step 2: I added level declarations to merge/res/islands/island5.xml.xsl file. It was something like old way to adding texts.
Step 3: How to add levelbuttons to island? I need to use WoG Editor (old version (about 6.2), because of OCD flag id). I duplicated original island. With copy-paste I duplicate original levelbuttons and OCD flags. I moved this new objects to final places. Then I changed every "ObservatoryObservationStation" in ids and onclicks into my own levels ids. It was a lot of work. SAVE!
Step 4: With GooTool I decode MYisland5.scene.bin file. At the end of .xml file I found new buttons and flags. Ctr-C! I put buttons and flags into special file merge/res/levels/island5/island5.scene.xsl. And:
And that was the end. Only add it to a goomod with levels.
And this is all...
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
I was transferring my Goo World Levels to Chapter 3. After I make the goomod, I hit save and launch, but there's an error on my addin and I can't find it.
It says:
Can you help me?
EDIT: Never mind...
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
I know this bug.
In one of xml, or xsl files is syntax error. Probably somewhere is no />, or ". Watch every file carefuly.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
To anyone else thinking of moving chapters, please read this post
ya umm.... that sounds way 2 complicated.... i dont know a single thing about scripts and codes sooo..... i ned help.... i wanna make my levels and put some tht im currentley making into chapter 4 and you must beat the first level to unlock the 2nd and so on and so on.... sooo... plz help! PLZ! i need help or i will die f.. umm.. NO-HELP-TITUS!!!
don't eat goo while swimming after 30 sec before skydiving after eating goo...
if u can read wats up there and understand it.. congratulations! ur not a complete moron! if u dont understand it then read wats under the HHJK
it means DONT EAT GOO IN
let me make a map of the chapter 4 and ill publish it with my levels
how about i publish all my levels that i want to move to chapter 4 and you can add the scripts and put them where i want them 2 go!
then u do ur coding stuff and put my levels in chapter 4 just were i want em! ill post a comment on here agian saying im done and i published the stuff, ok?
don't eat goo while swimming after 30 sec before skydiving after eating goo...
if u can read wats up there and understand it.. congratulations! ur not a complete moron! if u dont understand it then read wats under the HHJK
it means DONT EAT GOO IN
did you not read that last post? Next gootool will help with this thingy.
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
@lowfn: Be patient. Figure it out yourself or wait for someone else to figure it out, especially when it's planned.
Author of World of Goo Portable. Download here!
awww alright.. the extremley sucky thing is is that i already made an exact replica (took 2 hours!) of the chapter 4 map!
ehhhh... i guess ill wait.. >:(
don't eat goo while swimming after 30 sec before skydiving after eating goo...
if u can read wats up there and understand it.. congratulations! ur not a complete moron! if u dont understand it then read wats under the HHJK
it means DONT EAT GOO IN
ummmm gootool 1.1 is already out
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
We mean the next version, bud.
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
any help gootool 1.2 is now out (it has been for a while now) but when I try to put my level pixeltrouble into chapter 4 because chapter 4 is also ish themed it keeps saying "no level description found in manifest" Any Help? I had a override folder for adding my levelbutton with OCD flag and a compile folder for adding my level and everything seemed to be A-OK until GooTool brings up the error! And yes I know about XML and how to add levelbuttons although I have not made a level addin from scratch I just copied the format that WooGLE gave me (addin.xml, text.xml, compile>res>levels>pixeltrouble>the three xml.bin files)
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
I forgot to tell you that, when you move levels into different chapter,
you need to have MOD ADDIN
, not level addin, because in addin manifest shouldn't be level descriptions.
Watch this manifest from ELP:
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
what is the image for???
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
OK, but when I try to get to Chapter 4 it crashes. Fatal Error. Stays at Meanwhile. Not the first time, either... Also, I fixed the "Uncompileable files in compile folder" problem.
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
Well, without proper help (and permission) you can't exactly move a level to another chapter currently and then publish it.
You should wait for the next gootool, where your problems will be fixed.
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Ummm, when that happens then I will just change it back to the version the DOESN'T have the chapter move since GooTool will allow you to INSTANTLY move AND choose where the levelbutton will be. And still, I don't understand why The Goo Worlds were moved when you won't let me..... and why the goo worlds were accepted but not the Metal Levels, or anyone elses except the Experimental Levels Project. Jeez. You guys have a VERY bad restriction here... and I DO NOT like it. +100
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
Moderators are not the ones who move levels in and out of different chapters. Since gootool still doesn't support this feature authors can still move them as they wish as long as they know how.
The Goo World were moved because that how author has made them, Metal Levels are plane simple levels addin without the move.
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
Try unzipping the Experimentals and seeing how they were moved.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
So it isn't supported because of the hard work and future possibilities of major glitches
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sorry, AP, you weren't there for the chat. Here's what I told TGM about putting levels into chapters other than chapter 1:
The new levels will merge into the res/islands/[chapter].xml.bin, and the new version of gootool will also modify it, keeping everything correct. If, however, you modify stuff now, and your goomod is installed, it will override the goomods that were installed later, making newbies on the forum post with a zillion errors. It would not be pretty!
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
But isn't the point of Merge that goomods wouldn't conflict? There aren't problems with lots of new particles, so shouldn't all the level definitions be fine? It seems like the only problem would be overlapping buttons...
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
I think that AP is right, MOM.
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me