How to compile a .goomod of a modded entire game?
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Sun, 09/04/2011 - 22:58
Hey everyone! I need to know how to turn an entire version of the world of goo game that I've edited into a .goomod file so I can upload it to the site! Anyone know how to do that? And this is just going to be a demo version of the first 5 levels for mine and pyrodriod's game not the full version yet.
Just follow the simple rules of the .goomod: it compiles/merges/overrides relative to your World Of Goo root folder. So if you want to extract something like a modified .exe (which is what I deduce from your post), then just put it in the root of the
folder.Is that what you mean?
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I think he means a Total COnversion mod, like Another Planet or TM13WOG2.
What you need to do is create a goomod of each level in your mod.
Then create a folder on your desktop called "goomod" (it has to be that name).
Now go into each of your level folders (res/levels/whatever), hold down the CTRL key, and drag the "goomod" folder to the desktop. Windows should ask you if you want to merge the folders. Say yes.
Repeat with each of your levels. If it asks to overwrite something, you can either say "yes" or "no", it won't make any difference.
You will need to go through and add all the text.xml files together by hand, there's no way around it.
Then decompile the island.xml.bin file and place it into "compile\islands". You are supposed to use merges, but it's more difficult and I don't think anyone will fault you for it in a demo.
Now just use Red's tool to make addin.xml files, put it in the main folder, and zip everything into a goomod.
You're done!
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@puggsoy I didn't think he meant a modified exe, rather a bunch of edited files.
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What you need to do is create a goomod of each level in your mod.
Then create a folder on your desktop called "goomod" (it has to be that name).
Now go into each of your level folders (res/levels/whatever), hold down the CTRL key, and drag the "goomod" folder to the desktop. Windows should ask you if you want to merge the folders. Say yes.
Repeat with each of your levels. If it asks to overwrite something, you can either say "yes" or "no", it won't make any difference.
You will need to go through and add all the text.xml files together by hand, there's no way around it.
Then decompile the island.xml.bin file and place it into "compile\islands". You are supposed to use merges, but it's more difficult and I don't think anyone will fault you for it in a demo.
Now just use Red's tool to make addin.xml files, put it in the main folder, and zip everything into a goomod.
You're done!
You never help me with that.Anyway thanks for the information
Hey You!
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I was answering your questions in email, I just thought it would be easier than the big block of text.
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Ok... a few questions but I've mostly got it. What is Red's program for making addin.xml files and where do I download it? And what do mean by all the text.xml files, isn't there only one that you have from the original game under the properties folder? I have all the signpainter texts for my signs and movies in the one properties folder so it will only be that folder as far as the text for the entire game demo. And so you have to make the compile\islands folder? because that's not in the original game.
Thanks for your help so far though AP! The demo for Earth Of Goo: The Gooey Part 2 should be released really soon now!
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My tool is under the "utilities" section in Downloads. At the moment it only creates goomod files without levels. It does have text string functions, though.
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OK! I can't make it a .goomod! The levels i have in the game have custom pipes and the goomod creator in the level editor doesn't want the resource files in the global text document for the pipes! So either I have to fix that somehow, or I have to upload the whole demo game as a zipped folder! Which is better? Please help me decide or no one will be able to play the demo or game at all!
For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!
Ugh, sometimes I hate WooGLE. It always ruins my global properties files.
You need to create a merge file for the pipe resources, in goomod\merge\properties\resources.xml.xsl (XSL, not XML). You should ask Red about that, I'm not too good at it.
For the text, the editor should put a file called text.xml into the root of each goomod folder. If it's not there, you need to extract it from the goomod itself.
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David made a tool to make XSLs easily a while back. You upload an xml with all the elements you want to add, and it creates the xsl for you.
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Oh, really?
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Oh, I didn't know about that tool.
It would have saved me a lot of time creating xsl files without really to know what I was doing. But finally I got everything working and I learned a bit about xsl.
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OK! So how exactly do I convert those pipe resources into an xsl file with his tool? Because otherwise I may as well say I can't make a .goomod for it unless you all downloaded a zipped version of the game from this site or another site.
Also, would I have to make a .goomod of the new edited mapworldview and movies?
For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!
Just include it all in one goomod, if you can. If you need help doing that, email me a zip of everything you have and I'll try to help as much as I can.
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OK I'll e-mail it to you in sections, but first I have schoolwork to do so please wait.
For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!
Step one: Decrypt the original unmodded resources.xml.bin file an upload the resources.xml as Source XML file.
Step two: Open that resources.xml with any texteditor and add your pipe resources.
This should be some lines like:
<Image id="IMAGE_GLOBAL_PIPE_YOURPIPE" path="res/images/..."/>
Step three: Save these changes and upload the file as Target XML file.
Step four: Click generate XSL.
Step five: Put the resources.xml.xsl into the merge/properties folder of your goomod.
Oh, Red already ansered while I was writing.
on the run | keep on running | two-stroke-engine
Wait a minute! I did all that but davidc's site program isn't working! It isn't generating an xsl file from both of them! How do you fix this?
Edit: I reloaded the site and it's doing something now...
Edit again: Ok! I got the xsl file! Now... what do I do with it? There's no merge/properties folder in my goomod folder!?
For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!
So make one.
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OK! I've made the xsl files stuck them in the merge/properties folder in the goomod, but I still can't get WooGle to convert my levels with custom pipes to goomods! How do I do that so I can merge the levels and put it all into a giant .goomod file?!?
For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!
You can change the pipe for now, create the goomods and put them all together like Albino Pokey described.
After that go in each level folder of the goomod and open level.xml with any text-editor. Change the type of the pipe by hand and save.
It should look like:
Or you could make your big goomod by hand.
You would have to create a folder for each level in compile/res/levels/ in your goomod.
Now go to each level you want to add and decrypt the scene.xml.bin, level.xml.bin and resources.xml.bin.
Put the xml files you get into their respective folder in the goomod.
Now create a folder for each level which uses custom images or sounds in override/res/levels/ and put all images and sounds in the right level folder.
If you are using custom balls, you need to add them like you did with the levels.
At last create a text.xml with your signpost and an addin.xml file
Zip it, rename to .goomod, done.
on the run | keep on running | two-stroke-engine
Ok! I'm 80% done with the goomod of the entire game demo! But I need help with on last thing! How do I compile my new edited MapWorldView into a .goomod when the level editor won't open it and keeps coming up with and error saying: XML Parse Error: not well-formed(invalid token): line 6, column 114 in file MapWorldView.resc.bin!?
Then how do I compile the entire folder into a .goomod? Do I just rename it with a file extension that adds .goomod to it?
For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!
You have an error in your MapWorldView resource file. From the error code, it sounds like the resource definition on line 6 doesn't end with a " />". Once you fix it, you need to make merges for the three level files.
To make the goomod, copy everything from the folder (but not the folder itself) into a zip file. Then rename it to "com.goofans.gooballsoffire.demo.goomod" and upload it.
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What do you mean merges? Like the one for the resources file for the properties folder in an xsl file? Or how would I make the .goomod for merging the MapWorldView and Island 1 work?
Edit: I've checked all the "/>" in that resources file and none are missing so I'm not sure what's wrong!
For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!
Yes, like the resources.xml.xsl. You have to create MapWorldView.level.xml.xsl, MapWorldView.scene.xml.xsl and MapWorldView.resrc.xml.xsl. After that put them into merge/res/levels/MapWorldView/.
What's the problem? You should know where the error is. The error message tells you where it is.
Check line 6 column 114 in MapWorldView.resrc.xml.
It doesn't have to be the "/>", it could be any typo, a missing quotation mark or something else, but it's in line 6 at column 114.
edit: You could post line 6 here or the full MapWorldView.resrc.xml here, if you still don't find the error.
on the run | keep on running | two-stroke-engine
OK! I'll post it here tell me if you see anything wrong!
Edit: How do I post that here? It keeps dissapearing when I copy it and paste it into my comment!
For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!
Write, without the spaces, "< code>" in front and "< /code>" behind it.
Check this: for the allowed HTML tags.
on the run | keep on running | two-stroke-engine
Ok! Here it is!
For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!
Oh, wow, you should optimize that code. It's a mess. Was it generated by WooGLE?
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The only error I can see is in this line:
The slash isn't supposed to be there. It should look like:
on the run | keep on running | two-stroke-engine
Are there comments preceding the line?
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