Invisible Fire FX

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Joined: 03/06/2012

dose anyone have a invisible fire FX?

All my addin | I love you World of Goo!

Joined: 12/23/2010

Invisible fire effects? Why would you want that? So that you can have fire without showing it?

(Also changed the title to make it more... useful.)

Joined: 07/05/2011

I don't recommend you to do so because it won't help user to pass the level. But you can make one yourself. (or try smoke fx)

Joined: 09/01/2009

If you want a fire to be invisible, set the effect to a noncontinuous effect, such as ish_bitpop or similar. That's the easiest way, imo.

Joined: 08/06/2010

Or if you really want to, you can make a "null" particleeffect, or put a (not very expensive) one behind everything else in the level.

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Joined: 10/22/2009

Or raining particles.

Joined: 03/06/2012

i have make a particle effect that use invisible image that come from the game res/image/transparentpixel.png

and it dose not work

EDIT: i need that for my new level and goo, by the way dose anyone have an empty music.ogg ?

All my addin | I love you World of Goo!

Joined: 08/06/2010

Empty music? Just don't define any.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 03/13/2012

goo23 wrote:
i have make a particle effect that use invisible image that come from the game res/image/transparentpixel.png

and it dose not work

Did you merge the recourses.xml.bin to add the image you made to the defaults so that a particle effect can use it?

EDIT Oh and

wogfan wrote:
Or raining particles.

This wont work. I tried ages ago.

Because writing signatures is too mainstream

Joined: 03/13/2012

Oh, goo23, i made one of those invisible effects for you - here

Because writing signatures is too mainstream

Joined: 03/06/2012

thanks, by the way i did edit the resource.xml

but its still do not working Crying

All my addin | I love you World of Goo!

Joined: 03/13/2012

Wait, does my version work? Oh and send me your version of the goomod at

Because writing signatures is too mainstream

Joined: 03/06/2012

aaa... i think i don't have to yours work beter

All my addin | I love you World of Goo!

Joined: 03/13/2012

Ok, sure Tongue Use it as you wish Tongue

Because writing signatures is too mainstream

Joined: 03/06/2012

what do you mean?

All my addin | I love you World of Goo!

Joined: 03/13/2012

I mean you can: use it as much as you want Tongue Or take it apart and see how it work.
EDIT goo23, can you use the webchat now? if yes, we can talk there.

Because writing signatures is too mainstream

Joined: 04/29/2011

nothinggoo wrote:
Wait, does my version work? Oh and send me your version of the goomod at

Hey, you're russian nothinggoo!!! You're on! Now I know another person on this site that speaks Russian!

Joined: 03/13/2012

Who is that? I only saw a Bulgarian one Tongue

Because writing signatures is too mainstream

Joined: 08/06/2010

Movildima. Tongue

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 04/29/2011

Hey, I am not Bulgarian! I'm Moldavian.

Joined: 08/06/2010

Don't you speak Russian, though?

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 04/29/2011

Yes, I speak Russian because in Moldavia there are two national languages: Russian and Romanian. I'm from Russian-speaking people. Smile

P.S. I speak Italian too.

Joined: 08/06/2010

Ah. That's what I was saying, answering his question ("Who is the other person who speaks Russian?").

I'mlearning Italian, it's a cool language. I'm not very good at it yet though.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 04/29/2011

Well, if you know another neo-latin language, this will help very much. When I studied Italian, that bit of Romanian that I've known helped. If I remember well, you know Latin. That will help.

If you need some help, I'm here every day.

Joined: 08/06/2010


Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 03/13/2012

Sorry movildima Tongue Nice to know someone else speaks Russian here Laughing out loud

Because writing signatures is too mainstream