Hi, I'm new here!! :)
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Hi! I'm new here. I want to introduce ourselves. Here are some questions (If you want don't answer all)
*What's your name? (not surnames): Itzel Ameyalli ... ...
*Where are you from?: I'm from México
*What's your real language?: My real language is Spanish (sorry, I will have some mistakes on my grammar, spelling, etc...)
*What's your favorite color?: Pink, light blue, light green and light purple.
*What's your favorite animal?: My favorite one is the Lady de Gouldian and the Slate-colored solitaire (birds).
*What's your favorite WoG soundtrack's piece? all, but I really like Tumbler!!
*What's your favorite type of goo ball? the Ivy! ... and pokey ...!
*Videogames that you play/have played recently: World of Goo, NFSU2, TMO, TMSunriseExtreme, TMUnited4evr, TMNations4evr, TMNations, G-force, Wall-e, Ice Age 3, Spyro the Dragon, Spyro year of the Dragon, Spyro Ripto's Rage, Blur, WipEout Pulse, Petz, Audiosurf, Luxor, Patapon, Ratatouille, Burnout Paradise.
*Do you want to share some photos?: Yes! Some days ago, here in Mexico we were celebrating the Day of Death. As de tradition, I put my "ofrenda", that is an altar with things that our dead relatives ate or used. Here is a photo... can you see something... goo-d? http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=231198426949332&set=a.22448540762...
Before I put my ofrenda, I had to buy some sugar skulls, copal, cempasuchitl flowers, etc. and I first went to the Jamaica market. It's very big, colorful and beautiful and there are selling the romanesco broccoli, a very weird but great vegetable that is like a fractal. Here are some photos: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=224592494276592&set=a.22448004428... http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.224480044287837.55319.100001775... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=224487100953798&set=a.22448004428... Also I went to 2 Day of Death events: "La Feria de las Calacas" http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.224482594287582.55320.100001775... and "La Noche de los Alebrijes" http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.224476390954869.55318.100001775...
PD: I will shiw my FanArt in other page
Hello there! Welcome to Goofans!
A note: this forum section is for posts regarding discussion of the game. Personal introductions should go here.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Don't worry Red
A moderator will soon move it
Not bothered to say my name
Dark blue
It's an insect: worms
No videogames
Why should I share my photos with You?
Please call me "multi"
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/multidan250gaming?feature=mhee
Hey Itzelita, welcome to GooFans! Hope you enjoy your time here!
It's funny, a few weeks ago while we had Halloween, the art teacher decorated her class with heaps of Día de Muertos stuff, artistic skulls and whatnot. Pretty cool.
Red, I think this is a fairly appropriate place for introductions. After all, this is the GooFans General Discussion section, and I think someone new signing up at GooFans can introduce themselves here.
Besides, Octobyte did the same and nobody complained.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Oh I thought this was World of Goo's General Discussion section.
Yeah, nevermind, it's fine.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
I thought you might say that
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
nice to see someone who's not spam!!
welcome to goofans.
as i always tell new users:
RedTheGreen: I'm sorry. I didn't know the correct category for this post (I'm newbie)... anyway thanks for giving me the true direction
... or my post is in the correct site? I don't know XD
...wait... your favorite animals are worms?
my bird's favorite animals are worms too!! 

dan250: Thanks for answer my questions!
puggsoy and kirdneh: Thanks!
I hope you have a very GOO-d day!!
PS: If you know who is the Sign Painter, you are the REAL Sign Painter or you know what is the meaning of ROTFLMFAF, please... contact me!
Posdata 2: si entiendes esto... puedes responderme en español:)
you're welcome. If you need something to do, just check out the game we are building:
Hey! Yo tambien soy de méxico!
De que parte eres?
Y por cierto no te sientas mal por la ortografia, estoy igual.
Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO
I'm from Chile, but my Castiano isn't well-practiced.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Red thought this was a different section. You're in the right one
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
I think MOM and James knew. Maybe some other people too. I talk to a lot of you guys outside of the site on Skype and Steam and junk.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Please call me "multi"
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/multidan250gaming?feature=mhee
the worms?
no, the birds, hahahaha.
Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO
Yes, the WORMS
Please call me "multi"
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/multidan250gaming?feature=mhee
Well it maybe a tad late but i greet you too goofans Itzelita with a hearty warm welcome so WELCOME!
get my first theme here:
it is called ivygreen
G0o-gle: hola!!... ay, ya no me siento tan sola, pensé que no había mexicanos aquí!
... oye, tú hiciste el capítulo 6? hace poco lo bajé y ya lo acabé, te quedó genial!! y... y estoy orgullosa que haya sido hecho en México!
soy del DF y tú? ...gracias!
bubblefish4: Thanks!!
I hope you have a very GOO-d day!!
PS: If you know who is the Sign Painter, you are the REAL Sign Painter or you know what is the meaning of ROTFLMFAF, please... contact me!
Posdata 2: si entiendes esto... puedes responderme en español:)
I hope you have a very GOO-d day!!
PS: If you know who is the Sign Painter, you are the REAL Sign Painter or you know what is the meaning of ROTFLMFAF, please... contact me!
Posdata 2: si entiendes esto... puedes responderme en español:)
I officially am confused.
why are you confused?
I hope you have a very GOO-d day!!
PS: If you know who is the Sign Painter, you are the REAL Sign Painter or you know what is the meaning of ROTFLMFAF, please... contact me!
Posdata 2: si entiendes esto... puedes responderme en español:)
El no hablar Español.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
a bueno...
I hope you have a very GOO-d day!!
PS: If you know who is the Sign Painter, you are the REAL Sign Painter or you know what is the meaning of ROTFLMFAF, please... contact me!
Posdata 2: si entiendes esto... puedes responderme en español:)
Sí, nada mas habla Español.
I was afraid you were spam at first, because of all the links. Luckily you weren't.
By the way, the question in your sig: the usual acronym is RO(T)FLMAO, Rolling On The Floor Laughing My ### Off. I think the sign painter just modified it slightly in Graceful Failure.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Um, no, the usual is ROFL not ROTFL. Nobody writes the T. It's just implied.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Hence the parens.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Ah. My mistake.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
What's a rofl copter then?
My entire left ear felt this one too.
Late welcome, but welcome.
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Vaya yo tambien soy del Df!
Nop, no fui al desfile de alebrijes
pero fui recientemente a una marcha que hubo de zombies en el zocalo!
Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO