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Mon, 03/14/2011 - 13:47
Hi everyone,i'm new in here and i'm trying to make a addin to replace the common goo to my custom one,but i don't know how to replace the new gooball to the common one,and i really need help to do that,since i can't test it and i would also like some help to understand how to post this addin and make it replace the common goo.
Since now,Thanks a lot!
You are obligated not to change original balls. You can only replace it's graphics, for example replace body.png image with your own.
More deep changes (changing sounds, animations) in original resources (e.g. common goos) should be made only by using realy advenced feature: XSL coding. XSL coding is realy complicated and recommended only for exprinced users.
Sorry, if my English is not so good
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
^^ What Goosweek said. Please don't simply edit the original Goo Balls unless you're creating a whole new theme pack or something. We also won't publish addins that only have a new kind of Goo Ball in them, you have to make an actual level with the new Goo Balls. See here: http://goofans.com/forum/world-of-goo/modding/1572
For a good overview of WooBLE and its features, I'd highly recommend Daft as Brush's excellent tutorials here: http://goofans.com/developers/world-of-goo-ball-editor
Good luck, and welcome to goofans, by the way.
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Now if you want to make it LOOK different, then there's no program to help with that. Copy the res/balls/common folder to the desktop and start changing images.
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basically what i want to do is make like all the other balls addins,that a pre-determined ball get a different look,i don't want to make like albino pokey did:create a whole new pack,but when i try to edit the common goo,i can't select the option of import resources,while in custom goos i can.but i want to add leaves so they get covered by them and look like a bunch of leaves.since now i'll try these options you guys gave me.thanks a lot!
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i just want to know what to do because i had to change the shadow and i changed the strands.
But i just had another question:what i make to submit the addin and when people download and install in goomod it change the graphic and don't just put a new type of goo?
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Um...make a folder called [root...desktop or ~ or something]/goomod/override/res/balls/common. Put your new image in and name it body.png. The zip the goomod folder and rename it to .goomod.
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well...i don't have this goomod neither override folder,but i have a path that leads to Res/balls/common.And i also changed things like the strand and the detach images,so do i have to zip with the body.png too?
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well,i created the new version of my ball,since i created it by importing resources from other folders,so let me see if i got it straight:i must copy a image of my goo and put it in a folder on the common folder.i must name this image as body.png and zip it and rename to .goomod.
I just have these questions:i have to put the name i want in the .goomod file?
the archives i must copy to the folder are just a image with my ball in it and a transparent background?
when it is done,i can post the file with .goomod,right?
sorry for my dumbness,but i'm new here and i don't know really well those stuff.
thanks for your patience and i'll thank you guys in the description!
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Ah, I think you misunderstood.
Did you use WooBLE to make the ball?
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i did the ball,and all the resources i used to do it is in one folder with the ball.xml.bin,resources.xml.bin and leaves(that is the name of the ball)addin.xml
i think i'll wont enter again in the night cuz im very tired,so please explain it good in which way that when i enter tomorrow i read everything and try to post it right away,please.
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Ah. That's to make a new ball, not change an existing one.
ALL you have to do is:
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how can i make addin.xml?basically what i understanded of what i must do is:create those folders,edit the common goo body to look like my project,save as in the desktop and move to the last folder,zip the folder with override in it and the addin.xml in it too and after rename to com.goofans.meatgooballs.leaves.goomod.
is it right?
thank you for having such a patience with me,a simple dumb guy!
hey,i just saw in wooble a button:make .goomod
obviously this will make a new type of goo,but could i use this tool to somehow edit the common goo graphics inside the wooble in such way i could save directly as .goomod?
does it have any problem of instead of zipping i put it to .rar and after rename it?cuz i can't rip.
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You can make an addin.xml using GooMaker, as Albino Pokey stated above. And no, there's no direct way to export a simple graphics-changing .goomod from World of Goo Ball Editor.
I will say this in advance a second time: don't bother uploading a .goomod that changes the graphics for a single ball. We won't publish it. A theme pack that changes a bunch of or all the Goo Ball graphics would be great, however.
And please don't double-post. The edit button is there on your forum posts for a reason.
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then i'll make change common,common_albino,ivy and fuse.is it ok?
but i need to know how to save a goomod and put it to replace these types i just said. i were able to make a addin of my ball,but not replace it for another type of goo.could you explain it?
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then i'll make change common,common_albino,ivy and fuse.is it ok?
Yep. That sounds fine.
I'm not totally certain what you're asking. You ought to be able to make a single .goomod (Following Albino Pokey's instructions above) and just add the folders and images to override more than one type of Goo Ball.
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Add new folders in override/res/balls/ called "common_black", "common_albino", "Ivy", and "Fuse". Put a new body.png in each.
Oh, and a .rar won't work.
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well,i was able to create my own type of goo using the .goomod option at wooble,and i also was able to change the images of body and make the goo look different.the thing is that my goo is filled with resources to give the leafy look.and i wasn't able of edit the original balls to import resources.what should i do?
ah!and i don't know how to zip it,so could i use the .goomod to create it?
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Don't use WooBLE to make the addin! That's to create a NEW type of Goo Ball, not CHANGE the appearance of an existing ball. It's possible to overwrite an existing one with the new files, but it won't be published and could get you the cheater badge.
Just do it by editing images, not by making a new Goo Ball.
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ok,but then do you know if i can edit images and keep transparent the background with paint of windows 7?cuz i don't have any program of editing images besiddes this one,and i'm a little lazy to download one.
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Paint doesn't support transparent backgrounds (at least, not ones with alpha blending, which is what you want).
I would recommend GIMP, as it is free, but there are a variety of other good free image editors out there. I've heard a lot of good things about Paint.NET, as well as a few others.
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what i need to know is how to zip a folder,could you guys explain it to me?
and about the background thing,i guess i'll have to download photoshop,because it is a good image editor.thank you guys,i think that besides the zipping stuff i can do the rest on my own,but i'll post here if i have any difficulties.
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Open the folder and select everything inside. Than use right click->winzip->add to foldername.zip.
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If you have WinZip.
You can also use 7-Zip in the same way. And it's free.
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Thanks for the tip about GIMP. Now I can remake my (unpublished) Violet Goo Ball so it doesn't have white corners!
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