Level Creation Contest #1 - Winter

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Joined: 07/08/2011

Hey everybody! I've really been holding off on this. I want to see how you all make levels with a given theme or direction. After considering it in another topic, this contest was born!


I've only really ever seen one winter-themed level on this site: Jingle Balls. It was well-designed, and was one of the first levels made with the original level editor. I loved playing it, but was a little sad to hear there weren't any other winter-themed levels around the site.


You have until the end of the month to create the most wintry, frozen level you can. Let's make more of such a fascinating topic!


1. No duplicates of other levels just in winter-theme. We want creativity here, people!
2. Level has to have at least one user-created image. (not from the original game)
3. To participate, upload your level to Goofans before July 22, 2011 August 1, 2011. Have "LCC1" somewhere in the description. (without quotes)
4. Only one entry per user. (please don't create new accounts just to upload multiple levels)
5. Anything else you can think of, that would go here. We want a fair contest going.

As to the judging, I'll decide the winner on August 1st. The first-place level will receive a virtual handshake and pat on the head as well as $5 USD $10 USD via PayPal.

Good Luck Everyone!

Quick Note: For those of you who are skeptical about the concept of Paypal, I'll allow the prize to change slightly. You can state (if you win) that you would prefer me to gift you a $10 game on Steam. You can also ask me to give it to you in another form, but I have to be okay with it too. :3

Joined: 08/06/2010

How about releasing a few wintery images, for people who aren't good at making them?

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 07/08/2011

I have nothing. I'm one of those people.

I guess you're allowed to use Google Images but AT YOUR OWN RISK. Copyright violations will not be connected to me at all.

Joined: 01/07/2010

i will win!i have a great idea !!!!!!!!

Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO

Joined: 12/23/2010

Hmm. I'm one of those people that suck at making images (at least I think I do), but I might have a go.

I have a few suggestions though:

1: Make the rules a bit more specific, like specifying that the level must be winter-based. It only specifies this in the objective, which I personally don't find conclusive enough. Also, does this "at least one user-created image" need to be part of the terrain, or may be it be used for something like a gooball, sign, background, etc?

2: You say to include "LCC1" in the description. This is good, but it should probably also be included in the goomod title (though not the level title).

3: $5 via PayPal is not really the best prize. I mean, OK, everyone loves money, but people like me don't have PayPal, or haven't dealt with money online. What I suggest is that the winner gets a badge, which shows that they won this competition, similar to those of The Hive Workshop. That way everyone can claim their prize.
The only problem is that only the davidc can make badges...

4: July 22nd is a bit tight. If you want prime levels I suggest extending it to at least the end of the month.

Other than those points, it looks like a great contest.

Joined: 07/08/2011


1. I really thought that was expressed well-enough without having to be part of the "Rules" section.

2. Actually, I only said that so I can find every level submitted with a simple search on Goofans. The search results will show you EVERYTHING with that word or phrase, even if it's part of another word or in the description.

3. I thought that was pretty reasonable, considering this is the first contest I'm posting here. When I get more money, (and if this contest works out well enough) I may increase the prize money for future contests. Also, Paypal is easy to register on (no payments required) and about 80% of shopping websites on the internet accept Paypal, and anyone who has a Steam account will thank me because that is one of the primary ways of payment on Steam. The problem with badges is this contest is completely unofficial and unrelated to the forum itself, except that it's being hosted here.

4. Really? That's more than a week. Does it actually take that long for you to make a level?

All I said was that there had to be a user-created image somewhere. It doesn't matter what it is as long as it's in the mod and shown in the level. This was mainly just to eliminate those people who revolve their levels around the classic images rather than their own designs. I think this encourages creativity.

Joined: 12/23/2010

I guess those are valid arguments, only if I win then that handshake and pat on the head better be very good, cause I don't think I can collect the prize money.

By the way, most of the time it does take me more than a week to make a level, especially a good one. I can't spend my whole day on it, and I also need to make a custom image, which can take time. But whatever, deadlines are deadlines.

Oh, and about point 2: I thought putting "LCC1" in the title makes levels stand out better when browsing, even if you are just going to search for them. That way people know it's a contest level.

Joined: 08/06/2010

I made some badges for the contest a while ago, let me dig them out. I think Goosweek made one too.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 07/21/2009

Week is not too long, especially when I want to make every scene image custom. Laughing out loud 31st would be better, I think.
And a prize.. For me a badge would be enough, but if you want to give money - your choice.

Joined: 12/23/2010

I've got a question: can the "user created image" be a modification of an original WOG image? Given, of course, that the modification is significant (i.e. not just a pixel that's a shade darker).

Joined: 02/12/2011

I created a level Abartic, with three new goo balls!
1. Abartic ball- just like the sticky bomb, but it burns for 29 seconds! And while burning it sings the ducky momo song.
2. Frozen Ivy- remember those Ivy`s from space? Yup. And these goo balls are just like the normal Ivy, but are undetachable (i don`t know how to spell it! It`s not my fault that i`m bulgarian!)
3. Ice- i hope that this is my idea Sad i don`t like to copy other people

Joined: 01/07/2010

Flaky99 wrote:

3. Ice- i hope that this is my idea Sad i don`t like to copy other people

Not that already exist?(Sorry if I destroyed your hopes, but a duck momo weird goo ball will be hilarious!)

Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO

Joined: 08/06/2010

There's ice in Another Planet Chapter 2. It's defined in the game files as a slippery material.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 02/12/2011

and when you click it.... quack

Joined: 07/08/2011

Martin33 wrote:
Week is not too long, especially when I want to make every scene image custom. Laughing out loud 31st would be better, I think.
And a prize.. For me a badge would be enough, but if you want to give money - your choice.

Well, I know quite a bit about World of Goo modding from experience. I know making a good level requires a bit of time. Alright, the deadline is extended to the end of the month, the judging begins on the 1st of August. I can't really offer badges, I'm not sure how you got the idea, but if you'd like to have them, email davidc about it. (I actually don't support the idea as there might be more of these contests, and having badges for it will give people opportunities to earn two of the same badge)

puggsoy wrote:
I've got a question: can the "user created image" be a modification of an original WOG image? Given, of course, that the modification is significant (i.e. not just a pixel that's a shade darker).

Just make it significant enough for it to be original.

Joined: 08/06/2010

Different badges for different contests then?

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 12/23/2010

RedTheGreen wrote:
(I actually don't support the idea as there might be more of these contests, and having badges for it will give people opportunities to earn two of the same badge)

Not if we make a badge for each contest. And unless we want a different icon for each badge (which isn't needed, only the description needs modification), it isn't too much work.

RedTheGreen wrote:
Just make it significant enough for it to be original.

K, thanks, I'll see what I can do.

Joined: 07/08/2011

Alright, lemme get the ol' GIMP out again...

Joined: 09/01/2009

One badge for all contests should be fine. If someone wins more than one contest, you could give the badge to the person with 2nd place.

Flaky99: While your level is awesome, and the Ducky Momo song is a nice touch, the song IS copyrighted, so I'm afraid we can't allow the level with that song. I know, it stinks. I like the song too, and it was a nice touch. :s

Joined: 01/07/2010

And....Now...how are the official rules of the contest?
Only RedTheGreen

Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO

Joined: 02/12/2011

no it isn`t!

Joined: 08/06/2010

It isn't?

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 09/01/2009

There's just been some confusion about the "Ducky Momo" copyright. No worries. I think it's resolved. I think.

Joined: 07/08/2011

Updated: The prize amount is now $10 USD.

Joined: 01/07/2010

I dont want to move the floor REDTHEGREEN but actually i dont have paypal!
OR I have a better idea...What the user want!(Obviously in the limited parameters)

Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO

Joined: 07/08/2011

Well, Paypal is pretty universal. It takes only a few minutes to make an account, so I don't really think it'd be that much of a hassle.

Joined: 01/07/2010

Nahhh maybe you got reason.By the way
Who is participating??

Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO

Joined: 03/31/2009

Hello there everybody. Smile

So, here is what I got to say about the level contest.

Well, I think it is a cool idea. We haven't had any real contest for a very long time and its great that something fresh is happening. I see goofans is live and kicking Smile

So, about the prizes...
I think there is no reason that Enchanter(yeah, I'm still calling you that Smile ) should sponsor this contest. Yes, he is awesome for doing it, but goofans never had a money contest before(except for one time when it was sponsor by a large outside company) and I think it should stay that way...

Because, I'm afraid this will turn in to money grabbing thing and people will enter just for the money and not for the love of goo. Smile

Second, even though I'm against the new badges we need some kind of a prize, otherwise what the point of the contest Smile
I don't think davidc will be happy to check back here every 2 weeks to award some one a badge (awarding a personal badge is tricky...)
So, what I suggest is to hold one, big, epic contest, that will last for month or two, and the winner gets a nice cool new badge.
Maybe we can get Kyle and Ron to send us three signed copies of World of Goo, like they did the least time Smile


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Joined: 09/01/2009


Good points, Pavke. I agree.

Joined: 01/07/2010

That would be awesome!!!
But all people live in different regions of the world...How they will hold it?
Or maybe a PACK of images and a beta/new level delivered by 2D BOY?

Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO

Joined: 07/08/2011

Well, signed copies of World of Goo would even get me going, but if that can't happen, the $10 is a nice consolation prize. It's enough to get a great game on Steam, maybe even a T-shirt.

Since it's not really anything too large, I actually want to offer it. Just a little token of thanks to participating on the Goofans forum.

We were actually thinking of maybe 1 contest per season, or even less frequently so it would be far more grand than just a weeklong thing. I'm pretty sure a badge that frequently wouldn't take that much time, and it'd mean a lot to the holder.