Trouble on goofans
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Mon, 01/23/2012 - 10:41
All the time there are comeing new people and some of them are bad and so they are posting lots of rude things and swearing. I suggest there should be made a post disabling system that disables the forum posting or anywhere on goofans where the people being rude so they don't say rude things and moderators don't have to change their posts. Please agree, moderators and members!
I agree!!
don't you gooeygoo?
Please call me "multi"
gooey goo don't really care probably cause he has being kind of cheeky by himself...
Anyway sorry guys for the lots of forums - just I got lots of things to discuss and I don't want to be off-topic on other forums.
right that's it:
Please call me "multi"
Please guys, don't get too distressed about this. The moderators have got this, if we see any disturbance we will get it sorted out. I may not be handling everything but remember that I'm kinda new at moderation, and if there's anything I'm not doing that I'm supposed to, MOM will eventually turn up and sort it out. In any case I don't think this topic is needed.
Also, the only person who's been "swearing" so far is gooey goo, and even he has only been posting asterisks.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Annoying people live in the world. Deal with it. When people post libel, I've been deleting it, and I'll do my best to continue to do so. But don't make new forum rules just to deal with one particular person's case, or you'll end up being a jerk yourself. Respond nicely to people who insult you, and they'll stop eventually. This goes for real life, too.
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Ahh... I just wanted this for moderators to be less job to do but as I see you don't need to do anything a lot at all. You are like kings sitting in their chairs and looking if there is something to do. By the way I sometimes get annoyed by moderators being bossy that I even wanted to have war with them like:
Moderators VS Members
You crazy? If it weren't for the mods, you wouldn't know anything about goomodding. This is why I respect the moderators, they taught me things, and it is also why I still slightly regard you as a newbie, because you are not yet able to offer real help on the forums and you see modding as a competition. My point is mods should be respected because they were granted that responsibility for a reason.
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
yeah wiki
naughty ideas
Please call me "multi"
In a world where terror lies, trolls, flame wars, and the over use of colon + capital P, one elite force will save us all.
protecting the infinite universe, these heroes use their mighty force and trusty ban-hammers to insure one ultimate purpose: Justice. Under the great Admin of which they have sworn themselves, the Moderators protect the common user from Evil robots and Jerks with nothing to do, because they are awesome.
awesome intro for a movie.
Good movie idea. I like the idea about evil robots and jerks. Maybe incorporate spam?
The thing about moderators is they're pretty much the same as normal members except with responsibilities as well. They have to publish addins, get rid of spam, moderate the forums, etc. That earns them respect, and I frown at those who dislike them for their jobs. It's like hating police because they gave you a ticket; whose fault is it really that you were going at dangerous speeds?
I've considered it, and I would probably turn David down if he ever asked, not implying he would ask me. It's just that I'm fine as a normal member. I don't need the extra power and responsibility that comes with a small blue png under my name.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Red's right. It's not easy being a mod, it's far from being a king. From my point of view normal members are the kings, actually.
Not that I've been doing that much (yet), but simply having such a responsibility is a lot. I mean, I even have a separate timezone from most people, so I'm a kind of "night guard".
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
That sounded so moderatorish, They grow up so fast :')
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
I made goomods.
anyway this topic is old
gooey go on chat
Please call me "multi"
I did
I made goomods.
where are you then?
Please call me "multi"
Checking fourms
I made goomods.
dan250, gooey goo - please don't write two words in a posts - You're not listening to the rule
Shouldn´t a mod close/delete this topic?
Well - everyone's being posting here... By the way it's moderators' choice to delete forums.
You're right, I think it is time that this topic be locked. Nothing new is really being said.
(If any of you disagree with this, email me and I'll unlock it again.)
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.