Windows 8
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Sat, 04/28/2012 - 07:11
Attention Moderators and administrators from There has came out a new Windows computer Windows 8 and some stuff may not go on this new type of computer where other stuff does so I'm informing you to check if there are possibilities that some stuff only works on Computers till Windows 7. Thank you.
Windows 8 isn't released yet, only the consumer preview is available. Anyway, we're not gonna go buying it just to check for compatibility issues: if there are issues people will report them. Although I personally think that anything that works in Windows 7 will work in Windows 8, at least using compatibility features.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
World of Goo and my making modifier works well in Windows 8 Developer Preview. Consumer Preview wasn't tested.
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naa.. for me windows 8 is not new anymore
my friend already use windows 8
the features are very nice
All my addin | I love you World of Goo!
it hasn't come out yet, though. only the preview.
Attention Moderators and administrators from There has came out a new Ubuntu operating system Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and some stuff may not go on this new type of computer where other stuff does so I'm informing you to check if there are possibilities that some stuff only works on Computers till Ubuntu 11. Thank you.
Really? Software, no matter what it is, no matter the operating system, no matter the platform, no matter what, software is always changing. Every developer is never done with programs he creates, no matter how many years down the road he picks it up again. Software is constantly changing, no matter what kind of software it is. Even if it's an operating system like Microsoft Windows. Guess what Windows Update does? Install the latest patches for the operating system. And there are a lot of patches. Some of them bugs, some security holes, etc.
Probably the most important thing about updating software is backwards compatibility, and every developer knows this. If an old program doesn't work on a new operating system, it's entirely the fault of the developer of the operating system, and users of the operating system will complain vehemently until the bug is fixed. If Microsoft releases Windows 8 and it doesn't properly support programs that worked fine on Windows XP, Vista, or 7, then you can bet your life they will be forced to either support those programs or nobody will buy Windows 8. If people don't like Windows 8, they just won't buy it. And Microsoft will, once again, have to man up and realize that they blundered (This is what happened with Vista, and they released 7 pretty darn fast to correct their mistakes). But the end user should never worry about program compatibility, unless they're trying to run 10-year-old programs on a modern machine. If there are compatibility issues that Microsoft itself doesn't fix, the developers of the incompatible programs, if they're still alive, will contribute patches and fixes. Or the fanbase for these programs will. If not, get a different program that does the same thing. There are probably several.
Not really something relevant to be concerned about.
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I highly highly doubt there will be any compatibility issues this time. If there are, I will forsake Microsoft forever.
I tweet like a bird
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i think windows is care about the user
All my addin | I love you World of Goo!
Puggsoy I'm not telling you to buy it - in case if anyone of you got Windows 8. Actually it has released even it's not finished yet and I know because one guy told me when he was playing Tanks online with Windows 8 - he somehow told me that it WAS released. Did you know guys that some stuff that works on XP doesn't work on Vista and Windows 7?! The thing is that it says that the program is too old to be released on these computers so some people would like to have the old computers like XP (Which is the newest from the old ones). And so in future I think like the stuff that is cool right now will be old and one day will work on Windows 7 but not on Windows 8 so I though about that and idea was there...
Indeed it has been released, but the consumer preview stage. That means it's not completed and thus compatibility issues are unreliable evidence of compatibility in the final version. Also, as MOM said, Microsoft will certainly do their best to make Windows 8 (and any future ones) as backwards compatible as possible, after their mess up with Vista.
Anyway, as I said before, any issues can be reported by those who have them.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Yes indeed and I know that but as the 'Beta' version has launched and Widows 8 computer version has released it counts as it has came out. The rest of it will be added to all Windows 8 computers automatically once any changes will be made. While it works rubbish as one guy told me.
Wiki, stop linking to Tanki Online and trying to make people play it. You already made a thread about it once, posting it in irrelevant topics is just annoying.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Funny thing is, I run modern software on a 10-year-old machine. I actually kind of grabbed old PCs all around, took the best parts from each... BOOM free PC (but not much performance...). Some day I'll build a real powerful PC... *sigh*. Anyhoo, Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12 both gave me problems for drivers... so much for backwards compatibility. However, I couldn't boot off a Windows 8 USB so I still haven't tested it out, but I heard they took out the start menu, which is a stupid mistake.
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Wiki, the programs that don't work on Seven are 16-bit DOS/Win apps that are incompatible with 64-bit Win. Use DOSBox if you want to use them.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
I got it, it was a pain to remove afterwards.
Windows 8 was meant entirely for tablets. Don't buy it if you don't have a touch monitor.
Compatibility is perfect, except in the cases of certain drivers, but that would have happened anyway.
I tweet like a bird
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ok, guys I'll stop introducing Tanki online. Seems that you guys don't like action games...
Nobody ever said that. We're just not interested in Tanki Online.
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In fact I was playing the original Half-Life the other day...
I tweet like a bird
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And I was modding Portal 2...
For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!
You using Hammer?
I tweet like a bird
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i think i'll try hammer this week or next.
Yup I'm using hammer. It's a little confusing to find leaks though. And when I'm trying to make the textures look realistic as in the original game it's hard, but other than that It's easy. Especially with all the online video tutorials there are on YouTube.
For those wondering, Earth of Goo is still being worked on, but not as often. It will be finished! Check out my website/YouTube @ScarletFury!
Leaks? Why not just start with a huge box and go from there?
If you compile frequently, the last thing you edited will have caused the leak. You can also surround the whole thing with a NODRAW box, allowing it to compile, then enter the level and look for rainbows.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
I was just thinking that. I always just make a large box for a start, then make more within.
Another good tip is to have the developer console in-game. I suggest you bind some commands to keys so you can refresh the map easily without having to restart the whole game.
These are the commands I binded:
For reloading the level, you want to make sure you tick "Don't run the game after compiling" when compiling. Just alt+tab between Hammer and the game.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
My current bindings are
"n"-"noclip;notarget" //Nothing can see you, and you fly!
"c"-"ent_create_portal_companion_cube" //COMPANION CUBE [♥]
"r"-"ent_fire !picker color 255 0 0" //"flag" something
"p"-"ent_fire !picker dissolve" //Instant fizzler!
"o"-"ent_fire !picker kill" //Destroy an annoying non-portal entity
"u"-"sv_alwaysallowportalcreation 1" //Everything in the world is covered with Conversion Gel!
I prefer notarget to go along with noclip, but god would be good in there as well.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Just in case you fly into water or something.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
What about the Portal 2 DLC? Also, tested Windows 8, and I think I'll stick to Win 7.
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
This was posted before the DLC was available.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
You can also use these commands alongside the DLC, but you can't get achievements while they're enabled.
I tweet like a bird
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