I don't know, Team Goo might be OK, although it's not really original. I can't think of anything better right now but if I come up with anything I'll say.
That's what I meant. But you said we should have goo in it. Now we shouldn't. Or was that comment about goo in the blood a joke?
I'm thinking something random but cool, while still being relevant to us, would be nice. Like "The Faceless Mates" or something, since we've never seen each others' faces.
Some of my friends did something cool once: They took the first one or two letters of everyone's name, and fiddled with them until something cool came out. Ended up being "JaPaJaMaS". Pretty ridiculous, but yah.
"Team Goo" was a serious suggestion. It has everything to do with us, anyway. All I was saying is that it shouldn't be linked directly to World of Goo. We're completely separate. I was just thinking since I see the word "Goo" every time I talk to you guys.
Most threads are under the relevant forum section. For instance, this one is under "GooFans game". From there you can proceed to deduce that this is the thread talking about the team name for the game that we are making, generally referred to as the "GooFans game".
Team Goo? Hm. I dunno, IMHO it seems a bit bland. It's OK for temporary purposes, but I seriously think something more creative would be nice.
It's just what I think though, I won't go flaming if we keep Team Goo.
Sure it'll do for now. Just everybody keep thinking, and if anybody thinks of anything better, we can change it later. We don't have to have a name for the team (or the game) until we actually submit it someplace.
Oh, thought of a logo for dark cave productions (which I personally love)
it basiclly be a guy in a dark cave, with a PC, gaming stuff, and he is sort of staring at you, like "dude, what are you doing"
I dunno XD
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?
That's pretty cool, although the staring at you could be cut out.
Albino Pokey wrote:
I like Dark Cave Productions and Antigrav Studios. Is there a way to check if they're taken other than Google hits?
Dunno, I think Googling is about the most you can do until you actually try to register it officially. There are certain company name checkers like this and this but I'm not sure if they search companies from all countries. This page has some technical details about the whole thing.
Team Good!(Good name is what I mean)
I made goomods.
I don't know, Team Goo might be OK, although it's not really original. I can't think of anything better right now but if I come up with anything I'll say.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Uh, this has nothing gooey about it, but I thought of a random name
Take 2 Studios
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?
We met on Goofans.
Goo is in our blood, man.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Alright. Uhhh...
1 Goo Short Studios
and our icon could be a goo bridge that is missing 1 goo
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?
No references to WoG in the studio. It should be taken as something random/miscellaneous. Although it has meaning to us.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
That's what I meant. But you said we should have goo in it. Now we shouldn't. Or was that comment about goo in the blood a joke?
I'm thinking something random but cool, while still being relevant to us, would be nice. Like "The Faceless Mates" or something, since we've never seen each others' faces.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
haha very funny
what team? goofans team?
All my addin | I love you World of Goo!
Team goo-tream
Pic is the ivy ball with a blinking eye(I might make that)
I made goomods.
maybe Yami Productions? That WAS the original name.
Kind of abstract though. It would be nice if it'd have something to do with us, IMO.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Some of my friends did something cool once: They took the first one or two letters of everyone's name, and fiddled with them until something cool came out. Ended up being "JaPaJaMaS". Pretty ridiculous, but yah.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
"Team Goo" was a serious suggestion. It has everything to do with us, anyway. All I was saying is that it shouldn't be linked directly to World of Goo. We're completely separate. I was just thinking since I see the word "Goo" every time I talk to you guys.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
What? It's not like the word "Goo" appears twice in my signature or anything.
I personally like "Team Goo" also, for lack of anything better. "Team Toothpaste" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
It's not like the word "Goo" doesn't appear three times in the URL of this thread alone or anything.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Team goo for what exactly?
Most threads are under the relevant forum section. For instance, this one is under "GooFans game". From there you can proceed to deduce that this is the thread talking about the team name for the game that we are making, generally referred to as the "GooFans game".
Team Goo? Hm. I dunno, IMHO it seems a bit bland. It's OK for temporary purposes, but I seriously think something more creative would be nice.
It's just what I think though, I won't go flaming if we keep Team Goo.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
You're bland.
Wiki, that's ridiculous of you to even ask. Look at the forum section it's under.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
well, don't flame the goos, we need the rest for OCD.
i agree, team goo seems unoriginal, but it will do for now.
It won't do for now. We want a name.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Sure it'll do for now. Just everybody keep thinking, and if anybody thinks of anything better, we can change it later. We don't have to have a name for the team (or the game) until we actually submit it someplace.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Eh. Good point. I just like belonging to something.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
What about Dark cave productions ?

| MOM4Evr's chapter tutorial | My addins | Infernofans
Dark Cave Productions may work, although that's kind of specific to the game.
Maybe some kind of subtle reference to WoG? Like "Splat Games" (referring to the ball.xml.bin tag) or "Antigrav Studios"?
I know there's no urgent need for one but I'm just throwing some ideas around.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
I like Dark Cave Productions and Antigrav Studios. Is there a way to check if they're taken other than Google hits?
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Oh, thought of a logo for dark cave productions (which I personally love)
it basiclly be a guy in a dark cave, with a PC, gaming stuff, and he is sort of staring at you, like "dude, what are you doing"
I dunno XD
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?
That's pretty cool, although the staring at you could be cut out.
Dunno, I think Googling is about the most you can do until you actually try to register it officially. There are certain company name checkers like this and this but I'm not sure if they search companies from all countries.
This page has some technical details about the whole thing.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
Hey guys, Dark cave productions is already taken...
Antigrav studios is cool, and its not occupied now. However there's a Antigravity Studios occupied but not antigrav.
| MOM4Evr's chapter tutorial | My addins | Infernofans
Argh, they are both taken. More name ideas: Chthonic Productions? That's not taken yet.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
I usually like the suffix-like-thingamajig to be studios, but it sounds pretty awesome like that
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?