New Records

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Joined: 10/24/2013

Life-Water-Rainbow got Deliverance OCD 53s just now……

Joined: 10/22/2009

Mygod wrote:
Deliverance OCD 53 seconds (7 moves) by @Life-Water-Rainbow at 08/12/2014 11:14 UTC. The screenshot shows the console debugger in WoGModifier. Here's the original post (Chinese).

Screenshot without watermark here.

Joined: 06/04/2010

@Deku, yes, you're right about Incin; its been discussed previously. 0 moves is even possible if the line is kicked to the pipe.

The towers dont change much. The answer to your query would probably be me and kamal during our brief battle for the top spot in Aug 2010.
Congrats on your tower; that floating triangle came in handy to beat nav by a whisker.

@Mygod/wogfan, is Rainbow going to try and make a vid?
His ball count is impressive - the 6th highest ammount.

Joined: 07/05/2011

@Peter B
Maybe. Wink

EDIT: Deliverance OCD 51 seconds by @Life-Water-Rainbow. You may think it's 52 seconds but it's actually 51 seconds. (proof here) Video soon.

Joined: 09/17/2012

There is always the 3 move start which is easier than whacking the 3 albino line. I've never gotten that line to the upper right side though.

I do remember last year both me and Peter made new top 10 towers in the same month and a few months before that Buck made one too.

I have a few more time records in mind, but was busy with tower building. I'll record them now that I've finished building.

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Joined: 07/05/2011

I should've uploaded the video 8 hours ago but I've run into several issues on my computer and network today. Sorry for the delay. Puzzled
But here's the video anyway.

P.S. The original video @Life-Water-Rainbow sent me has no audio either.

Joined: 09/17/2012

I might improve this later.

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Joined: 06/04/2010

@Mygod, can you ask dwer if he can tell us the exact dates that he set his records - they are: Drool 38b, GeneticSM 24b, GrapeVV 19b, Graceful Failure 12b & Road Blocks 28b.

He has vids on teiba that show upload dates - they could be close.

Drool 38b
GeneticSM 24b
GrapeVV 19b
Graceful Failure 12b

As far as I know, he didn't do a Road Blocks 28b vid, but I did find this. Can you tell me what its of, cos I'm not able to view any of these tieba vids.

If he has the original recordings, then he could look at the videos properties where it'll show the date they were created.

Joined: 07/05/2011

Me either. These video features are pretty deprecated and I think it's getting removed. I don't think the date of the video is close according to the posts I've read. Puzzled

Btw why do you want the exact dates? I thought those are for sure.

Wait, I don't think he will know the dates if he doesn't even know who set some of the records first. But I'll ask him anyway.

EDIT: WAIT! I FOUND I GOT #1234! WOOHOO!!!!! YEAH!!!!!1!

EDIT: Anyway I guess it's me again to find out when are those records set. Well...
#4: Drool 38 balls was first announced at 07/26/2009 06:05 UTC. Confirmed by dwerdwer.
#1: Genetic Sorting Machine 24 balls was first announced at 01/02/2009 03:47 UTC. But dwerdwer says he did it before 01/02/2009. And someone got 24 balls before he did (he knew this probably via the old leaderboard). Well...
Grape Vine Virus 19 balls: Didn't find anything before that video. And dwerdwer says this one is not his record either. Puzzled
#1: Graceful Failure 12 balls was first announced at 12/11/2008 01:44 UTC. Confirmed.
#1: Road Blocks 28 balls was first announced at 11/22/2008 08:09 UTC. Confirmed.

P.S. dwerdwer says the Graceful Failure one took him a whole night (at work) (overtime) and he got it in the next morning and posted about it.

P.S. Well I guess you are right. The videos are posted on the same day.

Why didn't you ask about GPU 21 balls?

Joined: 06/04/2010

Btw why do you want the exact dates?

Because I'm trying to add set dates for every record - you'll see them on the next update of that chart in my sig.

Wait, I don't think he will know the dates if he doesn't even know who set some of the records first.

HE was meant to of set them first!

Why didn't you ask about GPU 21 balls?

Cos dwer didnt set that one either - here he says "i guess not me", plus Gil has an earlier profile than him. Its another unknown one.

So dwer only has 3 records then (Drool, GracFail & Road Blocks); and another 2 unknowns are born!

Just curious, What does the description say on that Road Blocks vid? - (第4幕 Road Blocks。。。。27球怎么拿,28球?。。。。。这个视频的世界排名应该很快会被刷掉了)

Joined: 07/05/2011

Cos dwer didnt set that one either - here he says "i guess not me", plus Gil has an earlier profile than him. Its another unknown one.

Oh, I didn't notice that. And your record charts didn't get updated about that one either. Tongue

The video is for 26 balls. I think he meant when he got 26 balls he's the first but he's sure 27 and 28 is possible. I guess the one for 28 balls isn't recorded.

Joined: 10/22/2009

Peter B wrote:

Just curious, What does the description say on that Road Blocks vid? - (第4幕 Road Blocks。。。。27球怎么拿,28球?。。。。。这个视频的世界排名应该很快会被刷掉了)

Road Blocks in Chapter 4...How can I get 27 balls and 28 balls? This video (26 balls)'s world rank may be brushed off (I don't know how to translate) soon.

Joined: 07/05/2011

If you don't know how to translate, why do you translate?

Joined: 08/06/2010

"Broken" is an idiom for that in English.

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 07/05/2011

Sorry, it's an idiom for what? Puzzled

Joined: 10/22/2009

Mygod wrote:
Sorry, it's an idiom for what? Puzzled

for "brushed off".

Joined: 09/17/2012

I'm wondering, why do you use the goofans profile name by the Set by, Set _ Records and in the chart? Why not use the WoG profile name?

Also, some of the records in WOGFan doesn't have a screenshot, you could maybe fix that.

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Joined: 06/04/2010

That was amazing! You're officially too good now. Smile You're only 2 records away from surpassing my OCD time count.

why do you use the goofans profile name

Thats just the way its always been done. I suppose its so people can easily look us up on here and see our profiles and addins. Besides, its not like the profile names are that different from the usernames.
Actually, I've just noticed that DaB's old name from the 2D Boy forums has been used on everything (without the gaps), thats funny.

Also, some of the records in WOGFan doesn't have a screenshot, you could maybe fix that.

Are you volunteering to go through them all for me? Wink

@Mygod, can you ask dwer if he still has those original vids for Drool and GFail, and can he somehow let us have them.

Joined: 07/06/2014

Has anyone ever attempted Graceful Failure 13 balls? I was imagining this: Take the line you get at the end of the 12 ball solution and push one end through the wall with a rectangle. Get a rectangle between each ball and the wall, such that the inside end is withing sucking range of the pipe. Detach the outside ball by pulling it away with a rectangle or two.

My Top 5 tower[s]: 51.38m Profile | 51.17m Video - Click on my username to see my addins.

Joined: 09/17/2012

The missing screenshots are:

Chain - Least Moves
GNS - Max Goo
Product Launcher - Least Moves
Road Blocks - Max Goo
MOM - Least Moves

Chain 0 moves had a screenshot but you removed it after I made my video for it. The original screenshot is this.

13 balls isn't possible because you cant make the recthead stay between the line and the wall so if you detach it the goo that activates the pipe wont go in. 29 in Road Blocks isn't possible either.

Edit: So I also checked if every screenshot was working or not and found few broken. Here's the list.

Going Up - Max Goo and Least Moves
Small Divide - Least Time OCD
Flying Machine - Least Time Goal and Least Time OCD
Ivy Tower - Least Moves
RPS - Least Moves
Fly Away - Least Moves
Blustery Day - Least Time Goal
Welcoming Unit - Least Time OCD
Whistler - Max Goo (thats not good..) and Least Moves
Red Carpet - Least Moves
Burning Man - Least Time Goal and Least Time OCD
Super Fuse - Least Time OCD
Upper Shaft - Least Moves
You Have To Explode The Head - Max Goo, Least Moves and Least Time OCD
Hello World - Max Goo Hint
GVV - Least Moves and Least Time OCD
GPU - Max Goo, Least Moves and Least Time Goal
Graceful Failure - Least Moves
AB3 - Least Time Goal
Deliverance - Least Moves
Infesty - Least Moves
HTIC - Least Moves

Why does Going Up have a max goo screenshot? Other fixed max goo doesn't have one. Also Road Blocks Least Time Goal and Least Time OCD were also broken but didn't post them for obvious reason.

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Joined: 06/04/2010

Thats some list! It'll take a while to fix them all. Whistler Max Goo isnt a problem, luckily I saved it.

Chain 0 moves had a screenshot but you removed it after I made my video for it

Thats strange; why would I do that. Puzzled

Why does Going Up have a max goo screenshot?

Dunno... it doesn't matter now anyway.

@Deku, its funny you mention GFail, I've recently been thinking how to get that pesky 13th ball.

Joined: 07/06/2014

Also, is it just me or is it way harder to super-click an Ivy than a balloon? I've tried mashing as fast as possible for a considerable time with one Ivy and nothing has happened at all, while it doesnt take all that long to get the effect with a balloon.

My Top 5 tower[s]: 51.38m Profile | 51.17m Video - Click on my username to see my addins.

Joined: 08/06/2010

Deku wrote:
Also, is it just me or is it way harder to super-click an Ivy than a balloon? I've tried mashing as fast as possible for a considerable time with one Ivy and nothing has happened at all, while it doesnt take all that long to get the effect with a balloon.

Doesn't it depend on the dampeningfactor?

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 10/09/2012

Hi guys! I know Peter B or someone else has made a strat for 38 balls on Drool, but I can get 26 with my strat.

Ok so build down to the ivs with the waters, then before you place the last one to wak the ivs, whack a gooball up with a water ball then wake the gooballs.

Now build to the pipe and you should have 25 balls. Once all are in, whack the water ball structure to the pipe (the spikes will cut it off)

Joined: 09/17/2012

I missed one; its AB3 - Least Time Goal.

Have you ever tried Tumbleweed's strat for Burning Man where you speed click the balloon near the left detaching wall? You may need a speed clicked balloon at the top too so the weight of the structure doesn't kill everything.

Also Deku, you should try to use all your 300 balls in the tower or you wont get position #7 by 0.01m. Wink

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Joined: 07/06/2014

naveed_rizvi wrote:
Also Deku, you should try to use all your 300 balls in the tower or you wont get position #7 by 0.01m. Wink

I do try to use all 300 balls, but so often I find that one of my balls has either been flung off the tower by accident (like in my 47.08 meter tower, which can be seen in the video) or is hanging out way too far down to be usable Tongue

My Top 5 tower[s]: 51.38m Profile | 51.17m Video - Click on my username to see my addins.

Joined: 07/05/2011

Tower of Goo 18 seconds by @dahkjdas. Video here:

Joined: 06/04/2010


is it just me or is it way harder to super-click an Ivy than a balloon?

It was thought so, but a while back when I was trying for 64 on Upper Shaft I found that its not actually that much harder. The trick is to allow the ball to swing about while you click it. Take a look at 07:00 in the Shaft vid to see just how quickly you can glitch it - it only took 3 seconds on that occasion!


Have you ever tried Tumbleweed's strat for Burning Man

I dont remember his strat, but no, I haven't tried anything on that level in ages.

@Mygod, I presume dwer doesn't have those vids then...
Its good that dahkjdas got that HTIC record - it was one of the few time ones with no definite set date. The others are:
Flying Machine - 10 sec
Blustery Day - 23 sec
Welcoming Unit OCD - 44 sec
Super Fuse. OCD - 46 sec
GPU - 14 sec
Deliverance - 48 sec

See if you can beat some of these Nav.

Hey Nav, in that screenshot list, you say "GNS - Max goo", whats GNS?

Has anyone else ever noticed that the tower strand count on every profile ever uploaded is wrong. It says 400+ on all the top 10 towers, which is way off! The total node and strand count cant be over 300. There must be a fault when the profile's published to the site, cos GooTool displays them properly.

Joined: 07/05/2011

@Peter B
Oh sorry I forgot to mention. I can't contact @dwerdwer currently for some reason (kind of complicated to explain). I will let you know when I got him.