World of Goo 2 Project

172 replies [Last post]
Joined: 10/16/2009

A few of us fans have begun working on an expansion to World of Goo. This will be freeware and will have no cost at all. It will probably be in goomod format so that users will not have to do folder dragging and dropping. This format will also help the fact that the user must already have World of Goo installed in order to play this fan-made sequel. It should be able to work on mac and linux for those who are wondering.

Here is the project site URL:

If you want to help out, or view updated screenshots of the expansion, go to the website.

Here is the link to the original topic:

Any other questions may be asked here.

Joined: 03/31/2009

I'm very glad you are taking this so seriously, best wishes to you on this project.

My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods

Joined: 10/16/2009


Joined: 01/25/2010

can i help u make wog 2 plz can i hav a job

Joined: 04/10/2009

If internet is slow,please don't click "Save" three times Wink .You can help making WoG2,but they don't pay you,you just work on a fan game,it's gona be free,i guess.

Crazeh man!

Joined: 07/21/2009

if you want to join team, write on the forum ( ) or mail to Enchanter. Say what you would do etc.

Joined: 10/16/2009

go on the website ( and email me through the link there. After that, simply make a short application saying why and how you want to help. I'll reply with what I think.

Joined: 10/16/2009

Wow, I just realized that no one has commented on this in months...

Well, it's time to bring the topic back again! World of Goo 2 is coming!

Joined: 11/29/2009

Progress? Last time you told us there was no finished levels. There has to be at least one by now (or otherwise all the levels should be at least thought through).

Author of World of Goo Portable. Download here!

Joined: 10/16/2009

GMMan wrote:
Progress? Last time you told us there was no finished levels. There has to be at least one by now (or otherwise all the levels should be at least thought through).

The levels are probably the easiest part, so we didn't worry about them. The REST of the game (technicalities, music, gooballs, xsl's, etc.) is what we're trying to finish first to make the second half (levels) easier.

EDIT: I have designs ready for the first couple levels, and we are getting volunteers for the other ones.

Joined: 12/31/2009

He's got a point: I could finish making a level in less then 2 hours.

Joined: 10/16/2009

James wrote:
He's got a point: I could finish making a level in less then 2 hours.

Really? It took me 20 min to design each level, and 25 min to build each one in the test version of WoG Level Master (I was only testing it, though; I still have to fix the saving/loading functions).

Joined: 12/31/2009

Well, I have to spend some time:
*drawing art in paint
*deciding how to design the level
*thinking about placing
*making it look fancy and awesome Wink
*making shapes solid
*finally testing and making changes till it's right.

Joined: 10/16/2009

I have solutions to all. I'm editing the quote to show how:

James (is edited) wrote:
Well, I have to spend some time:
*drawing art in paint //I use scratch paper
*deciding how to design the level //think about it WHILE you draw it
*thinking about placing //just think about how much it would take to reach the end of the level (minimum) and add a few more balls
*making it look fancy and awesome Wink //the fancy can be achieved by curling everything you draw Tongue
*making shapes solid //once again, YOU are the only one who needs to understand the design, and it should not need too much detail
*finally testing and making changes till it's right.

Joined: 03/23/2009

2Dboy are really lucky with such a good community and fanbase. This site is awesome so is the new one, WOGfan. And I really hope you will manage to create a fan sequel to WOG. I don't think I can contribute anything good to this project apart from playing cello for the soundtrack maybe Wink (I have no idea wether you actually still need instruments for that). Keep it up!

Joined: 10/16/2009

jphenningsen wrote:
2Dboy are really lucky with such a good community and fanbase. This site is awesome so is the new one, WOGfan. And I really hope you will manage to create a fan sequel to WOG. I don't think I can contribute anything good to this project apart from playing cello for the soundtrack maybe Wink (I have no idea wether you actually still need instruments for that). Keep it up!

Thanks for the support, jphenningsen. We are really spending a lot of time on this, and I think it will be a hit. I'll post an update in a few months, probably on the youtube channel "Nickerwhack". For now, I would suggest subscribing to it and waiting until I post an info video.

Joined: 05/05/2010

... sounds cool

TM13's View of the World of Goo: PART 1 is now out!

(I now go by ENDESGA)

Joined: 05/28/2010

I'm willing to help. I am willing to sketch designs for levels and come up with the intellectual plotline. I can't make the levels myself, though, I don't trust the editor.

I don't know what to put into my signature. So I'll make this sentence filler instead! Yeah, that works.

But... now, it sort of defeats its own purpose. S:

thB's picture
ContributorAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD
Joined: 04/17/2009

Don't worry about the editor, it's fine and no-one's ever had virus- or security-related problems with it.

my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment

Joined: 12/29/2008

I'm so willing to help. I can make levels and play drums if you need music Just ask!

Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves

Joined: 12/31/2009

I'm still waiting for my level to be published...and it has custom music! (surprisingly from a piano that sounds like an organ.... WTF!?! Laughing out loud )

thB's picture
ContributorAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD
Joined: 04/17/2009

James, you did read Daft as Brush's comment on your level, didn't you?

my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment

Joined: 12/31/2009

ah.....yea...I will fix!

Joined: 05/28/2010

thB wrote:
Don't worry about the editor, it's fine and no-one's ever had virus- or security-related problems with it.

I did.

I'll still sketch and upload designs for levels. You'll just have to do the physical design yourself.

I don't know what to put into my signature. So I'll make this sentence filler instead! Yeah, that works.

But... now, it sort of defeats its own purpose. S:

thB's picture
ContributorAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD
Joined: 04/17/2009

No, you didn't, you got your virus from somewhere else. Trust me. Smile
But whatever. Do as you please.

my gooey profile | my video channel | author of Hazardous Environment

Joined: 03/19/2010

No one CAN receive a virus from it. If you did, all that proves is you being computer-illiterate.

Trust me, I would know.

Joined: 05/28/2010

You're probably right in that it was a coincidence, but I'm not taking any chznces. I'm still willing to sketch level designs and make the intellectual plotline.

So, can I join?

I don't know what to put into my signature. So I'll make this sentence filler instead! Yeah, that works.

But... now, it sort of defeats its own purpose. S:

Joined: 12/31/2009

I say you can join, but World Of Goo editor has done no such thing to your comp!
I even downloaded it on all my computers:
*XP= no errors
*mac (but it doesn't work yet Tongue )= nope
*Windows ME= absolutely positively nothing.

As you can see by the crappily made charts,...YOUR OLD COMPUTER WAS SCREWED BY SOMETHING ELSE!

I know that if you new computer dies after world of goo editor, then you can still get a refund saying "hi my computer has a CRAPPY PROCESSOR! Please take it back Shy " and they will give you a new one. If it actually happens, DaB may need to look at it...

p.s. you misspelled "chances" Smile

Joined: 05/28/2010

I realize that now. It wasn't intended, it's just, I'm a fast typer, and while normally I can type perfectly fine at my speed without looking at the keyboard, occasionally I push the wrong key.

Anyway, I'll be joining right now.

I don't know what to put into my signature. So I'll make this sentence filler instead! Yeah, that works.

But... now, it sort of defeats its own purpose. S:

Joined: 12/31/2009

And using WoG editor? Shy (pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!)

Joined: 05/31/2010

i wanna help making it and i got some game making skillz....
can i still help and how?