An emerging problem with "original" files
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Have been seen this a few times in the last few months, and before it gets too bad I think it needs bringing into the light.
We know that we are fine making goomods, and making levels and balls and stuff that use 2DBoy's original graphics and sound files...
But there's a question over whether we can legally distribute copies of those original files.
Most of the time we don't...
If a level or a ball uses one of 2dBoy's original files, People / WooGLE / WooBLE recognise that, and don't include the file in the goomod, because everyone should already have it anyway.
However, occaisionally someone will rename or move one of the original files, then include it in a level, so it gets included in the goomod.
Someone then installs that goomod, everything works fine, but later they come to make their own level, and use that "looks-original" file, so it gets put in the goomod again, and more people get it... and so on..
There have been a few of the music files floating around with different names for a while... and it's just making all the goomods bigger and spreading "virally" around.
At the moment it's not a huge problem... but it's starting to be..
Before WooGLE most goomods were just a few kb, and contained a couple custom graphics, now they are growing because people don't realise how much stuff they are, often "accidentally", including in the goomods.
So the point of this post...
1) To make you guys aware that it's becoming a problem.. and please check that you aren't distributing copies of "renamed / moved" original files in your goomods.
2) Call for suggestions on how to prevent / kerb / limit this.. before it gets WAY out of hand.
Signed with my blood fingerprint on it!
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In my demo I included my compilation of background images, which all the chapter 2 levels use as well. I also made some 'better-named' copies of the music files: DikkiPainguin > MyVirtualWoGC, n2 > RCExtendOMatic, Overture98Excerpt1 > WlecomeToTheISH. Is this allowed?
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Err. that's EXACTLY what we're trying to prevent!!
See additional comments on your demo page...
How can we add more resources to the images folder? That way, the first goomod to do this will put level images there, and we can just get images from there.
i.e. putting images from the tog-release into the images folder will include the data, but next time someone does this, the goomod will be much smaller.
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
Could not GooTool or WooGLE utilities feature a warning message (somewhere or at startup) informing people that they should NOT in any case reuse original graphics and copy them in the goomod file..
A warning to let them know they must let original graphics in place, even if their names are not good enough for the mod author.
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One of the ways to fix the probelm, is to make WooGLE "know" what files are original, and display warning message "Are you sure to use not original graphics/sounds?". Of corse, files from level's folder will be "warningless". Or loading un-original resources from folder different than level-folder should be impossible?
Sorry if my English is not very good.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
At the moment WooGLE / WooBLE decide whether a files is an "Original" or not just based of the file name and path.
When people start renaming / copying / moving the files around that doesn't work any more. But it will be impossible to stop people from doing that, and very difficult to prevent them from using the resulting files if they do.
So I've been thinking about....
1) How do we prevent renamed / moved copies of original files ending up in goomods?
2) Why are people doing it in the first place?
And what can we do to convince them to stop?
Pretty sure I've got an answer to the first one... use hash values.
And have WooGLE check every file that it's putting in the goomod against ...
a) The original name / paths
b) Hash values for all the original files.
If it finds a renamed / moved copy of an original file, it either displays a Warning / Error message or... better I think ... just replaces the path in the level resource with the one for the matching original file.
Seems to me that would solve it... people can rename / move the files as much as they like, but WooGLE will only output references to the original, and won't include the copy in the goomod.
The only snag there, is it relies on them using WooGLE to make the goomod... but we can't force them to ... much as I might like too!
But that only really addresses half the problem... the other bit is why is this happening in the first place?
I know AlbinoPokey's done it so that he can find the files he wants more easily...
Seems like a valid reason, but maybe there's a better solution to that problem, than renaming and reorganizing the files....
"The only snag there, is it relies on them using WooGLE to make the goomod... but we can't force them to ... much as I might like too!"
so it's another of those "GooTool should do it!" moments...
"I know AlbinoPokey's done it so that he can find the files he wants more easily...
Seems like a valid reason, but maybe there's a better solution to that problem, than renaming and reorganizing the files...."
I don't know a better solution to the renaming itself, but maybe it would help to have a more intuitive way of getting original images in Woogle, than the "import" button. (for me that's enough, i'm just trying to think of ways to solve this problem) but if it's not made with woogle, of course that would not help.
Stop copying and renaming original files, people!
oh, and while we're at it:
Use addin IDs like "com.goofans.UserName.LevelName" not "id.XY"
Increase the version number whenever you upload an update!
Change version in the addin.xml or via Woogle, don't change it on the upload page.
(That always gets the "right" version number of the newly uploaded goomod file)
| Fly Her to the Moon (with Antigravity Goo) | Infinitive Windows Freezer (unlimited Goo playground) |
I think the solution to the finding stuff problem, has been on WooGLE's "Wish List" since before I even started on it.... The "Resource Library"
The "Ultimate" idea is to have a panel which has a search / keyword box, and will display thumbnails of images in the "library", and you can just drag and drop them from the panel into the scene.
The coding to do that might take "a while", but it's certainly do-able, however the BIG task is getting all the original images listed and tagged with the keywords...
I think that'll need to be a "community project" or something, since there's about 1500 images... but once it's "done" that would solve the "stuff is hard to find so I'll rename it / move it" issue.
I've updated files.xml.xml with some missing files, and some more info... I think that would be the way to go...
Does anyone have any ideas on how best to do a "community tagging" project?
1500 images? whoa. wouldn't have guessed that.
Maybe David can add some drupal tagging magic to the site.
That would be the best solution for that project i guess.
If we use something else (e.g. a custom wiki) the goofans users would have to sign up somewhere else, just to add a tag or two...
| Fly Her to the Moon (with Antigravity Goo) | Infinitive Windows Freezer (unlimited Goo playground) |
Awesome idea/feature to add, indeed.
That and a warning to not change names *could* be enough.
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i.e. putting images from the tog-release into the images folder will include the data, but next time someone does this, the goomod will be much smaller.
Yes! This was my intent with images/backgrounds, so that themes won't change them and it's easy to add a 2DBoy supplied background to a level!
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As an administrator/moderator of goofans, I also think that we could (as soon as someone notices that a level contains original-renamed files) unpublish these levels..
Also : a warning message on the addin submission/upload page could be useful too.
Same in woogle/wooble, another warning in the FAQ/doc...
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I still think unpublishing levels is unfair. Maybe a check in WooGLE similar to the files.xml, that scans the custom files to see if they match another one exactly.
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Hmm... scanning an entire .png pixel by pixel would take a while...
And, for all we know, there are slight differences with the Mac, Windows, and Linux versions with the images!
Re: unpublishing mods:
Yes, it is unfair, but better to make someone fix their mod than have someone else confused as to why it doesn't work!
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Sorry, what I meant was something like only davidc could unpublish, for example, if the mods asked MattOG about a huge bug in the sandbox but he hasn't been on the site for ages
Just an example, the sandbox is great, MattOG!
I think Win/Linux are identical because (as davidc said) the res folders are identical, maybe there are mac differences from the encrypt/decrypt processes.
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I think retro-actively imposing these restrictions and unpublishing existing mods isn't going to work... if anything it should be down to "us mods" before we publish... :looks at XDBoy:
At the moment the problem isn't huge, I'm just trying to prevent it from becoming so.
I've already confirmed that all the png files in the Windows and Linux versions are identical... although Linux version does have a few extra ones.. for nl localization.
Some (many) of the ogg's are different sizes between Win and Linux so looking at that...
Not too worried about Mac, since there's only about 2 people use it anyway.
Technically, it looks like WooGLE / WooBLE will be able to quickly and accurately confirm whether a file is an original, regardless of its name... so I'm working on adding those checks when you "Make Goomod"
Seems to me that just this step will solve most of the problems, anyone can rename and reorganise the files however they like, but when you make goomod, it'll spot the originals and automatically change the resources back to point to the original name and location, also warn you it's doing that.
So the Resource Library can remain a "long term" goal.
I'll fix the space_bg, LastOfTheGooBalls, and Jelly files in AP!
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
WAIT! use a original graphichs is PHOBHITTED??????
Spongebob rulez too

Calm down, man.
No, using original graphics is fine. (people here have been doing it for well over a year!) Just don't rename them. Leave the images and stuff where they are, with the original names, and import them into the editor you're using (Woogle, Goovie, or Gooble) and you'll be fine.
This is also an old topic, by the way. AP's last response was almost two months ago, and I think Daft has compensated for this problem in the editors already.
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Although the editor is now CAUSING this problem by copying custom images...
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