So, you want to create a goomod that changes the appearance of the Goo Balls in the game? Well, you've come to the right place! Read on!
Step 1: Determining the Graphics to Change
You probably already know the graphics you want to change, right? Hopefully you do. But you'll have to find the actual image names, as they may be slightly different for each Goo Ball. To figure this out, browse to your World of Goo directory. You should see a few files, and two folders: "properties" and "res". Double-click on "res".
You'll see a bunch more folders. One of them will be called "balls". Double-click that one.
Now, hopefully you already know what kind of Goo Ball you want to change. If so, find the appropriate folder and double-click it. Take note, however, that the Goo Balls in World of Goo Corporation are actually in the "Drained" folder.
Now that you're in the folder of the Goo Balls you want to change, you'll see a bunch of files. Some of these will be .bin files. These are the actual Goo Ball properties, and you don't want to change them, or else you'll get a big fat red "cheater" badge, and you don't want that. The other ones are OGG files, which are the sounds that the Goo Balls make in certain instances. If you want to be really creative in your mod, you can change these too, but most people don't. So concentrate on the PNG images for now. I'll take the example of the Fuse Goo Ball for now. Note that other Goo Balls will be slightly different.
So in the /res/balls/Fuse/ directory, you'll see 6 PNG images:
spring_goo_burnt.png, and
Hopefully, it's fairly obvious what these images are and what they do. So now, you have a list of the images you'll need to create to make these Goo Balls look different.
Step 2: Modify the images
Before you go editing the images, copy them somewhere that they're easy to access, like your desktop or your documents folder, and work of these copies. You don't want to change the originals, anyway, in case something goes wrong.
So, how do you edit these images? If you're getting the images from somewhere else, or if you've already created them, your job is easy. Simply make sure the images are the same size (in pixels, width and height), make sure they're the same names, and skip to the next step. If you haven't made any images yet, however, read on.
First things first: NEVER EVER EVER USE PAINT TO MODIFY THESE IMAGES. Paint does not support transparency, so any images you create will have white boxes around them and they'll look awful. What program you use is up to you, just don't use Paint. Kyle Gabler, when he created the original images, used Photoshop, so if you have that and know how to use it, you're good to go. I personally use GIMP, which is somewhat of a free alternative to Photoshop, others prefer Paint.NET or similar. Just find a program you like and use it. You've got a lot to choose from:
Once you've got your images, make sure they have the right names. Capitalization matters, so if you've changed the "body.png" file and you save it as "BODY.png", "body.PNG", or "Body.png", it won't work. It has to be exactly the same name as the original.
Now you're ready to stick the files into a goomod!
Step 3: Setting up the Directory Structure
Sounds scary, doesn't it? It isn't. I just like big fancy words. Basically, you want to make sure that the images you have changed are in the right folders. So, go someplace handy (Like your desktop or your documents) and create a new folder named "res".
Here, you'll want to make the full file path of the graphics you overrode. Huh? For example, I'll take overriding the Fuse Goo Balls, as I did in my mod Dynamite Fuse Goo Balls.
In this mod, I changed the following images:
(As you can see, you don't have to change all of the images to get the effect you're after!)
So, the full file path of these Goo Balls (starting from the World of Goo folder) is res/balls/Fuse/. Now you'll need to create this path. Go to someplace convenient (ie your desktop or documents folder) and create a folder. Name it something you'll remember. You'll put all the files for your goomod in here. Go into that folder, and create a folder inside that named "override". Then go into that folder. Now you'll want to create the right path. To do this, create a folder named "res", go inside that folder, and create a folder named "balls", and go inside THAT folder and create a folder named "Fuse" (In my case; if your path that you determined earlier is different, it'll be something else). Now stick the images you created into this final folder.
Are we done? Nope. It's time to edit some XML.
Step 4: Creating the addin.xml manually
Oh, no! Programming! Actually, this isn't too bad. First things first: go back up to the folder in your desktop/documents (the folder that you created the "override" folder in) and create a new text document named "addin.xml" (See here if file extensions are disabled; they are by default). Right-click on this file and choose "Open With"->"Notepad". You can't just double-click on the file, since it'll open with Internet Explorer or whatever your default web browser is.
Now highlight the following code, press Control-C, go into Notepad, and choose "Edit"->"Paste" (or Control-V):
<addin spec-version="1.1"> <!-- The unique ID of this addin. Used to check if it's already installed or compare its version --> <id>com.goofans.yourname.modname</id> <!-- name shown to user --> <name>Your Mod Name</name> <!-- either "mod" or "level". For user display, and to determine whether to create a chapter 1 entry. For a ball-changing addin, this has to be 'mod'. --> <type>mod</type> <!-- Version. Must be numerically comparable at each "." boundary. You could also do it without periods. 11281 is a fine version number.--> <version>1.0</version> <!-- description shown to user --> <description>This mod IS THE BEST MOD EVAH!</description> <!-- author shown to user --> <author>yourname</author> </addin>
Now you need to edit this to reflect your addin (Note that the stuff between the
and -->
tags is stuff that's there to help you fill it out). So, for my mod, I'll change the<id>com.goofans.yourname.modname</id>
line to:
I'll change the
<name>Your Mod Name</name>
line to
<name>Dynamite Goo Balls</name>
The version line I'll change to 1.1, to reflect my latest change to the addin. So I'll change
<description>This mod IS THE BEST MOD EVAH!</description>
I'll change to something more meaningful, like:
<description>This mod changes the fuse gooballs into sticks of dynamite. Version 1.1: Created an XML file out of the .bin to make it cross-platform.</description>
,Finally, I'll change
Ok, that's done! You can save your file in Notepad and exit Notepad now.
Stick it all into a .goomod
Now that the hard part's over, all that remains is to select both the "addin.xml" and the "override" folder, right-click, and choose "Send to"->"Compressed (zipped) folder". Rename this new .zip file to "com.goofans.[yourname].[modname].goomod" (Remember that you'll have to have file extensions turned on to change this to a .goomod! See here if they aren't enabled). So in my case, I'll name mine "com.goofans.MOM4Evr.Dynamite.goomod". Note that this is the same thing I put in the <id></id>
part of the addin.xml, only with a ".goomod" tacked on the end.
Are we done? Well, almost.
Step 5: Testing
This goes for ANY addin. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS test it before you upload it to goofans. So fire up GooTool, install the addin, and launch World of Goo. Go to a level that has the Goo Ball type that you changed. If it shows up, great! But if it crashes the game, doesn't show some images, or something like that, go back and make sure you did everything correctly. If the level didn't even install with GooTool, check your addin.xml to make sure you did everything right. If your new images don't show, make sure you named all the folders right. If GooTool says that there was an "Uppecase file extension", that means that one of your images is named ".PNG" instead of ".png" as it should be. If you can't figure out what you did wrong, upload the goomod someplace, post a link to it in the forums, and we'll gladly help you troubleshoot.
Step 6: Don't upload your addin
Yep, I'm serious. DO NOT UPLOAD YOUR ADDIN TO THIS SITE. Us moderators don't like addins that just change one kind of Goo Ball's appearance. See here. We don't want single-Goo-Ball-changing addins. If you beg and plead enough, we might publish it, but we'll do it reluctantly and you probably won't get very good ratings or many downloads anyway.
But what about the "Dynamite Fuse Balls" addin that you made, MOM4Evr? Why was that approved? Well, see the date I published it and see the date that Daft as Brush made that forum post? I snuck in under the radar before those rules were made.
What it boils down to is that we don't like addins on this site that just change the appearance of a single Goo Ball. If you want your mod to be published, you should include multiple Goo Balls or change the appearance of a level as well. If you change several Goo Balls, change out the original graphics, or something of the sort, great! We'll gladly publish it.
The point of this tutorial is that you can create awesome, new, exciting addins that don't just change ONE kind of Goo Ball, but that change A LOT of them. All you have to do is add the right folders and files inside your /override/res/balls/ folder. Notice what Daft as Brush says we like: "Theme Packs which make only graphical changes to the original balls and or levels". Note that this is plural. "ballS" and "levelS". So if you change more than one kind of Goo Ball (like Winter and Industrial Revolution - These mods are rated pretty high and have a lot of downloads!), we're happy.
Guess what? I just told you how to create addins that modify ANY of the original World of Goo graphics! All you have to do is make sure the file paths are right. So if you're changing the background image in the level Second Hand Smoke, all you have to do is create an image, name it "bg.png", and stick it in your goomod in the folder "/override/res/levels/SecondHandSmoke/". How's that for nifty? The "override" folder in goomods is awesome!
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Wed, 07/13/2011 - 12:31
Maybe change this page so as not to try and confuse the new users?
So don't upload your addin. Period. Ever.
No, I'm just messing with you.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Wed, 07/13/2011 - 13:08
C'mon, where's your sense of humor?
I just want to stress that people shouldn't upload single-ball-changing addins. Period. Ever.
But you're probably right. What should I say?
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Wed, 07/13/2011 - 14:01
"But, remember, we don't like addins on this site that just change the appearance of a single Goo Ball. If you want your mod to be published, you should include multiple Goo Balls or change the appearance of a level as well."
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Thu, 07/14/2011 - 16:49
Good one MOM!
with a very clearly way to be near with the user who is reading!
Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO
Wed, 06/13/2012 - 08:24
Umm. I did everything right, but, the whole thing turned white
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Wed, 06/13/2012 - 10:11
Well, obviously you didn't do everything right, then. XD
What whole thing turned white? The whole Goo Ball? Check and be sure your filenames are correct. The background of the Goo Ball? You'll need an alpha channel in the image, with alpha zero around the Goo Ball so you don't see the squareness of the image.
Also changed the wording slightly to closer match what AP suggested. Better late than never, right?
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Wed, 06/13/2012 - 11:40
Well the goo itself was invisible, while the strands were white square.
I double-checked the resources, and it seems all right. If you could please take a look at it, I'll upload it on the website.
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Wed, 06/13/2012 - 12:15
Yeah, I don't know. If you could upload the .goomod, and link me to it (you don't have to request a publish), I can take a look at it.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Wed, 06/13/2012 - 12:39
There is the link:
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Wed, 06/13/2012 - 12:43
I think I see the have named the image files Untitled-1, Untitled-2, Untitled-3, and Untitled-4. You also have a lot of .DS_Store files left in there that you'll want to get rid of.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Wed, 06/13/2012 - 13:03
I am on a mac, and .ds store is a default file that always appears there.
Well, it got pretty close, but, the annoying thing is, ivy balls still have their eyes and leaves, and when they are stuck the become ivy again. Guess they are not the best goo to experiment on.
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Wed, 06/13/2012 - 13:30
There are two body images for them: one light, one dark. It switches when they're attached.
To change the eyes you need to edit the balls.xml.bin file, and to change the leaves override it with a blank image.
I know what .DS_Store files are, but you don't want them there. Use the terminal or something to delete them.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Thu, 06/14/2012 - 12:58
I tried. well, every time i restart the files go back. But the addin works, so i guess it is ok
Because writing signatures is too mainstream
Thu, 04/26/2018 - 10:35
When i try to install my gooball an error pops up "invalid addin, unable to parse document".
I dunno what im supposed to do, i checked addin.xml and everything is ok...
I make mods. But for now I'm focusing on just one, massive mod. I also make music & art. My soundcloud:
My youtube channel:
Wed, 08/08/2018 - 22:12
dont upload addin...
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 11:16
I wasn't going to... I meant adding my gooball to level, but never mind. I fixed it some time ago
I make mods. But for now I'm focusing on just one, massive mod. I also make music & art. My soundcloud:
My youtube channel:
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 11:23
Deseptor, please don't be rude when someone asks a question. Also, Adrian122, I am sorry that I missed your question, I could have helped out.
I now go by StrixToxis.
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 11:28
Thats ok. Also when i created new gooball, just eyes are visible (there is no sound of gooball, no string and no gooballs body)
I make mods. But for now I'm focusing on just one, massive mod. I also make music & art. My soundcloud:
My youtube channel:
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 11:39
Is this whenever you load the gooball? Or just in the editor?
I now go by StrixToxis.
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 11:43
It's visible in editor, but when i play my level, i just see eyes. (Also sorry if i spelled something wrong. Thats because im from Poland)
I make mods. But for now I'm focusing on just one, massive mod. I also make music & art. My soundcloud:
My youtube channel:
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 11:53
Mind if I take a look at it? My email is you can send it to me there. Also, I dont mind if you spell anything wrong. I have a friend from Poland
I now go by StrixToxis.
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 12:07
When i try to send it to you, something like that appears:
The address "" in the "To" field has not been recognized. Make sure all addresses are in the correct format. I guess its my bad day, errors everywere :-\
Edit: Ok, I think i sended it...
I make mods. But for now I'm focusing on just one, massive mod. I also make music & art. My soundcloud:
My youtube channel:
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 12:09
do you use gmail? If not, then that might be the issue.
I now go by StrixToxis.
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 12:12
I sended it now. (The issue was the "@" at the beginning
I make mods. But for now I'm focusing on just one, massive mod. I also make music & art. My soundcloud:
My youtube channel:
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 12:15
Oops. My bad. Anyway, I will look at the issue now
I now go by StrixToxis.
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 12:29
I believe I fixed it. I sent it back to you, let me know if it works or not.
I now go by StrixToxis.
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 12:32
Thanks dude! It works! Can you tell me what i did wrong?
I make mods. But for now I'm focusing on just one, massive mod. I also make music & art. My soundcloud:
My youtube channel:
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 12:40
Glad to help! In the resources.xml, all of the resources were directed towards the common goo, and not your custom goo. So all of the custom images and sounds wouldnt load.
I now go by StrixToxis.
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 12:46
Oh! Now i see... Now i will try to make a chapter. When i'll finish, i will send it to you by email.
I make mods. But for now I'm focusing on just one, massive mod. I also make music & art. My soundcloud:
My youtube channel:
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 12:59
ooooo! I like playtesting chapters before they come out. If you need any help, I will be there
I now go by StrixToxis.
Fri, 08/10/2018 - 13:04
Ok! Im making some levels, see ya.
I make mods. But for now I'm focusing on just one, massive mod. I also make music & art. My soundcloud:
My youtube channel: