Platforms of Goo

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Total downloads: 47,728
Latest version: 1.75
Release date: 07/15/2014 - 22:48
The Game Maker created
World of Goo Themed Platform Game
The main charracter is a black Goo Ball that can run, jump, stick to vertical wall and climb on it. Enemies are other kinds of Goo Balls (Pokeys, Balloons, Bones, Bits, Bombs, Evil Eyes), dangerous spikes and gears. The goal is to feed Fisty the frog with a Goo-Drink from red can. You start from the Frog and must return at the start point after you got a can. Five available powerups can be helpful.
See also [My Special level set] [Official YouTube channel]
Please rate this "addin"
What is new in letest version (1.75)?
-possibility of switching off music and/or sounds
-extended possibilities of CustomPaint (conditions available)
-added possibility of animated stuff in the background
-deleted last remains of old explosion system*
-possibility of skipping one level per level set
-level Virtual Darkness replaced with new version
-some minor changes in other levels
-walls inside Fisty moved up
-fixed problem with Custom Event while showing menu (visible in custom "shaft levels")
-fast scrolling level list with Ctrl
-possibility of changing font color (just for fun)
-possiblity of hiding numbers of levels in the "island view" of custom sets
-dostępna poprawiona wersja polska: Platforms of Goo 1.75 PL
Platforms of Goo Level Editor (PoGLE) - version 1.02
-allows to add objects outside the play area
-allows to add tiles behind top bar (signed with red border)
-Quick-Tile function for adding spikes
-background scaled and positioned same like in game
-fast scrolling with Ctrl
-possibility of deleting all objects or tiles ([delete] key)
-possibility of hiding tiles in object-adding mode ([H] key)
-allows to customize Balloon Bonus sounds
A detailed description of customizing PoG can be downloaded here [Platforms of Goo Modding Guide]
Platforms of Goo Profile viewer - version 0.2
Simple tool allowing to view time records from your PoG profile (PoG Tool ).
*WARNING! In level Towers from chapter 5, cracked bridge between towers is not definitely destroyed by the explosion (since the machanism of explosion was updated). It makes the level a bit harder.
On October 31st I've published the source .gmk file of the game (last modified 07/08/2014).
This is the end of Platforms of Goo development. I have lost access to full version of Game Maker (I don't want to buy GM:S ) and also the interest in PoG is lower and lower. It was really nice to feel almost like a real game designer
Version | Platform | Release Date | Filename | Size | Downloads |
1.75 | Windows | Tue, 07/15/2014 - 22:48 | PlatformsOfGoo.175.setup.exe | 13.18 MB | 9,188 |
GM source | Source | Tue, 07/08/2014 - 12:54 | PlatformsOfGoo.gmk | 137.71 KB | 1,718 |
PoGLE 1.02 | Windows | Sat, 02/22/2014 - 02:48 | PoGLE.v102.exe | 2.92 MB | 1,455 |
PoG tool 0.2 | Windows | Sat, 10/05/2013 - 23:48 | PoGtool.exe | 560 KB | 1,561 |
1.74 | Windows | Sat, 02/22/2014 - 06:30 | PlatformsOfGoo.174.Setup.exe | 13.06 MB | 1,355 |
PoGLE 1.01 | Windows | Wed, 11/06/2013 - 09:23 | PoGLE.v101.exe | 2.92 MB | 2,108 |
1.72+ | Windows | Sun, 10/06/2013 - 06:16 | PlatformsOfGoo.setup.exe | 12.79 MB | 1,442 |
1.62 | Windows | Sat, 12/31/2011 - 00:26 | PlatformsOfGoo.setup.exe | 12.24 MB | 2,005 |
1.61 (final) | Windows | Wed, 08/24/2011 - 19:53 | PlatformsOfGoo.161.setup.exe | 11.21 MB | 2,714 |
1.14 | Windows | Sat, 04/23/2011 - 03:57 | PlatformsOfGoo.v114.exe | 10.39 MB | 2,688 |
1.12 | Windows | Sun, 01/30/2011 - 07:40 | PlatformsOfGoo.v112.exe | 10.05 MB | 1,806 |
1.10 ("Happy New Year!") | Windows | Sat, 01/01/2011 - 02:48 | PlatformsOfGoo.v110.setup.exe | 9.8 MB | 1,704 |
1.04 | Windows | Mon, 12/27/2010 - 00:57 | PlatformsOfGoo.v104.setup.exe | 9.13 MB | 1,735 |
1.03 | Windows | Sat, 12/04/2010 - 06:39 | PlatformsOfGoo.v103.setup.exe | 9.13 MB | 1,698 |
1.02 | Windows | Sun, 11/21/2010 - 10:27 | | 9.18 MB | 469 |
1.01 | Windows | Sun, 11/14/2010 - 09:54 | | 9.11 MB | 482 |
0.20a with levels | Windows | Mon, 10/04/2010 - 09:51 | | 9.48 MB | 653 |
0.14 | Windows | Wed, 09/29/2010 - 06:28 | | 7.82 MB | 608 |
0.12 | Windows | Fri, 09/24/2010 - 21:05 | | 7.32 MB | 552 |
0.11 | Windows | Tue, 09/21/2010 - 08:34 | | 3.02 MB | 506 |
GooBall engine | Source | Thu, 09/16/2010 - 04:14 | engine.gmk | 52.29 KB | 2,201 |
0.06 | Windows | Mon, 09/13/2010 - 06:38 | GOOgame.v006.exe | 4.03 MB | 1,719 |
0.04 | Windows | Sat, 09/11/2010 - 05:51 | GOOgame.v004.exe | 2.62 MB | 1,750 |
0.03 | Windows | Fri, 09/10/2010 - 06:20 | GOOgame.v003.exe | 2.37 MB | 2,579 |
0.01 | Windows | Mon, 09/06/2010 - 08:14 | GOOgame.v001.exe | 2.36 MB | 1,775 |
There are 4 current downloads. Show 21 archived downloads.
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Sun, 09/04/2011 - 10:37
Bit bonus needs more changes in game mechanics (it needs totaly new motion). It's possible to do, but we can make interesting and challenging levels without this bonus. I think, there's enough bonuses in the game (including the Balloon one).
PS. I have created the Balloon-Bonus-compatible version of PoG today's morning! And I designed level with water using "custom event" feature. Read more at PoG Modding Guide.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Thu, 10/27/2011 - 08:35
could you make a mac zip
I made goomods.
Thu, 10/27/2011 - 08:42
gooey goo, stop posting on all the programs that you want a mac zip. Besides, this one was made in Game Maker, which I believe only supports Windows. Just face it, you lose loads of functionality for a prettier desktop on mac.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Thu, 10/27/2011 - 10:51
There is a mac version of Game Maker (but I'm not sure if PoG can be opeded with it) and the Game Maker Studio (allowing to export game to every popular platform) is planned.
I have no contact with mac, and I won't try to make a mac version of PoG, sorry.
I'm not sure if it's possible without general changes in the programm, bacause mac filing system is a bit different and maybe there are some other mechanisms used in PoG working differently on mac...
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Thu, 10/27/2011 - 11:19
Gooey goo: You can try installing Wine and running this program from inside Wine. Some Game Maker games work, others don't. You can also install VirtualBox, and make a virtual machine with a Windows ISO. You can also dual-boot Windows on your Mac machine. You can also drive over your Mac with a car and get a real comp-- oh, wait.
No, but seriously, please stop complaining about not having Mac builds. The reason people don't make Mac builds for things is because it's hard and time-consuming for certain projects, because Macs are less common, and because most Mac users have a Windows machine they can use if they have to anyway. There isn't a Linux build for this program either, and I'm not complaining, because I know that some things are just simply hard to port.
As Goosweek said, there is GameMaker for Mac, and if you want a Mac build, your best bet is to buy it and ask Goosweek for the code, then make a Mac build yourself.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Sat, 12/03/2011 - 08:01
Goosweek in your place I would change something like when you open level... Well... I didn't really figure out the deal but like you make PoG tool so you can add your costume levels to original chapters but like you open chapter it opens like window something like in Mario games when you open up a map or like chapter you can select level but the level is locked if you haven't done the levels before. Or you can make maps like in WOG but Mario style is better! So you decide but better if you actually do that if its possible, OK? You actually can't think out anything good from PoG but that's fine! Oh and to tell you... if you know dan250 did you know that he is Polish like you?
And what do you think about making PoGfans with Web plus 10 like Davidic did? Will be cOOl! Web site could be like this: w w w . p o g f a n s . c o m
Wait whats the deal... How do you do the level 3 in hard version?! It's just impossible! There is no logic!
Mon, 12/05/2011 - 10:54
Current version of islnad/map/world view is more than I expected at the beginning. And there is the feature obligating you to solve levels in order.
) and don't want to do another big and complicated machanism for PoG (like island-looking island-view).
I want to end this project definitely (since I'm slowly ending my activity at GooFans
I think, that possibility of adding new own chapters is better than "vandalising" original chapters with custom levels. I even have tried to make adding levels to original chapters less possible.
PoGFans... fan sites are mostly made by fans, not by authors of games... And I don't feel like someone who can cretate and moderate a site like that. But I believie it could be really nice!
I don't really like the level 3 from hard version. It's one of the worst projects in PoG. But it's possible to beat. You have to be fast and have right strategy. Finally you don't want to know how hard levels we solved with my anonymous beta-tester...
(If I have time, one day some of them will be published at Goo Fans)
The new version of PoG is planned (with new Balloon Bonus reversing gravity and an example of level with water) about Christmas (then I will probably have some time).
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Tue, 12/06/2011 - 06:35
Also Goosweek, add a platform that switches. With the other plaform hidden and the other platform shown. Add a pipe to teleport the gooball from on place to another.
Add the Particles effect, loopsound and a properties box to customize the value of each object on the editor.
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Tue, 12/06/2011 - 09:38
I'm sorry, but I'm ending my work with this project. The only things I'm interested in now is to write a good overview of ALC (coding feature) and fix any bugs if they are.
And I will probably publish some new levels in the future...
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Mon, 12/12/2011 - 12:24
No don't!!! Better put your levels in PoGfans... I can make the PoGfans!!! I've been learning at school how to work with Web plus 10 in ICT lessons at the LAST TIME so I think it would be cool. I know I'm only almost 13 (Will be 13 after 2 months (My birthday - 19th february)) but you can trust me - I'll make something like you can be in PoGfans team minimal if you are 13 years old cause that is not going to be job its just for upgrading PoGfans, publishing PoG levels and all other stuff. I'm sure it will work. Only by the way I know only how to make the MAIN things for Web. I doono how to make that coment and forum thingy, account... But I'll ask my teacher in school for help or -the Sign Painter to help me. Anyway - how to put something in the RSS button? If nobody will be able to explain then I'll find it out by my self, OK?
I'm downloading for the moment and its 17:19 12/12/2011 but I'll make the web site when I'll have more time. Wait... I can make it NOT all in one moment but in couple of days! I'll test it of course as a REAL web site!
I think I'm the only one who rated this game as 5 stars - AWETHOME (I'm just saying awethome just for fun not awesome).
Mon, 12/12/2011 - 17:31
You need more that HTML for comments and accounts. You'll need PHP, MySQL, a database, and a decent server.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Mon, 12/12/2011 - 18:39
I would use a webs account for all that. As long as everyone signs up on, they can log in to your forums and all that. The original goo2forums was hosted on webs.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Tue, 12/13/2011 - 07:40
...And I thought it was awful, but mmkay.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Tue, 12/13/2011 - 18:45
The interface here is much much better, but it's an extreme amount of work, anywho. Might as well just use webs or whatever you prefer.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Tue, 12/13/2011 - 19:03
Yeah, good point.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Thu, 12/15/2011 - 09:04
Albino Pokey Says:
You need more that HTML for comments and accounts. You'll need PHP, MySQL, a database, and a decent server.
What do you mean about this, AP?
I don't get it - how to put that box that you like copy other people sayings?!
Thu, 12/15/2011 - 10:25
On the forums, you would press "Quote" under their post, but on these comments just do it manually:
And it would come out like:
EDIT: Oh, "code" tags don't block quotes. Just replace the >s with ]s.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Thu, 12/15/2011 - 11:10
Albino Pokey Says:
You need more that HTML for comments and accounts. You'll need PHP, MySQL, a database, and a decent server.
What do you mean about this, AP?
I don't get it - how to put that box that you like copy other people sayings?!
When people post comments and things, it needs to send information from their coputer back to the server (the big computer with the web site on it) and tell the server to "write it down".
But with HTML and JavaScript (unless you're using som complex AJAX and literally writing files), the computer copies all the information from the server, and all you see is a copy.
If you want the server to remember things, you need to use some PHP, MySQL, and a database. Using my earlier comparison, the PHP teaches the server to do what you want, the database is like a pad of paper it can write on, and the MySQL instructions are like a pencil.
There are other ways to do it without MySQL, but I think this would be the easiest one to learn if you feel up to it.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sat, 12/17/2011 - 02:23
Goosweek, when does the new version of platforms of goo will be released with the water event and the balloon bonus?
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Sat, 12/31/2011 - 14:10
Before the end of this year (soon).
Edit: The new version of PoG released!
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Tue, 01/10/2012 - 12:22
I got many things to say Goosweek:
1) Why your install is in Polish? Nobody even I can't understand it.
2) I forgot to say that easy hard and features don't look cool and all levels are mixed up. You better make something like:
Chapter 1: The goo fulfilled hills
Chapter 2: Balloon sky palace
Chapter 3: Slippery frozen hills
Chapter 4: Virtual system & connection land
Chapter 5: Deadly woods (This could be in place of hard version)
Chapter 6: Sci-fi space
Wouldn't that be better? About five levels in a chapter! What do you think?
Looking up to latest version you made you could put out both frozen world levels in chapter 3, The first level, going up, and where are the bones and you have to follow signs could be three levels in chapter 1, The balloon kingdom level you don't have in two latest versions and you have deleted it (Its actually a cool level you know!), some other ballon levels and make one cool level with like a palace or fortres or=f balloons that are guards for the fotres and you hev to get it the forthres to get the goo drink - these levels could be in chapter 2, There could be some virtually green levels and I had an idea that you could make a level called Pokey labyrinth where is long way down going to the left, right, left, right (Five times) ... And in your way there are pokeys, Chapter 5 could have hard levels and make some of them with traps you actually cannot really see or wonder, Chapter 6 there could be like boxes and outside the box could be in black color and with stars but inside lightly blue background, and features - however you made the features and however you want.
Who thinks its better than just Easy, hard and features versions comment here for saying "yes" to my idea. Thats really cool idea Goosweek so PLZ don't ignore it... I'M BEGGING YOU...
Tue, 01/10/2012 - 15:04
1) Install is generated with Win-RAR. I don't know how to change it completly into english. Next version can be released without installer (it's simpler to do for me and mayby better for everyone), just as a .zip file.
2) Chapters like yours are good idea, but mayby I will make only five chapters, or... (?). Features can be deleted: I will try to introduce all interesting features in "official" levels.
But you need to wait for the new version for... (?).
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Tue, 01/10/2012 - 16:40
There's a Windows tool to make installers, but it's hidden in the new versions. It should support multi-language. Hit Windows-R and type "iexpress".
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Tue, 01/10/2012 - 18:36
Wow! *tries it* That's nifty!
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Tue, 01/10/2012 - 20:24
WUT! DAT AWESOME! How come you know all the cool stuff, AP?
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Tue, 01/10/2012 - 21:23
I actually found that one by accident when looking for information on a file in System32. It seems that it's been ther since Windows NT, but undocumented. There's also a font editor in there somewhere, and an old DOS version of Media Player.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Wed, 01/11/2012 - 03:15
Thanks for accepting the idea, Goosweek. I'll wait for the next version and make chapters with names, OK? If it's not possible then make them with like: chapter 1, chapter 2,...
like that but ONLY if it's not possible. Probably 5 chapters is ok only... Make another addin on PoG fans (when it'll be finished) with Features as a chapter cause five chapters iun original game is ok and remember about 5-8 levels in chapter
Chapter 5 could have 5 levels
Wed, 01/11/2012 - 16:08
AP, you are truly awesome! I will try this out, is it in cmd?
@Goosweek I think your game lacks custom font, that would make it even awesomer! And this reminds me of super meat boy (but less try and die)
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
Wed, 01/11/2012 - 19:31
Thank you! And it is. The font editor is called "eudcedit" and it's mostly meant for editing the Private Character range.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Fri, 01/20/2012 - 02:33
The best way of making the game is lives! Some people even I struggle with game so better will be if the goo ball had two lives as like mario has like its big and when the live goes off it gets a bit smaller and it then enemie touches it only then it dies! By the way there could be a present of another live if goo ball has one life left in hard levels there could be extra lives so the level would be easier for the newbies for example! The game's chapters always should change harder than in previous chapter. There could be some new enemies with two lives like... like yellow pokeys! Just usual pokeys but with two lives like - the goo ball hits it with fire or explodes it once but it still has another live but if the goo falls down but it still has both lives - it don't matter. If any goo ball falls down it dies. But anyway, Goosweek - Thanks for the water add! I always wanted you to put something like that on! You should come to web chats and forums not just sit here with your PoG! Come and join as you are the member of goofans even longer than me so you can know other things what we do and what we want to do! You can find us on chat or on the latest talkative forums! See you there! By the way I was making PoG fans and it looks goo-d!
Goosweek, don't make game without setup cause every original game has setup! When I downloaded (I DIDN'T but the WOG) WOG it had setup! You better add an setup for the Poogle (Call it Plogle once and for all) because every editor in for the WOG had an setup!
In the hard version the level is impossible because the bone enemie doesn't fall into the small hole. The thing is every feature is not always fitting into the hole of a size one so you better make it two or the best way one in a half! Oh, no... it don't fits... You will fall in the hole by yourself and... Oh well you anyway gona make the version with five chapters! Better if you make more than 5 levels in a chapter. Best if it has 6 or 7!
By the way, Goosweek, how to put a water in the game?
Fri, 01/20/2012 - 11:47
Water is my "external" invention. You can add water to the level only using Advenced Level Code. There's no feature in PoGLE making it's easier.
Watch the code of level water_test.PoG.txt form features or read the "Advenced Level Code Overview" (point 4) located in the main folder of PoG's newest version.
To show water (code is only extension of game physics and doesn't make the water visible) you have to modify the background or add some own tiles.
It's a bit complicated, but now you can't do anything more.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Tue, 01/31/2012 - 13:36
OK, thanks. I got some other good ideas for your PoG but I'll tell them later. I've been working on the chapter 1 design for you to make for your PoG so it makes it really original. I put there most of your levels in the idea and put in about only two my own levels in. There are nine levels I figured out for only chapter 1 and they are: level 1 - [Whatever was the name of the first level on your latest version on easy chapter], level 2 - pokeys: subtitle - your first enemy, level 3 - boom [Or better bomb]: subtitle - your second enemy, level 4 - Hungry Fisty: subtitle - one can is not enough, level 5 - Spikes: Subtitle - your third enemy (This is another anemie I had an idea of, Goosweek: Spike balls are green with tiny black spikes. They has eyes as the original goo ball but it's an enemy. Their spikes moving just as the Pokey. Their distance is just as bone enemy but it does not react to your momevemt cuz it's already moving. It moves from levft to right. If the enemy goes to the right and touches the wall it changes it's direction to the left. That same for the other side), level 6 - High tower [or however it was called]: subtitle - [Whatever it was...], level 7 - Unstable cave (The good level you actually got rid of it): Subtitle - [whatever it was], level 8 - Evil eyes [Or Eyes of evilness]: subtitle - They are watching you [I changed the subtitle in the idea]. The level nine can be like with a black goo MOM like when it toughes the gear out of it comes one pokey goo ball but the ball DOES NOT BUSTS. The ball has 3 lives. At first ball ir black. If you explode it, it turns then yellow. If you explode it again it turns green and in place of pokey out comes two live pokeys. When MOM is red you have change to explode it at the last time and that's what could be the level 9 in 1st chapter. Other chapters I will be able to put the levels in order later. If you think I can help you and be a good co-author for this then tell me and I'll put here a link for you to see an image with a chapter levels so you could copy the order and put them in your PoG. Believe me I'm just trying to help you so the game looks like a real game as I've been playing other games on computer... Most level ideas are yours, I just put them in a great order. By the way at the end of each chapter there you got only just some letters but don't have any images just a black blank. Do you know what I would suggest you to do... Put some images and leave some black blank corner for text as on WOG or if it's not possible just put the text on the bottom but so it is easy to read and put the letters only one color like black or white NOT like they are changing every time a new text appears.
I made a new account on google: and so you can connect with me there - send massages. I just cheated my birth day for one month cause I'm not 13 yet. I also am registered on youtube so I can put my videos in it. I'll once start to make videos about my WOG levels
At the last time I've been making original levels. Tell me your e-mail so I can send the levels to you! By the way I'll give you a links of new tile selections. For the moment I made one for the 1st chapter. Paste them on wherever you want them. Only remember to put images in the res/images
- Wiki-goo (4evr)
Wed, 02/01/2012 - 14:52
You can contact me by qooqk [dot] inc [at] gmail [dot] com
). And my interest is getting lower and lower.
Now I don't have enough time to think about Platforms of Goo (I don't know if I will have any time before holidays...
I'm against adding new object to the game. I think we don't need a new monster, but I can try to invent some interesting trick to ALC and extend their possibilities (like adding them another lives and changing their color). We are losing the first idea of PoG levels. When I was designing this game, I wanted the level to be relatively small with some details making it harder. It's not a game like Mario where you have always a long way to go and need some extra lives to do it. Intencionally the main hardness of PoG levels is that you have one life to go throught all the level (but you can mostly restart the level without any problems).
I like your interest in PoG Wiki-goo
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Wed, 02/01/2012 - 16:17
Sounds similar to super meat boy if you ask me
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
Thu, 02/02/2012 - 11:08
Ok, Goosweek and thanks. I would by my self would say you are right about an extra live for the game. But by the way you should expand your game. If you make a game it shouldn't be rubbish. I made a chapter idea by looking more up to WOG not to any Mario. I would say you should add more bonuses. About nine or something so I had some ideas but you decide which ones you would take and which ones not:
On editor press 6 to add this feature - Pokey bonus - You atick on any walls and walk like Pokeys but too bad you cannot jump off the walls. For good luck you can walk even on the bottom of the walls and don't fall off!
On editor press 7 to add this feature - Virus bonus - Similar to Fuse bonus only slightly different. Touch a monster and you infect a monster. Then the monster has 5 seconds and then it dies. If in these 5 seconds it touches another monster the virus expands and gets on the other monster and it either has 5 seconds still to live and over and over again virus expands IF monster with virus touches another monster that don't have virus. If virused monster touches another virused monster nothing happens. Even monster is virused it can still kill you while it's alive.
On editor press 8 to add this feature - eye bonus - easily you can break out through the blocks. Just touch the BROKEN block and it cracks. (If you take eye bonus and water bonus you are able to get through BROKEN blocks NOT BREAKING THEM.)
By the way I've been working on the original version of the game trailer. I've included the levels in order the mine ones and the ones that are already made and they are really good for original version. By the way every chapter will have its own tiles - chapter one - tiles I showed you on one forum and I hope you watched them and copied them on your desktop or wherever you want to put them. Chapter two - the original type of bricks you already made (The same tiles on the chapter 5). Chapter 3 - frozen tiles you have already made. Chapter 4 - virtual tiles you have already made as well.
I hope you agree with the trailer making cause I spent long time while working on it and it's still not finished!
Fri, 02/03/2012 - 03:10
I agree with chapters. The only thing I don't want to do is changing system of saving levels...
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Fri, 02/03/2012 - 08:41
What do you mean?
By the way I made a video Chapter 1 Level 1 for the PoG game. If you need tiles get them here:
Fri, 02/03/2012 - 17:20
You do realise you could use camstudio or fraps to do this, don't you?
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
Fri, 02/03/2012 - 17:59
momo1526: What is camstudio?
Goosweek: Can you explain me what you meant? By the way I've been looking at about 12 of your levels of Easy type on PoG. Most of them are really good levels but I will need to change their look like style cause then it doesn't fits with other chapters.
You could add like for example you could put in that if you click F7 on the editor it shows you a window with all the items of the PoG ever been and is so you don't use letters but just click F7 and chose the item from the window. That could be much easier to develop! By the way you will need to change your Help section either
. The F7 should include different features and you can EVENCHANGE THEIR COLOR! Like pokey - the original red. You want it to be more virtual... Change it to green! Sound cool don't it?
Level editor is cool but as people are having a new ideas of monsters you could make another editor called - Feature editor. There you can make your own enemies, copy and make new ones, make an addin that changes some monsters and other. The thing I called it Feature editor not Monster editor is that it includes can, fisty, original ball caracter, unstable wall, cracked wall so it is easier to develop and so that's why I called it Feature editor.
Fri, 02/03/2012 - 18:26
The 'feature editor' you're talking about already exists. It's called Game Maker.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sat, 02/04/2012 - 04:55
No. The level editor for the PoG is totally different according to Game maker. You meant that he should make an editor BY Game maker cause then it doesn't make any sense. And I do know what is Game maker.
Sat, 02/04/2012 - 09:29
Well, writing a program to change the game's source code really isn't feasible. YOu should either use the PoG scripting that Goosweek explained in another thread, or just edit and recompile.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sat, 02/04/2012 - 11:08
I don't want to make new things. I'm just trying to help Goosweek with making his game the final version that's it. By the way I was just encouraging him to make this thing in Pooogle or how to say Plogle. If Goosweek is going to put this in his editor then this window should include:
Bit balloon
Bomb static
Bomb dynamic
Bomb shaft (I called the bomb that made big explosion)
Water (The custom event I asked you about. The best way if the water would be added as tile style like walls
Pokey MOM (Better if it is like big pokey not big goo MOM cause it gives out the pokeys
Pokey two lives (That pokey with two lives I told you about)
Wall Cracked wall
Unstable wall
Bone bonus
Fuse bonus
Bomb bonus
Water bonus
Balloon bonus
pokey bonus
Eye bonus
Virus bonus (With a picture of Pilot goo ball)
I think out that easier would be if there were two different spiky things Gears and spikes cause then you don't need to put tiles where you want there... Just and change the thing that gear don't need two walls to be visible because of this, OK mate?)
Spikes top
Spikes bottom
Spikes left
Spikes right
(I either think of that you could add a monster that only can move in water - Fish. It moves any different ways but when it sees you it tries to catch you
Those are the ones you made and I added some other features. Later tell me IN TOTAL (Not this one post) what you agree with, Goosweek and what not, OK?
- Wiki-goo (4evr)
Sat, 02/04/2012 - 11:52
Every object in the game is hardcoded. Making feature/object editor is possible but I think ALC makes game features customizable enough. Objects in PoG are not like Goo Balls. They are not as much similar to make editor of them.
BTW using ALC we can add totaly new objects to the game using resource changing functions. But it's dangerouse mechanism - only for advenced users of GML.
If you want to have green pokey, you can use resource file (watch Modding Guide) or use image_blend for Pokeys.
It's not so easy to make a thing like that in Game Maker. I think that current way of choosing items is good enough. It takes some time to learn the codes, but for me it is no reason to start another bir change in PoGLE. Maybe I will try to support resource changing with PoGLE. It's the biggest thing I want to do.
Water is an "artificial" feature. It's not going to be an "official" feature supported by PoGLE. No fishes, no water-tiles (by me, but someone can invent some nice water stuff by editting graphics and writting some unknown ALC)...
I was closing this project. I wanted to end my work about september 2010. And now you have ideas...
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Sun, 02/05/2012 - 05:28
Ok, about the water but at least make the Fish enemie cause it makes game more interesting. I've been working on chapter designs all the day long in yesterday and I've either took some levels from latest PoG beta version. I've included there balloon kingdom level only it's mostly slightly different and much easier. I got some problems with Plogle that you cannot add the last two tiles at the end cause you can open only letters. If you click on [ to open the bush part right it doesn't react and opens the A tile. In this case it's really bad cause look at the level in youtube video - I have an unfinished bush there! You may in place of [ and \ you would like to put a numbers. That could work and you could add even more tiles till 9 or 0!
Lets count A till Z = 23. 1 till 0 = 10 so 23 + 10 =33 tiles you can put in!
For example if you put in something more in tiles then let it be something like wall tile from the original version for the moment where you press P cause that for chapter one tiles could be as a stone... Oh no need! I could put an unstable wall as a stone!
There is one thing I don't understand from you - Why the tile images are in so weird order? Can't they have just a platforms that are putted F letter tiles in? Or even like making closer and farer tiles? The tiles looks ridiculous when you put them as something... well I dunno how to describe it... Just look at your game images and my level image... See the difference?
Making new monsters could be boring thing to do for you but the thing is that if we want about 10 levels in chapter there should be more monsters like:
Pokey MOM (Big pokey that gives out usual pokeys when busted)
Albino pokey intelligent (This is a pokey that has changed its feature. It walks like a usual pokey only when you step on its wall it faster comes to you cause they are guarding their walls)
Albino pokey intelligent MOM (Is a big white pokey that gives out white pokeys when busted and has the same feature of them - Albino pokey intelliget)
Bit virtual Pokey MOM (Is a big bit goo ball that shots out bit goos, when touches gears gives out a pokey and is walking like Balloon)
Pilot goo (Looks like bit goo but it shots out pilot goos and if it touches you - you got 5 seconds to live
Goo product (It's a manic that touches you and you get twice as slower. If it touches you three times you are dead. But while you get slower. It's walking just like Balloon)
Spike (I told you about this before and I hope you'll include it CAUSE I would suggest if you add bone enemies only in chapter 5 but not the bone bonus)
Fish (Plz include it...)
Balloon MOM (A big balloon that when touches cogs gives out a balloon)
Remember that every MOM has 3 lives. And another thing - in editors put in that you can put a subtitle in the game cause then it looks ridiculous whn it goes 1...2...3... OK? I'll now tell you about the level names. I'll later take vids of all the levels and you can get the idea how they look and so make them the same cause I'm not professional with Game maker. I have no idea how it works. Ok, now these are levels and their subtitles (Some levels I didn't put subtitles so I'll put them later):
Chapter 1
1. Over the hill (Follow the signs)
2. Simple divide (Easy as goo pie)
3. Pokey (Your first enemy)
4. Bomb (Your second enemy)
5. Spike (Your third enemy)
6. Powerups (Learn how to use them)
7. Going up (Higher and higher)
8. Evil eyes (Intelligent monsters)
9. Detonation cave
10. Pokey MOM (It's a challenge)
Chapter 2
1. Balloons (Welcome to balloon world)
2. Defending (Things are getting harder)
3. Balloon kingdom (Challenge system)
4. Water (Disappearing bonus)
5. Hidden (The secret balloon bonus)
6. Thirsty fisty (One can is not enough)
7. Water trickery (Swim and sink)
8. Crack out (New feature)
9. Balloon hall (Up and down)
10. Sky fortres 9here we go) [There should be Balloon MOM. In the levels this is another way of finishing the levels - killing the MOMs! [Any MOM ball]]
Chapter 3
1. Frozen world (Slippery walls) [This level is the same level as the Frozen world II in latest beta version of your game. Just change the music to temp.carneval.loop as in one of your other beta version, OK?]
2. Albino (some creatures change their features) [This should include Albino pokey intelligent monsters]
3. Breeze (Over-freezed) [I had an idea that you could make forces and this one could be like force that pulls you back from the can - Breeze]
4. Stuck (don't stay on the ice too long) [I had an idea you could make some tiles that if you stay too long you freeze up (Get whiter) and then die so you have to leap all the time ON the ice blocks so you don't get freezed. Ice blocks are also unstable ;)]
5. Cold water (Cracking the ice) [Actually water is not cold just in place of cracked walls you have cracked ice blocks or walls. Under them you could put a water where is can but ther is waiting for you two fishes so the water won't be really big, will it?]
6. Robber (That pokey has got a can!) [The usual pokey with a can only if in light blue color could be cause there is already albino pokey inteligent monster that is white]
7. Over spiked (One way in, one way out) [The level which is almost the same as Frozen world in your latest beta version)
8. Double bonus (Extra mixup) [This is where you mix together eye bonus with water bonus ;)]
9. Sticky (Stuck on the walls) [This is where you get that pokey bonus ;)]
10. Intelligent pokey MOM (Twice as harder) [;)]
Chapter 4
1. Hello world [Similar level to Hello world on WOG]
2. Virtual reality (Believe it) [The level you called information superhighway in the lates PoG beta version]
3. Virus (Infection area) [Where you find the virus bonus]
4. Bit intelligence [The level you called bit invasion in the PoG latest beta version]
5. Guard [You know that level]
6. Bit balloon (Bit travel) [A balloons with bit on them only put the balloons in green color, OK?]
7. Pilot (Infecting you) [Similar goo to bit but when it shots at you and touches you got 5 seconds to live. It's good if it touches you again cause the time goeas back to 5 seconds or you get added 5 seconds. Up to you, Goosweek!]
8. Speed maniac (The slow-down) [Includes Goo product I told you about. By this I had an idea that there could be another bonus - Time bonus. Take it and all enemies even eyes and even bit goos stops for 10 seconds Only lets include this bonus in chapter 5 cause I haven't yet figured out chapter 5 in order!]
9. Virtual eyes (It's as hard as you can imagine) [Eye enemies with bit goos on them!]
10. Bit virtusl pokey MOM (Harder than it looks like) [;)]
I'll think about the chapter 5 order. I had an idea that the MOM in chapter 5 could be bone MOM! Please tell me your opinion, Goosweek...
- wiki-goo
Sun, 02/05/2012 - 09:31
You could probably make most of those enemies, like the various custom Pokeys, with some PoG scripting. Change the color of the image, then set speed=0, when the tile is touched, speed=9001 or something. That would make it stay dormant until you get close, then charge.
(Correct me if I'm wrong here, Goosweek)
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sun, 02/05/2012 - 11:49
You can use more than 33 tiles. Because of limitted number of letters, there's special feature in PoGLE. Since PoGLE v.0.52 you can use [Insert] key to show special window, where you can put coordinats of any tile in the tile-image. It's described in this simple help under [F1].
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Mon, 02/06/2012 - 13:34
Dunno but somehow I cannot open any window with insert button so please fix it. By the way tell me your opinion from my design ideas.
No I got it. By the way I'm working on the chapter 5 order design and I'm almost finished. Soon I'll show you the level images so you can know how levels looks like. By the way before and after each chapter you better put some storyline. I am either working on its design too so I'll show images of them either and tell you the storyline. The goo character could be called Murky
AP: Up to what you say that would closer would be on the Feature editor
cause Poogle is not for customizing features.
Mon, 02/06/2012 - 18:34
I know. I said that you would need to use the scripting language.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sun, 02/19/2012 - 12:46
AP: What?
Goosweek: I don't get it! How do I use inasert button? I press [F6] then press [ then [insert] and what do I write in for example and how?
And by the way how to change VLC music (ogg)into Windows media Player music (mp3) cause I need to get Sundaysession2 to work but it doesn't when I open it with Windows media Player or rename it to mp3. If it's not possible then put in as many musica as you can in res/music okay Goosweek (PLZ I'm begging you!)?
Goosweek! I got some level images for you! I got all images from chapter 1 and chapter 4. Others I'll give you later.
[number]:[number] Means Chapter:Level
Chapter 4 has all the backgrounds bg_ish2 but for the Red virtual levels the virus ones (Levels - Virus and level Pilot) you have bg_ish3 (Which you can get here: The level Speed maniac has bg_ish1 and that's the only level where will be this background in the game.
Chapter 1 will have differently. Different backgrounds but I'll tell you which ones. Some levels don't have tiles but as you know I told you about the tiles that every chapter has its own tile set (Accept for chapter 4. Green levels have the ish_tile4 but the virus two levels have ish_tile5. Get here: (Speed maniac level has the same tiles as balloon sky fortres (Chapter 3) and Deadly woods (Chapter 5). Basically The original tiles you have for the moment.))
Now the images of the chapter 1:
(Detonation cave level you just change tiles so I didn't make picture for that level)
Level 1 has sunset_bg_1 image that you can get in your custom WOG folder in res/images/backgrounds - image for level 1:
Level 2 has customized image but NOT by me. Get it here: - image for level 2:
Level 3 has sky_bg image. - image for level 3:
Level 4 has bg_2 image. - image for level 4:
Level 5 has bg_1 image. - image for level 5:
Level 6 has bg_1 image. - image for level 6:
Level 7 has sky_bg image. - image for level 7: (This level image is turned to a different side - you have to turn it)
Level 8 has bg_3 image. - image for level 8:
Level 9 has bg_2 image. - image for level 9: No Image - The level is Detonation cave - you just change tile set and tiles.
Level 10 has bg_1 image. - image for level 10:
Images for chapter 4:
Image for level 1:
Image for level 2:
Image for level 3:
Image for level 4:
Image for level 5:
Image for level 6: (The enemies are bit balloons)
Image for level 7:
Image for level 8:
Image for level 9: (The enemies are bit eyes)
Image for level 10:
And if you don't understand some things ask me. There are some levels that have got something written on them - don't worry it's just labeling so you can understand some features cause they look pretty small. Sorry for drawn pictures but I am not able to make enemies with Game maker for the PoG. I could draw pictures with panit.NET but it would take much more time...
By the way change your old images!