Platforms of Goo

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Total downloads: 47,787
Latest version: 1.75
Release date: 07/15/2014 - 22:48
The Game Maker created
World of Goo Themed Platform Game
The main charracter is a black Goo Ball that can run, jump, stick to vertical wall and climb on it. Enemies are other kinds of Goo Balls (Pokeys, Balloons, Bones, Bits, Bombs, Evil Eyes), dangerous spikes and gears. The goal is to feed Fisty the frog with a Goo-Drink from red can. You start from the Frog and must return at the start point after you got a can. Five available powerups can be helpful.
See also [My Special level set] [Official YouTube channel]
Please rate this "addin"
What is new in letest version (1.75)?
-possibility of switching off music and/or sounds
-extended possibilities of CustomPaint (conditions available)
-added possibility of animated stuff in the background
-deleted last remains of old explosion system*
-possibility of skipping one level per level set
-level Virtual Darkness replaced with new version
-some minor changes in other levels
-walls inside Fisty moved up
-fixed problem with Custom Event while showing menu (visible in custom "shaft levels")
-fast scrolling level list with Ctrl
-possibility of changing font color (just for fun)
-possiblity of hiding numbers of levels in the "island view" of custom sets
-dostępna poprawiona wersja polska: Platforms of Goo 1.75 PL
Platforms of Goo Level Editor (PoGLE) - version 1.02
-allows to add objects outside the play area
-allows to add tiles behind top bar (signed with red border)
-Quick-Tile function for adding spikes
-background scaled and positioned same like in game
-fast scrolling with Ctrl
-possibility of deleting all objects or tiles ([delete] key)
-possibility of hiding tiles in object-adding mode ([H] key)
-allows to customize Balloon Bonus sounds
A detailed description of customizing PoG can be downloaded here [Platforms of Goo Modding Guide]
Platforms of Goo Profile viewer - version 0.2
Simple tool allowing to view time records from your PoG profile (PoG Tool ).
*WARNING! In level Towers from chapter 5, cracked bridge between towers is not definitely destroyed by the explosion (since the machanism of explosion was updated). It makes the level a bit harder.
On October 31st I've published the source .gmk file of the game (last modified 07/08/2014).
This is the end of Platforms of Goo development. I have lost access to full version of Game Maker (I don't want to buy GM:S ) and also the interest in PoG is lower and lower. It was really nice to feel almost like a real game designer
Version | Platform | Release Date | Filename | Size | Downloads |
1.75 | Windows | Tue, 07/15/2014 - 22:48 | PlatformsOfGoo.175.setup.exe | 13.18 MB | 9,193 |
GM source | Source | Tue, 07/08/2014 - 12:54 | PlatformsOfGoo.gmk | 137.71 KB | 1,722 |
PoGLE 1.02 | Windows | Sat, 02/22/2014 - 02:48 | PoGLE.v102.exe | 2.92 MB | 1,457 |
PoG tool 0.2 | Windows | Sat, 10/05/2013 - 23:48 | PoGtool.exe | 560 KB | 1,563 |
1.74 | Windows | Sat, 02/22/2014 - 06:30 | PlatformsOfGoo.174.Setup.exe | 13.06 MB | 1,357 |
PoGLE 1.01 | Windows | Wed, 11/06/2013 - 09:23 | PoGLE.v101.exe | 2.92 MB | 2,110 |
1.72+ | Windows | Sun, 10/06/2013 - 06:16 | PlatformsOfGoo.setup.exe | 12.79 MB | 1,445 |
1.62 | Windows | Sat, 12/31/2011 - 00:26 | PlatformsOfGoo.setup.exe | 12.24 MB | 2,007 |
1.61 (final) | Windows | Wed, 08/24/2011 - 19:53 | PlatformsOfGoo.161.setup.exe | 11.21 MB | 2,717 |
1.14 | Windows | Sat, 04/23/2011 - 03:57 | PlatformsOfGoo.v114.exe | 10.39 MB | 2,691 |
1.12 | Windows | Sun, 01/30/2011 - 07:40 | PlatformsOfGoo.v112.exe | 10.05 MB | 1,808 |
1.10 ("Happy New Year!") | Windows | Sat, 01/01/2011 - 02:48 | PlatformsOfGoo.v110.setup.exe | 9.8 MB | 1,706 |
1.04 | Windows | Mon, 12/27/2010 - 00:57 | PlatformsOfGoo.v104.setup.exe | 9.13 MB | 1,737 |
1.03 | Windows | Sat, 12/04/2010 - 06:39 | PlatformsOfGoo.v103.setup.exe | 9.13 MB | 1,701 |
1.02 | Windows | Sun, 11/21/2010 - 10:27 | | 9.18 MB | 470 |
1.01 | Windows | Sun, 11/14/2010 - 09:54 | | 9.11 MB | 484 |
0.20a with levels | Windows | Mon, 10/04/2010 - 09:51 | | 9.48 MB | 654 |
0.14 | Windows | Wed, 09/29/2010 - 06:28 | | 7.82 MB | 609 |
0.12 | Windows | Fri, 09/24/2010 - 21:05 | | 7.32 MB | 553 |
0.11 | Windows | Tue, 09/21/2010 - 08:34 | | 3.02 MB | 507 |
GooBall engine | Source | Thu, 09/16/2010 - 04:14 | engine.gmk | 52.29 KB | 2,207 |
0.06 | Windows | Mon, 09/13/2010 - 06:38 | GOOgame.v006.exe | 4.03 MB | 1,721 |
0.04 | Windows | Sat, 09/11/2010 - 05:51 | GOOgame.v004.exe | 2.62 MB | 1,753 |
0.03 | Windows | Fri, 09/10/2010 - 06:20 | GOOgame.v003.exe | 2.37 MB | 2,581 |
0.01 | Windows | Mon, 09/06/2010 - 08:14 | GOOgame.v001.exe | 2.36 MB | 1,777 |
There are 4 current downloads. Show 21 archived downloads.
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Tue, 02/07/2012 - 16:46
The scripting language. How you change parts of the game.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Wed, 02/08/2012 - 10:56
I have no idea what are you talking about while you say scripting cause even in Latvian I dunno what it means. Say it in normal language not in smart so then I probably be able to understand you. Even -the Sign Painter have no idea what it means. How you change parts of the game? Why would you need that for? Or you are talking about me... How am I going to change parts of the game... Or Goosweek how he does it on Game maker... AP you better tell us who you are talking to like:
Goosweek: ...
I think I got what you said but I dunno what is script language - sorry.
Goosweek: This is for you to encourage you to make pogmods. And by the way how do I make frozen tiles? And what is the level code used for?
By the way I had another idea for your game, Goosweek... Why couldn't you put some time OCDs? That would make game more interesting... Like level "Over the hill" OCD is 10 seconds as I tested... Level "Simple divide" OCD is 10 seconds either as I tested... Simple! Your OCDs you can see at the level selection - you want to select level "Pokey" and see you got OCD written on its image cool isn't it? And by the way there is one problem I dislike... When you fail the level your time adds from your failed level try so better would be that every time you start level again you get new time going but I'm NOT talking that you lose your records...
OCD you can have a look at the level selection by clicking Space bar it will show you something like this:
Finish in 10 seconds or less
Then you click Space bar and you see your selected level in level selection again. To start level you press Enter. What do you think - is it cool idea? Levels could be contests... We can start new forum topic and write our records... But only when there will be totally final version for PoG. And when it shows - New time record ??:??:?? then if you get OCD under the New time record ??:??:?? you see written OCD.
Either you could make for chapters that every chapter has its own color goo drink can:
Chapter 1 and chapter 2 - can red
Chapter 3 - can blue
Chapter 4 - can green
Chapter 5 - can yellow
And don't forget about OCD and story line
Wed, 02/08/2012 - 17:34
I mean this. Scripting is when you write a file of commands that changes the way a program runs. Mathematica and JavaScript can be used for scripting. Programming is often more complex.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Wed, 02/08/2012 - 19:54
So what are you up to I don't get it. By the way I'm just making level designs and their order for the next version/s. I'm not making any features as there is no feature editor.
Thu, 02/09/2012 - 15:09
There won't be any Feature Editor.
The way you can change game features today is too complex and powerful to be done automaticaly by special editor (like a button adding water or changing appearance of particular monster). There's too much possibilities.
To make a game with customizable objects I have to start making it from 0! I have worked around PoG for more than a year and now it's impossible to make as general changes in the engine.
In different chapters we can change colour or speed of Pokeys (I can even easily add a digit trail to every Pokey in virtual chapter) and other monsters. We can merge more monsters (like Bit with Balloon or Evil Eye). There's mechanism of changing resources and we can have different sounds and different sprites in every level. Our possibilities of customization are realy big today and I don't need to add any new features to the game code. "The gameplay possibilities are endless!"
OCD is probably easy to add. It requires only some small changes to "island"/chapter codeing.
About converting sounds and a lot of images in PoG:
There's a problem with publication of huge PoG installer at Goo Fans. Even now it's not so easy. If there won't be any external PoG site, we may have problems with publishing the game. We can only cut it into smaller zips and everyone needs to download all parts and extract to one folder (not nice). I have converted all WoG music to mp3, but I have to control size of the installer. And because of it I've never published all this stuff...
Your ideas are generaly good Wiki-goo, but as I say, now I don't have enough time to work around PoG.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Fri, 02/10/2012 - 01:39
You would like the game be REAL not your customized?! Sick! But It's illegal except if... I dunno how to describe it but I think you Goosweek have gone too far with your game as you only don't want it on goofans but in whole wide world. I just had an idea of making your game LOOK LIKE a real one but I think you got it over.
For me making new ideas is easy if you got the point - in this case PoG but it's hard to think out a point by yourself...
Well I think I know what you mean and that the game size will be too big... But why? Only cause MOM4evr can send only 20MB size addin to Davidc? That's just stupid and I think that MOM just have to give him a link of a addin so he can download it from there. I already once mentioned MOM about that.
Fri, 02/10/2012 - 05:11
Why do you think I want my game to "be REAL not your customized"?
"Project PoG" is close to be finnished. Every future release will be looking similar to current version (only different "official" levels and maybe OCD system).
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Fri, 02/10/2012 - 08:23
Ok. So I think this is comeing to end now. I'll just give you other level images and that's where we gona end. Thanks for accepting my ideas.
Fri, 02/10/2012 - 11:38
Plus PoG could be the start of something new like tower of goo was.
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
Wed, 02/15/2012 - 09:51
Goosweek, how do I send messages through my google account?
Ahh, no worry. I got it by myself.
Only one question... Is it possible to put two codes in one level? And if so then how do I separate them from each other (What do I put between them)
Sun, 02/19/2012 - 03:39
Code is a list of instructions separated by ;
When you have two parts of code you can put second after the and of first and ; between them.
Code have to be stored in one line.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Sun, 05/27/2012 - 02:56
And you still haven't changed your old images of PoG... But thanks for info! You could put some lava into the game like the water. The lava itself would not be dangerous only it does like moving - instead of being deadly itself you put gears inside the lava.
Either when the next version will come out... Uhh! I forgot to give you the images! Just wait I'll upload them and look back to my post at 4th page.
By the way I don't have time to give you other images from chapter 3, 4 and 5 so you'll need to wait a bit but while do your stuff and make chapter 1 and 4 and put chapter 1 in the game.
Ah I changed my mind... anyway it's your addin so you edit it as you want but please separate levels differently so it would be interresting. I hope you remember the way chapters should look like and if not just check in the other posts here...
Mon, 08/27/2012 - 02:36
A good game!!I like it!
This is copcap
| The Deceiving World | The Adventure Of Ugly | see more |
Sun, 09/23/2012 - 07:37
New version is out - but it looks liek it'' all the same as it was...
Goosweek, if you're there I could help you with developing your levels. I can make more chapters and make them look like in a real game - let me know of what you think and while I'll edit the game I just downloaded. Thank you.
Oh - I've noticed that only the editor has been updated!
Sat, 09/29/2012 - 09:48
I've created chapters 1-4 (Taste of Goo, Goo Filled Caves, Frozen World and Virtual Reality), but fifth (Castle of goo) is still not finnished...
The whole game may by bigger than 20MB, so chapters 1-3 may be released before the "addin" with 4-5.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Fri, 11/09/2012 - 14:27
Last time I'm not active at GooFans and also my work around PoG stopped for a while. But I made the newest, not finnished version available HERE
The full version of PoG will be finnished and pubished at GooFans. Now you can post comments and advices about levels and graphics to this pre-release.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Fri, 11/09/2012 - 20:57
Very creative levels of yours Goosweek, what version is this?
I'm also creating my next set of PoG Levels, which it consists of a story of a gooball goes to an elemental world of PoG with stunning colors.
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Sat, 11/10/2012 - 04:05
I call it "chapter version", but it has no name/number because it's not finnished.
This version (when finnished) would be the last "official" release of PoG.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Sat, 11/10/2012 - 04:36
So, when you publish this "chapter version" of yours to goofans, you won't for this anymore?
Anyway, I'm also creating more PoG addins as well, when you end the project out, I'm also helping you out creating PoG addins to my offical PoG page.
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Thu, 12/27/2012 - 12:25
Official CUSTOM Pog addins, to be exact, because Goosweek's adding is the original thing. If you create completely different game, like Platforms of goo 2, then this will be unofficial copyright. I hope, that Goosweek, will add some 'videos' to the game, at the beginning and at the end of the chapters, so it all would make up a story and not just a simple boring game. It is quite cool, though, and I though if some circle, and some ramp geometries would be possible to put for the game. And I don't really think, that if Goosweek releases the game soon, I don't think it'll be quite finished. I really like it though, but it could have some features like:
Albino pokey monster (Walks on the platform like a normal pokey, but when you land on its platform, it starts running twice as fast (Like Eyes) and run at you, to catch you, but they would be sticking at the walls, like the original pokeys and not flying like the balloons)
Spike (Original enemy, moving by itself and gravitates like the Bone. If it touches a wall, it changes its direction, but it can fall off a wall just like Pokey, that has not sticked to a wall or a Bone, that there is no wall to stop it from moving)
Fish (The only enemy, that can move around the water. If it jumps out of the water and lands on a platform, then it can only make small jumps in the air and it would slowly move towards the water. This monster is 'multifunctional, and really deadly)
Goo product (This monster can kill you, if it touches you the third time. The first two, it would slow you down, so you can't jump anough high, can't run very fast and can't escape other dangers. It moves just like balloons)
Pilot (Just like Bit goo, it would be only in the Virtual Reality chapter, and would move just like bit, only it would be red and its shooted goo ball would look like the actual pilot goo ball in the game, therefor, when its shot touches you, it wouldn't kill you in the first place, but it would take about 5 seconds to infect you, until you die. This could give you an opportunity, to not to get killed in the first place. It would also make you red. another feature it could have is, that if you get infected, then none of the other monsters can kill you, and if another pilot touches you, then you have 5 more seconds to live again)
I think, that in different chapter, almost every enemy, would change its colour, like for example pokey and balloon would have red as original colours, but in virtual world, they'd be green. In frozen world, balloon becomes blue, just like pokey. Frozen world would be the only chapter, to have albino pokey, which would be in white colour. Therefor, Eye and bomb wouldn't change their colours. But I though, that Bomb, in virtual world could have red flame and not orange coming out of it like a virus, but it doesn't infect you like Pilot goo. In virtual world, the water could be green and red. The red one would be virus, which could kill you in 5 seconds, like pilot goo. And I though as well about the kill water. And how about having some levels, that look a bit like 'A&B and the 3d Party' Wog level backgrounds and tiles for some levels, where for example you have Goo product enemies in the level? How about, if you would have, as well, as having snowy platforms, you would have Ice platforms, which would be the ones, that are slippery as well, only they could break, when explosion happens, like Cracked Ice or something. Uncracked Ice, would be unstable platforms, how about that? And I was thinking about the sign posts, that you could come up to them, press space and a post with information opens, and just like in the real game, every time you presss space, the test would change, but I wouldn't recommend you to make post rotate every time you press space bar, so just making the text change, until you have gone through all information, then post closes and you can continue playing. Meanwhile you're reading, the game pauses. And I was thinking, if you can easily pause the game by pressing P if that's not already in the game. The last thing I'd like to suggest is that chapter picture, you see at the level selection. Every chapter will probably have different picture, but I though, that you would rather put a little picture on from every different level there instead, so players can have a little taste of what their next challenge is going to be like. And I hope to see very much of the original levels in the game. If many original levels doesn't have space left in a chapter, that really looks like part of it, then you can just convert the tiles and some features of those levels into other chapter levels. For example that old level Detonation cave is really interesting. I think it could be converted into the second chapter's look.
Heh, this was long, but I hope to see some of these ideas in the game.
Mon, 01/07/2013 - 02:36
Actually, the game is good! Forget what I wrote before. Just a bit of suggestions:
Add one more monster, which would be fish, as I explained there before.
Add OCDs and set them as a correct time such as 10 secs or a minute. I'm pro at this game and I could beat some of your records. I could personally tell you which OCD would go with which level.
Make Virtual Pokeys a bit more green. I'll upload picture on this post of making it completely green. I know how to.
Add options - the info would open at main menu. It would show, that you need to press O button to open options. There you could change speed (There would be Slow, that wouldn't be so good, but then remember, that gravity would need to be smaller. Normal, which we all usually play, and Fast, which would be at the speed of the Virtual Pokey level, so please change that level's speed to normal, and then you could change the speeds. Normal would be set as the original speed of the game), have quality change (Where you can change to block and HD - HD would be set as the normal quality) music (how loud it would be - the sounds of the goo balls' actions and everything. Could be switched off as well) and music (You could change the music as well).
By the way, hope to see chapter 5 and plz add all or almost all musics from the original WOG game. Plz make a level with Screamer music.
And how about me, making addins for this game. I could make a web site for this game after all - with weebly, I suppose...
And by the way, make it, that you can't select next chapter, while you haven't finished the one before it. Make levels to be the same. And that levels and chapters can be selected by your choice, once you've finished them all.
And what is your skype name? I want to add you on skype, so I can discuss this with you.
Could you also change the names of the Chapters to however they're called like the Taste of goo and sort of stuff not like Chapter 1 to be shown on the main menu. Thanks.
I like when this sound appears when you start a level and other, but when an enemy dies it's awkward. What if you kill eney then the death sound comes out likethe same common goo, but for balloons it would make the pop sound it makes when it dies just like on the WOG. And how about the bit balloons to be even more red, so it looks more virtual. But the bit stays the same - green.
In Chapter 2, level 4 I didn't hear any music. Maybe you add to it music 07. Threadcutter music? Also, in Chapter 2, level 9 there is no music. What if you add to that level the PumpingStation music? And that same level in the editor has some unneeded tiles, so just remove them please.
For the last thing, I'd like to suggest this option - when you go to poogle and put some tiles on, then decide to change tiles, then when you open the new tiles, what if it shows a window after you opened them by asking you if you would like to replace the tiles, that are already on the level. If yes then it replaces, if not it doesn't and you can use more tiles than one tile set can hold. How about that?
Mon, 01/07/2013 - 08:16
The point of tilesets is that you only use one per level. That's how they work.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Wed, 01/09/2013 - 11:33
Yeah, but sometimes there aren't enough tiles, to fill all the bits you want. For example one of the arrows is not possible to add. If it is, then explanation of how to add them would be greatful
And if you look into the chapter one folder, then there is one of my levels. This was meant to be like th pokey level, but it's alright, I don't need it really.
And by the way Chapter 3, level 4 is impossible. It's quite tricky to get to the can but it is possible. Getting back is impossible. You need to enlarge the level so at the right side there would be not 2 block space, but 3 block space. I'll get to the point my self and may be give you the level as fixes, Goosweek. Otherways I don't find it possible as it is set right now.
And correct your spellings - you got level name/s wrong like Long Boney Road instead of Long Bony Road and you put two N letters in one word at the end of one chapter, when it was supposed to be only one. And gues what - this game is getting popular - me and my friends had such a good time playing this game! You should add more than 5 chapters! Even tho I couldn't finish ANY of Chapter 5 levels!
Thu, 01/10/2013 - 10:35
I would like to play your game, but I have linux. Could you port the game to linux? I could help,too.
Thu, 01/10/2013 - 11:10
Problem is that Game Maker (which this game was created in) doesn't have a Linux client, so that's not really possible. If I recall correctly, a lot of Game Maker games run ok in Wine so long as you run them windowed instead of fullscreen. It's worth a shot, anyhoo.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Wed, 01/23/2013 - 15:10
I got a problem - when I open my own images, they don't open - why? I could change to my won images before, so why can't I do that in this version? Please tell me, because modding guide does not tell me anything about it.
Besides, I need to get Goosweek on skype, because I just did this by my self - I added chapter 5 to the real game - the only problem is, that I could not make it to be able to be opened after you finish chapter 4. And I'd better like, if in the game you could choose any level you want without any required competing or ultimate levels. The only feature there would be, that if you haven't finished the level, you couldn't skip it, which already is in the game. And recall the chapters to their normal names - they look awkward with Chapter 1,2,3,4,5 names. and those pictures are so from the old versions! And if I get Goosweek on skype, I'd like to suggest getting like 10 levels to each chapter - I got some level ideas, though.
Fri, 06/28/2013 - 07:40
When is this new version of PoG will come?
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Fri, 06/28/2013 - 09:21
As soon as I can publish it (now i can't modify downloads).
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Sun, 06/30/2013 - 05:27
Really ready, and I'm going back on making new levels for my biggest Platforms of Goo Addin: The Ultimate Level Challenge!
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Wed, 08/14/2013 - 07:04
Um Goosweek, I know you don't want to continue this project anymore, but how about in new versions of PoG, you might add some new features or objects in the game so I can add them to my ULC game.
This is just up to you if you don't want.
inwog, publisher of 407 World of Goo levels since 2009-2015
Fri, 08/30/2013 - 17:17
Every game changes. The game I've really liked, Tanki online has changed massively over the years and is still changing. Now because of that I think that Platforms of goo too, should be a never ending story with new updates and new features as well as with new levels. And MOM4evr; I recommend you to send your addins to davidc through skype instead because there you can send files that are really big ever a gigabyte or beyond!
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 03:29
I'm sorry to say that, but project PoG won't be continued (by me). No problems were reported, so I think, that game is fine. My work for Gookind is finished...
If someone is interested in expanding game in different way than creating levels, I can publish the Game Maker source of PoG. But the source is not well-documented and it wouldn't be easy.
I visit GooFans from time to time, so you can always ask me if you have some problem with customizing the game.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Tue, 09/17/2013 - 05:23
I've just run a YouTube channel to prove that every official PoG level can be solved. All the walkthrough videos are ready and will be published at random time. If you want to see some video earlier, you can post below.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Sat, 09/28/2013 - 12:05
But what about OCDs?
I can't do it so who will?
Sat, 09/28/2013 - 12:15
Levels are hard enough to be challenges itself. OCDs are not needed in PoG, I guess.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Mon, 10/14/2013 - 22:14
Can you give me a link to your GameMaker File Project(.gmk)?, I have game maker studio to make another version of this game.., So it can launch in e.g. Android OS and Others.
I have an idea for you : Please put a small minimap to your game, so the player know the obstacle around the levels., Like EDGE Game from Mobigame..
WoG New Levels
My Live Fan Art Piano Music
Tue, 10/15/2013 - 14:02
I can send it to you by e-mail.
I'm not planning to continue PoG project, but you can develop it further (but as PoG 2). The only thing I may expect is to create Mac or Linux releases of current PoG.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Sat, 10/19/2013 - 10:08
Ok, you can send your project to my e-mail
WoG New Levels
My Live Fan Art Piano Music
Sat, 10/26/2013 - 06:12
The source was sent.
All videos for three chapters of PoG appeared on YouTube channel.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Fri, 11/01/2013 - 09:52
The thing you've never seen:
Easter Egg in Platforms of Goo!
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Sat, 11/02/2013 - 07:13
Errr... I have a problem when compile the project,.. I think that missing HTML files
and for the easter egg,.. that is something to goo-ing 3D
WoG New Levels
My Live Fan Art Piano Music
Sun, 11/03/2013 - 04:50
What HTML files?
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Thu, 11/07/2013 - 21:35
I think that was the Instruction Page
WoG New Levels
My Live Fan Art Piano Music
Sun, 11/10/2013 - 01:45
I have created icon for this game!
Here the link :
The PNG Link :
This icon is Itunes style icon , hope you enjoy
WoG New Levels
My Live Fan Art Piano Music
Sat, 11/16/2013 - 11:34
All* walkthrough videos published:
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Sat, 11/16/2013 - 11:37
error: please remove this comment and this one above.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Sat, 11/16/2013 - 11:36
All* walkthrough videos published!
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Sat, 11/30/2013 - 06:43
Can you add little fix to your game so I can add dynamic bg to my levels?
WoG New Levels
My Live Fan Art Piano Music
Sat, 11/30/2013 - 13:24
You mean animated? I think it's pointless.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Sat, 12/14/2013 - 07:27
But it'll looks amazing...
WoG New Levels
My Live Fan Art Piano Music