Most Innovative Levels on goofans?
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Hi fellow goofans!
As some of you know, i wasn't active on here a long time, until recently.
Some time ago, in 2009, i downloaded almost every level that was published on this site.
In this thread, i'd like to know what i've missed since then.
I'm particular interested in levels that did something new.
(changes in gameplay, special use of dynamic geometry, never before seen art-style, special custom Goo Balls, cool custom particle effects, or even a level that perfected a technique that was used before... or merged techniques together...)
Anything you'd call innovative, by the time it was published.
Since i called the topic "Most Innovative Levels on goofans", you can of course list every level, that you think fits, but the levels i'd be most interested in would be those published in late 2009 and 2010.
So, what's your Top10/Top5/TopAnything list of inovative goomod levels?
(and please mention the innovative aspect. )
P.S.: Of course i've downloaded some of the newer levels by now.
I'd put "Gotcha!" at my Top 1 list for now.
(to the 2 people that haven't played it: the innovation/awsomeness part are the multitude of devilish traps, and the "Making Of" which explains how you can do stuff like that! Daft as Brush. 'nuff said.)
I'd have to say for my top twenty:
It totally got me!
1: The Second Cog in the Machine: because it had many places to go, and the loopsound/music fit into the level design very well. It really made you think you had to hurry!
2: Gotcha!: Mr. Daft as Brush wasn't Daft when he made this amazing level!
3: Sky Fortress: it had some intresting music, and the level itself was creative!
4: Goo at war: It made you feel like the World of goo corporation was actually attacked by something...
5: Sandbox NO LIMITS!: MattOG's sandbox got improved with new goo dispensers, and some new places.
6: On the run: it's really challenging to get OCD, and to calm down the German Shepard! DOH!
7: Sunshine: A level based on Kyle's game, Sunshine.
8: The Goo Worlds in Chapter 3: It really gave you a nice thing to work on.
9: Lemon-aid: it was made when I gave momo some inspiration for Lemon balls. It also has a custom particle: Lemon scent.
10: Far lands: it was easy to play, but the original download crashed on the second level.
11: Goosweeks tenth level: It was challenging, but if you really pay attention to the eyes, you can do it!
12: Domino of goo: They get creative with the rect heads these days...
13: Rubber Band: it was hard to do, but it is fun to get creative about it.
14: GooFans!: Playing the level was fun, and it seems that people can get just about every goo except for one, which you have to de-tach.
15: Goo Bowling: This game just got fancy!
16: The BETA Party: most goos in the game are there, so it is fun to experiment.
17: Killer Carpet: Now you can get the albinos out of Death-rug with a new level!
18: Strategy: The name is what you use for this level! It's fun to play.
19: Rubber Sheet Theory: It had definantly used the physics of WoG to make a great orbital level.
20: Deadly Roll up: You have to build quick in order to get all the goo you can collect. Very good level.
Also, I would appreaciate it if you could help with goo2:
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
That's quite a list. Thanks, James.
(I don't know if i'm able to help with goo2. most times when i start playing around with a new level idea, i lost track and the development process ends like that of Duke Nukem Forever: Never.
| Fly Her to the Moon (with Antigravity Goo) | Infinitive Windows Freezer (unlimited Goo playground) |
If people didn't write down ideas, do it immediatly, or have a great memory, every body will be a Duke.
InfernoFans | Chest full of porkchops
I'll think about it. but that's enough off topic in here now.

If you want to tell me more about goo2, you could bump a thread that already deals about it.
edit: i said not in this topic.
| Fly Her to the Moon (with Antigravity Goo) | Infinitive Windows Freezer (unlimited Goo playground) |
im honored to have my level in your top 20
I'm disappointed (is it correct speeling?) that Experimental Level Project is not on that list...
What about creative use of non-static geometries in MOM4evr's Escape From The Depths, my Train of Death and Escape from the Distant Planet.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
@Goosweek, it's just James' list.
I'd be happy if more people would post their own favourite most innovative level lists.^^
| Fly Her to the Moon (with Antigravity Goo) | Infinitive Windows Freezer (unlimited Goo playground) |
This is my list. (There could be some of my levels, but it's my list, so I think they shouldn't be on it.)
1. Gotha!* (Daft as Brush)
2. Hazardous Environment (thB) 1st strategy level
3. Fly Her to the Moon (XDboy) very advenced goomod with new balls, particles, and realy beautifull (like my Experimental Level Project
4. Strategy* (lulucao) - another strategy level
5. Goo Bowling (MOM4evr) - interesting idea. Like other game!
6. Escape From The Depths (MOM4evr) - realy challenging. Sliding platforms!
7. Escape From the World (GooGooAction) - ugly level, but interesting flying machine
This is all for now...
* means I hadn't beat it yet.
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Here's some of mine:
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
There are a lot of levels already mentioned. I don´t want to double post them.
I just add some levels without valuating them.
Space battle: i liked the idea of the "cannons"
A big FALL: the floor, where you can build on but falling from big height it detaches, is great
Fixed Pulley: I think it was the first custom pulley level
break out: for transmitting "paddle war" into Goo
on the run | keep on running | two-stroke-engine
Who likes my level? It is my second level. It is called "Computer hazard".
Ummm... I think that the more SOFICSTICATED levels are better. I think that "first levels" usually aren't on people's minds as even #20
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me