The Ultimate Level Challenge Series

The Ultimate Level Challenge 2 Logo with Egypt, Medieval, Pirates, and Aztecs levelsAuthor: inwog
Total downloads: 6,258
Latest version: 1.9 (ULC2)
Release date: 11/21/2015 - 18:33
Overall rating
Your rating: None Average: 4.3 (10 votes)

The Ultimate Level Challenge and The Ultimate Level Challenge 2: Fisty's Time

You must get the latest version of Goosweek's Platforms of Goo to install these addins.

1. Download the .zip file. and the music .zip file.
2. Place the .zip files to your folder containing Platforms of Goo.
3. Extract all files at your Platforms of Goo folder.
4. Sort out the images, levels and music in the res folder.
5. Launch the game, ENJOY!

1. Download the .zip files (make sure it's not the same version number!)
2. Replace all images, and levels in the game

Please guys, this is so important when a new version comes out; not just to add the levels, follow the version history please. Sad

These rules are very strict to my policy, so if you didn't follow one of these rules, a violation will be earned, so if you want to edit anything, copy the file you want!
1. Don't edit the original levels. This is an important rule!
2. Don't edit the coding of the levels.
3. Don't customize the graphics of the level set.

The only people who don't follow these rules are me and Goosweek.

History of The Ultimate Level Challenge

The concept of this level set was set off when I played the hit game on Facebook which is Candy Crush Saga. I'm addicted to that game which it has so many levels. On April 9, 2013, I decided to make a new and fresh PoG addin which I was influenced by that game. The level-set's first name is called "The 100 Level Challenge". It was finally released on April 22, 2013 with the first 10 worlds of the game.

On May, I was very bored on just a plain of 100 levels, so I suggest that I will expand the game up to 150 levels with 5 new worlds: Forest, Tundra, Canyon, Coastal, and Graveyard renaming the level set to The Ultimate Level Challenge. It finally published on June 5, 2013.

In the release of Jungle and Stone Worlds, the map of ULC was made to the public. With the map, you can see what's the worlds in the set connected by a dashed line to see how the worlds progressed.

On August 16, 2013 when Darkness World is released, it contains Level 200 to end on the second part of ULC.

I've been experimenting to create something new to a world. Grass, Desert, Cave, Water, and Radioactive Worlds have multiple new objects in the game while the others only have 1. Some worlds don't carry new objects at all.

In the release of Reef World, the red cans were no longer used, but with the new scribed colored cans, there's now a variety throughout the worlds in the game. It's a can with an animated drawing inscribed them. Drawings like Electric Particles from Techno World, Rising Swamp Bubbles from Swamp World, and Swaying Grass from Grass World.

In the release of Abyss World, the ULC map is beautified and fresh new looking, and also declared being the largest PoG addin in the game!

The Stealth Eyes idea was planned from my brother. The main idea for this one is that it's hard to see those eyes throughout the game. It was first appeared on Mineral World.

On October 19, 2013, ULC had reached 300 Levels with the releases of Radioactive and Lunar Worlds to end on the third part of ULC.

On November 2, 2013, inwog announces that the last level of ULC will be on 500 in Part 5, and might be ended on April 2014, but that's not the end, there are 50 more levels, but these levels are the marathon levels. These levels must be unlocked after beating level 500.

In the releases of Cloud and Glass World, a storyline for ULC is now approved to the game to have the settings revolve around the game.

In the release of Badlands World, blue borders appeared on the map indicating the worlds on that part.

On December 17, 2013, ULC had reached 400 Levels with the release of Neon World, then the beginning of the holiday break.

On December 21, 2013, inwog announces ULC: Time Travel for the Marathon Level Set, and the first promotional poster made in the page on December 23, 2013.

On January 24, 2014, inwog said that when ULC gets a full set of 550 Levels (500 in the main set, 50 in Time Travel), the whole game will be fully customized graphics for extra fun.

On February 20, 2014, another ULC Time Travel Poster had posted on the page with new levels added.

On March 19, 2014, Psychic World was released, and maxing out all 500 Levels.

On April 15, 2014, ULC's Time Travel has been released to the public making it the last part of the game and an expansion of 50 new shaft levels.

On July 17, 2014, ULC will have a dreamy counterpart namely "The Dreamy Level Challenge" because of Candy Crush Saga's Dreamworld and the new version of Platforms of Goo. It will have all 500 Levels to have a counterpart.

Also Time Travel will be seperated from the game because it's now a spin off.

On August 9, 2014, DLC is now archived because making another 500 levels will be a pain again, but still it can be downloadable and deleted later on.

On September 19, 2014, DLC is now removed from the page, however it is not completely gone, some mechanism must be changed before releasing to the public.

On September 27, 2014, Time Travel will be archived due to its spin-off. Also, DLC will be revived, but changes of mechanics of the game as it will be discussed by myself.

On July 2, 2015, I had plans to make ULC's sequel which I had trouble how the game would differ from the first one. I also said this is my last addin on GooFans.

On July 13, 2015, the development for The Ultimate Level Challenge 2 had begun.

The Ultimate Level Challenge 2 was released on July 22, 2015 with the first two worlds. Furthermore, I'll keep adding more worlds until I had enough making this one.

At November 22, 2015, ULC2 is finished with all of the levels. With the version 2.0 coming later will have cosmetic changes. This version ends my journey to GooFans.

On January 2, 2016, The Version 2.0 is now discontinued, marking the final addin for inwog and his history.


The Ultimate Level Challenge

Biggest PoG Addin Ever, now with a complete of 500 Adventurous levels!

This addin is my first one to be so huge as a PoG Addin (like my other addins MCW, and Geometry Hyperspace). It contains 500 Levels to complete, each of the levels categorized by 50 different worlds below that I listed. You'll encounter new monsters, bonuses, and other stuff.



1. Grass World (Levels 1 to 10)
New Things: Pokey Monsters, Balloon Monsters
Release Date: April 22, 2013, Version 1.0
Time Travel Level: Meadow Grounds

2. Desert World (Levels 11 to 20)
New Things: Bone Monsters, Yellow Thorns
Release Date: April 22, 2013, Version 1.0
Time Travel Level: Dusty Trail

3. Lava World (Levels 21 to 30)
New Things: Dynamic Flames
Release Date: April 22, 2013, Version 1.0
Time Travel Level: Volcanic Activation

4. Cave World (Levels 31 to 40)
New Things: Bomb Monsters, Titanium Bombs
Release Date: April 22, 2013, Version 1.0
Time Travel Level: Cave Explorer

5. Water World (Levels 41 to 50)
New Things: Dynamic Blocks, Water Shields, Water
Release Date: April 22, 2013, Version 1.0
Time Travel Level: Underwater Marina

6. Ice World (Levels 51 to 60)
New Things: Evil Eye Monsters
Release Date: April 22, 2013, Version 1.0
Time Travel Level: Snow Showdown

7. Sky World (Levels 61 to 70)
New Things: Upward Arrows
Release Date: April 22, 2013, Version 1.0
Time Travel Level: Sky Landers

8. Digital World (Levels 71 to 80)
New Things: Bit Emitter Monsters
Release Date: April 22, 2013, Version 1.0
Time Travel Level: Virtual Aspect

9. Metropolis World (Levels 81 to 90)
New Things: none
Release Date: April 22, 2013, Version 1.0
Time Travel Level: City of Depths

10. Space World (Levels 91 to 100)
New Things: Bit-Balloons, Teleporters
Release Date: April 22, 2013, Version 1.0
Time Travel Level: Stardust Way


11. Forest World (Levels 101 to 110)
New Things: none
Release Date: June 5, 2013, Version 1.3
Time Travel Level: Trees of Wisdom

12. Tundra World (Levels 111 to 120)
New Things: Time Bomb Areas
Release Date: June 5, 2013, Version 1.3
Time Travel Level: Winter Hails

13. Canyon World (Levels 121 to 130)
New Things: Falling Blocks
Release Date: June 5, 2013, Version 1.3
Time Travel Level: Grand Fall

14. Coastal World (Levels 131 to 140)
New Things: none
Release Date: June 5, 2013, Version 1.3
Time Travel Level: Beach Launch

15. Graveyard World (Levels 141 to 150)
New Things: Angry Monsters
Release Date: June 5, 2013, Version 1.3
Time Travel Level: Rise of The Dead

16. Techno World (Levels 151 to 160)
New Things: None
Release Date: June 24, 2013, Version 1.4
Time Travel Level: Technology Combustion

17. Jungle World (Levels 161 to 170)
New Things: Can Chase Levels
Release Date: July 29, 2013, Version 1.5
Time Travel Level: Vines of Tranquil

18. Stone World (Levels 171 to 180)
New Things: Jumping Bones
Release Date: July 29, 2013, Version 1.5
Time Travel Level: Stonehenge Jury

19. Factory World (Levels 181 to 190)
New Things: none
Release Date: August 10, 2013, Version 1.6
Time Travel Level: Industrial Revolution

20. Darkness World (Levels 191 to 200)
New Things: none
Release Date: August 16, 2013, Version 1.7
Time Travel Level: Darkness of Vanity


21. Savannah World (Levels 201 to 210)
New Things: Warps
Release Date: August 21, 2013, Version 1.8
Time Travel Level: African Wildfront

22. Swamp World (Levels 211 to 220)
New Things: Starting Bonus
Release Date: August 21, 2013, Version 1.8
Time Travel Level: Lurking Spring

23. Reef World (Levels 221 to 230)
New Things: none
Release Date: September 1, 2013, Version 1.9
Time Travel Level: Pirate Booty

24. Dune World (Levels 231 to 240)
New Things: Fireball Emitter
Release Date: September 14, 2013, Version 1.10
Time Travel Level: Sandstorm Apocalypse

25. Spring World (Levels 241 to 250)
New Things: Giant Pokeys
Release Date: September 14, 2013, Version 1.10
Time Travel Level: The Art of Nature

26. Abyss World (Levels 251 to 260)
New Things: none
Release Date: September 23, 2013, Version 1.11
Time Travel Level: Mighty Vision

27. Mineral World (Level 261 to 270)
New Things: Stealth Eyes
Release Date: October 2, 2013, Version 1.12
Time Travel Level: Gems of Lapis Lazuli

28. Magma World (Levels 271 to 280)
New Things: none
Release Date: October 11, 2013, Version 1.13
Time Travel Level: Erupting Ashfall

29. Radioactive World (Levels 281 to 290)
New Things: Nuclear Bombs, Nuke Bombs
Release Date: October 19 2013, Version 1.14
Time Travel Level: Toxic Meltdown

30. Lunar World (Levels 291 to 300)
New Things: none
Release Date: October 19 2013, Version 1.14
Time Travel Level: Eclipse of The Moon


31. Fungi World (Levels 301 to 310)
New Things: Ghost Balloons
Release Date: October 29, 2013, Version 1.15
Time Travel Level: Mushroom Dawn

32. Eternity World (Levels 311 to 320)
New Things: none
Release Date: October 29, 2013, Version 1.15
Time Travel Level: Elves of Celestial

33. Mud World (Levels 321 to 330)
New Things: none
Release Date: November 6, 2013, Version 1.16
Time Travel Level: Geyser Booster

34. Blaze World (Levels 331 to 340)
New Things: Devil Bomb Emitter
Release Date: November 10, 2013, Version 1.17
Time Travel Level: Blazing Fury

35. Cloud World (Levels 341 to 350)
New Things: none
Release Date: November 20, 2013, Version 1.18
Time Travel Level: Rainbow Rush

36. Glass World (Levels 351 to 360)
New Things: Bit-Eyes
Release Date: November 20, 2013, Version 1.18
Time Travel Level: Castle of Glass

37. Badlands World (Levels 361 to 370)
New Things: none
Release Date: November 29, 2013, Version 1.19
Time Travel Level: Mountain Ranger

38. Taiga World (Levels 371 to 380)
New Things: none
Release Date: December 8, 2013, Version 1.20
Time Travel Level: Woodland Shrub

39. Farm World (Levels 381 to 390)
New Things: Defunct Bombs
Release Date: December 8, 2013, Version 1.20
Time Travel Level: Harvest Moon

40. Neon World (Levels 391 to 400)
New Things: none
Release Date: December 17, 2013, Version 1.21
Time Travel Level: Beams of Light


41. Prehistoric World (Levels 401 to 410)
New Things: none
Release Date: January 1, 2014, Version 1.22
Time Travel Level: Fossil Museum

42. Waste World (Levels 411 to 420)
New Things: Sniper Emitter
Release Date: January 1, 2014, Version 1.22
Time Travel Level: Armageddon War

43. Tropical World (Levels 421 to 430)
New Things: none
Release Date: January 10, 2014, Version 1.23
Time Travel Level: Tiki Thumping

44. Storm World (Levels 431 to 440)
New Things: Sparking Cracked Walls, Sparking Blocks
Release Date: January 25, 2014, Version 1.24
Time Travel Level: Hurricane Strike

45. Medieval World (Levels 441 to 450)
New Things: none
Release Date: January 25, 2014, Version 1.24
Time Travel Level: Royal Monarchy

46. Blizzard World (Levels 451 to 460)
New Things none
Release Date: February 4, 2014, Version 1.25
Time Travel Level: Frozen Frostbite

47. Solar World (Levels 461 to 470)
New Things Sun Emitter
Release Date: February 18, 2014, Version 1.26
Time Travel Level: Global Warming

48. Autumn World (Levels 471 to 480)
New Things none
Release Date: February 18, 2014, Version 1.26
Time Travel Level: Leaves of Olympus

49. Cyber World (Levels 481 to 490)
New Things none
Release Date: February 25, 2014, Version 1.27
Time Travel Level: Hyperspace Synergy

50. Psychic World (Levels 491 to 500)
New Things none
Release Date: March 19, 2014, Version 1.28
Time Travel Level: Mind Horizons

Time Travel

ULC: Time Travel are Marathon Levels that lets you play back to the previous worlds until to the last world. You'll play from Grass World to Psychic World. All of the levels are Shaft Vertical Levels with an increasing difficulty (sometimes mixed difficulty). As of July 17, 2014, this set will be seperated from the main game because it's now a spin-off.

To unlock ULC: Time Travel, you must finish all of the main levels in the game (from levels 1 to 500) in order to play them.

The levels will be release on the first anniversary of ULC (or the month of), which the first release date sets initially on April 15, 2014 (but that's going to change if I would pull the date). The first promotional poster was published in December 23, 2013, the second promotional poster was published in February 20, 2014, and the third promotional poster was published in March 31, 2014.

It was released on April 15, 2014 with all 50 shaft levels released to the public.

This stage could inspire from the movie "Mr. Peabody and Sherman" because of the setting.


If you're having trouble with one of the levels in the set, comment below or go to the forum of The Ultimate Level Challenge which its in here.

However, the forum is now locked, so I'll abandon it.

Updates will be given on days if anything might be changed on ULC.

Known Bugs, Glitches, and Crash Problems

Certain Levels could gain one of these problems due to the fact they have issues on many of its monsters onscreen.

1. Dynamic Blocks - There are two ways how falling blocks get a bug, first of all that the Block wasn't moving down at full stack, and second is that the block isn't falling down at all. This can happen on Levels 182, 355, etc.

2. Jumping Bone - Since some bones don't jump at all, which is a bit rare, and some bones when they fall onto the gears/spikes, they will get stuck and back them up. This kind of issue happens on Level 294.

3. Fireball Emitters and Devil Bomb Emitters - Emitters when they spawn fireballs, the game will crash, but it only applies to levels with more than 3 fireball emitters in an area. The Devil Bomb Emitters spawn infinite number of bombs, but if they populate on an area and igniting them all, a crash occurs. This happens on Levels 335, 340, 355, and possibly 391.

4. Devil Bomb's explosion sound effect - This happens when during the explosion of bombs and the evil laugh heard, there's a broken loop leading when there are too many bombs explode every after. But somehow after playing a level and finished it, this occurs.

5. Falling Block - Whenever a player moves the goo ball and a block is about to fall on top of it, it will suddenly paralyzed in a glitched way. This glitch was often to be seen in very severe falling blocks like Levels 298, 317, 339, etc.


PoG Addin by inwog


The Ultimate Level Challenge 2: Fisty's Time

My last addin to be published

Yep. It's sad to say this is my last addin in GooFans since I'll be working on other stuff outside World of Goo and Platforms of Goo.

ULC is back with a time travelling sequel! This time, Fisty travels in time by collecting cans from other timelines and feed his appetite with a bang! He needs to be accompanied with a Goo Ball to collect keys in order to get cans from the Time Warps.

Plot Synopsis

Fisty the frog and the Black Goo Ball are hanging out in The Ponds, which is their home. The Goo Ball keeps feeding Fisty cans of goo to make him happy. Unfortunately, they had run out of cans in which they need to collect them more by time traveling. They first arrived in the Vile Sands of Egypt in which the monsters are very slow on not greeting them on their world. Fisty and The Goo Ball's goal is to collect keys to unlock the can in which they must travel on.

At Egypt - Time Warp, they had arrived at Alexandria in which the first can is collected. Once collect, Fisty is still hungry. The Goo Ball is concerned, so he and Fisty time traveled to The Royal Kingdom.

More coming soon...


Compared to the first ULC, ULC2 (short for The Ultimate Level Challenge 2) features worlds with different taste of gameplay with each monster has a unique ability on its world and an environment modifier as well.


1. The Ponds
Release Date: July 22, 2015
Levels: 5
Special Monsters: None
Environment Modifier: None

2. Vile Sands of Egypt
Release Date: July 22, 2015
Levels: 12
Special Monsters: Defunct Bombs, Sun Emitter
Environment Modifier: None

3. The Royal Kingdom
Release Date: July 23, 2015
Levels: 15
Special Monsters: Jumping Bones, Ghost Balloons
Environment Modifier: Friction Platforms

4. Golden Age of Piracy
Release Date: August 1, 2015
Levels: 15
Special Monsters: Water Emitter, Nuclear Bombs
Environment Modifier: Water

5. City of Riches
Release Date: August 12, 2015
Levels: 18
Special Monsters: Fuse Bombs, Giant Pokeys
Environment Modifier: Sticky Platforms

6. Frozen History
Release Date: August 21, 2015
Levels: 20
Special Monsters: Iceball Emitters, Ice Balloons
Environment Modifier: Slippery Platforms

7. Steampunk Revolution
Release Date: August 31, 2015
Levels: 20
Special Monsters: Bomb Emitters, Giant Balloons
Environment Modifier: Falling Bombs

8. Chinese Dynasty
Release Date: September 10, 2015
Levels: 25
Special Monsters: Stealth Eyes, Lightning Bones
Environment Modifier: Stealth Walls

9. Wild Wild West
Release Dates: September 23, 2015 (Part 1), October 4, 2015 (Part 2)
Levels: 28
Special Monsters: Sniper Emitters, Killjoy Eyes
Environment Modifier: Falling Blocks

10. Future of The Earth
Release Dates: October 29, 2015 (Part 1), November 22, 2015 (Part 2)
Levels: 30
Special Monsters: None (Replaced with Variable Parameters)
Environment Modifier: Variable Game Speed

Level Types

There are 4 level types, and they are:

1. Normal Levels - These levels are normally to be finished.
2. One-Shot Levels - These levels if failed to finished (without quitting), you're forced to play the previous level of the set.
3. Time Warp Levels - These levels are found last in the level set. These are actually Marathon Levels from ULC's Time Travel, but they are now ultimately must be done in a try with no repeats.
4. Steal Levels - These levels are exclusive to Wild Wild West. They are normally the Can Chase Levels of ULC where a monster grabs the key and the player should navigate the monster.

Differences with ULC and ULC2

1. The Worlds in this game had a unique style on their gameplay. For example is Vile Sands of Egypt with slow monsters and Golden Age of Piracy with water allowing Water Emitters to appear and fast-pased monsters.

2. Some objects in ULC within ULC2 had changed. Notable example is Sun Emitters can emit two sun emitters instead of one in ULC.

3. The number of levels in each set vary.

4. Each set has its own map. The map itself shows the path to the Time Warp level and its levels.

5. Time Warp Levels comes in ULC's Time Travel in which these kind of levels serves as a main purpose on the storyline.

6. Each set has its own music. One for the level selection, and one for the game stage.

Music Used

Most music were found in

1. The Ponds
- Peaceful Music Box (level select music)
- Green Grass (stage music)

2. Vile Sands of Egypt
- A Trip To Egypt (level select music)
- Desert Rider (stage music)

3. The Royal Kingdom
- Kingdom of Peace (level selection music)
- A Medieval Theme (stage music)

4. Golden Age of Piracy
- All Aboard Lads! (level selection music)
- Duel in The Carribean (stage music)

5. City of Riches
- Lurkin' in the Jungle (level selection music)
- Forest of Myth (stage music)

6. Frozen History
- Falling Snow (level selection music)
- Snow/Ice Theme (stage music)

7. Steampunk Revolution
- A Shady Pub (level selection music)
- Evil Factory (stage music)

8. Chinese Dynasty
- Soaring Dragon (level selection music)
- Drifting Koi (stage music)

9. Wild Wild West
- Buck 'em up, Buck 'em Down (level selection music)
- Banjumanji (stage music)

10. Future of The Earth
- The Lab (level selection music)
- Freakin' Spaceships! (stage music)

Version History

Version 1.0 (July 22, 2015)
- initial release

Version 1.0.1 (July 23, 2015)
- fixed some mistakes in some levels
- added "Marathon Level Theme" Music
- Part 3: The Royal Kingdom (Medieval World) initialized

Version 1.1 (August 1, 2015)
- Part 4: Golden Age of Piracy (Pirates World) initialized
- some graphics changed
- a few levels were edited

Version 1.2 (August 12, 2015)
- Part 5: City of Riches (Aztecs World) initialized
- a few levels were edited

Version 1.3 (August 21, 2015)
- Part 6: Frozen History (Prehistory World) initialized
- a few levels were edited

Version 1.4 (August 31, 2015)
- Part 7: Steampunk Revolution (Industrial World) initialized
- a few levels were edited

Version 1.5 (September 10, 2015)
- Part 8: Chinese Dynasty (China World) initialized
- a few levels were edited

Version 1.6 (September 23, 2015)
- Part 9: Wild Wild West (Western World) initialized with the first 14 levels
- a few levels were edited

Version 1.7 (October 4, 2015)
- The second half of Wild Wild West has been released (Levels 15 to 28)
- a few levels were edited
- sound effect for China's bit has a lower volume

Version 1.8 (October 29, 2015)
- Part 10: Future of The Earth (Future World) initialized with the first 15 levels

Version 1.9 (November 22, 2015) - Last Version
- The second half of Future of The Earth has been released (16 to 30)
- edited some levels

PoG addin by inwog
inwog's last addin

There are 13 screenshots.

The Ultimate Level Challenge 2 Logo with Egypt, Medieval, Pirates, and Aztecs levels
The Ultimate Level Challenge Logo
New World Map (ULC)
First level of ULC, so keep a close eye for others
The Ponds, first preview
The Ponds, another preview
Vile Sands of Egypt Level Selection Screen
Vile Sands of Egypt
The Royal Kingdom
Golden Age of Piracy
City of Riches
Frozen History
Steampunk Revolution
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.9 (ULC2)AllSat, 11/21/2015 - 18:33ULC2.zip9.38 MB304
1.5 (ULC2)AllWed, 10/28/2015 - 23:58ULC2music2.zip18.94 MB270
1.1 (ULC2)AllSat, 08/01/2015 - 05:42ULC2music1.zip17.15 MB258
2.3 (ULC)AllMon, 06/22/2015 - 17:59ULC.zip17.9 MB429
2.0 (ULC)AllMon, 04/14/2014 - 12:30ULCmusic.zip11.03 MB3,650
1.0AllSun, 07/20/2014 - 15:52ULCTT.zip10.22 MB313

There are 5 current downloads. Show 1 archived download.