Just asking
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Fri, 12/30/2011 - 19:49
I was thinking,what if I was like part of the goofans team
Like mom4evr and stuff
So could someone please tell me
How to become
Part of the goofans team
I was thinking,what if I was like part of the goofans team
Like mom4evr and stuff
So could someone please tell me
How to become
Part of the goofans team
Why are you doing that? That's the type of thing that gets people really annoyed.
As Jinchino said, do not quote yourself. That's just plain annoying. *deletes all seven quotes*
And as for becoming a member of the goofans team, we currently don't need anyone else, so sorry, but no.
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Even people like puggsoy and red and ap, who have bwen here forever, are not going to be on it. Sorry, but they are not accepting applications right now.
I remember making a topic like this a couple of years ago
We all want to help, you know, but the recurring argument is that no more mods are needed, but IMO if we did appoint more mods, it should be the more experienced users. Maybe if you help people around the forum and/or create addins and/or beat records, you will be considered. This is just my opinion!
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
I will fail
I made goomods.
I made goomods.
too late. Puggsoy got elected as mod. you might have to wait a few years.
Since when did I say I will win
I made goomods.
Two posts above your post that you just made now.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website
Oh, bahaha, that was me editing his post. Sorry for the confusion.
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You can get on my account?
I made goomods.
Nope, I can just edit your posts. I was trying to be encouraging and all that, since you were rather Eyore-sounding.
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How did you do that?
I made goomods.
Moderators can do anything!
Like, imagine the life of a moderator...
Please call me "multi"
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/multidan250gaming?feature=mhee
Well, we can't do EVERYTHING, just moderatorlike stuff.
So basically, almost everything.
[Whoa, and it seems I can edit other moderators' posts too. Is that intended? -AP]
[Yep, it's intended, but generally frowned upon. See the guidelines. -MOM]
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As moderator, you get full access to "teh bahn hammer" and beat up spam awesomely and stuff.
"eat my bahn hmmer stupid spam rrrraaaahhhhhhhh *pew* *pew* *pew*"
they are the lucky ones
I wish I was a modator
I made goomods.
There have to be couple of things to get into a moderator:
You have to be 18 years old
You have to be good at most of the stuff
Read long posts and other
Talk smart
Get the moment when moderators are needed
I got five years to wait so if I get into a moderator then it probably will be before you. You will be 14 when I'll be 18.
What kind of stuff?
I made goomods.
The age requirement is if 'required in your jurisdiction'.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
And fluency in English is usually required also...
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
You have to be good at most of the stuff
What about this
I made goomods.
The stuff is like making addins. Basically from my view point you have to get minimal level 6B to be closer of being a moderator. AP has level 6B I think if he dunno how to make MapWorldViews yet...
Indeed. I'm 16 (almost 17).
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
WHAT?! And yo are a moderator?! Wait... Puggsoy is your real name Caleb? If it is say YES if its not say NO but dont tell your real name what it is then
NO it is not.
New GooFans Rules | My Addins
HELP! I pressed something button and I cannot chat in web chat anymore!
Please do not say 6B, it disturbes me.
Check out my SoundCloud, MomoSoundWaves
I have worked with MapWorldView before, but it didn't work in the goomod, so I left it out of AP Chapter 2. It's now fixed and will be included when I finish chapter 3.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Yeah, the jurisdiction thing is more along the lines of a guideline, as James is also underage. It's mainly about privacy of a child's information. Luckily, David takes some time before selecting each new member of the team. We spoke about this a little while back and this is what he told me.
I tweet like a bird
I have a lame website