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Nobody knows for sure what this is. It's probably hardcoded into the game code, and has something to do with the animation at the end of Deliverance.
<ball name="UndeletePillFizz" shape="circle,20" mass="10" towermass="10" strands="0" walkspeed="0" climbspeed="0" speedvariance="0" collidewithattached="false" suckable="false" jump="0.0,0.0" climber="false" draggable="false" contains="4,Spam" popsound="SOUND_BALL_UNDELETEPILLFIZZ_POP4" popdelay="2,12" popduration="4" popparticles="ISH_undeleteFizz" invulnerable="true" autoboundsunattached="true" > <particles id="ISH_undeleteFizz" states="falling" overball="true" /> </ball>