MOM4Evr's Handy Chapter Tutorial

Island 2 MapAuthors: MOM4Evr, xanax, XDboy, puggsoy
Total downloads: 7,196
Latest version: 1.2
Release date: 06/27/2012 - 06:33
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This is a simple chapter addin that I whipped up in a few days for my chapter tutorial here. It overrides chapter 2 with a bunch of levels of my own creation from the NotWOG2 project. Special thanks to those who helped:

-- XDBoy, for the awesome intro movie (created with an early alpha version of GooVIE before it was released)
-- xanax, for the artwork in CrushingTest
-- puggsoy, since I loosely based this off his "Puggsoy's Island" mod
-- goomatz, for his XSL knowledge
-- halc, who wrote one song I got from OCRemix and used in one level

Keep in mind that some of these levels aren't beta-tested at all (except by me), some are in an unfinished state, and that sort of thing. My recommendation is (if you can survive without the whistle) to play these on a new profile, just so you have access to all your skips. You may need them, depending on if you understand how to finish levels (or are able to) or not. All the levels are possible, but some require exploits of bugs and such to complete. Some are probably tedious and annoying. The only level that I really think needs explaining is Stack 'Em. All I'll say there is read and obey the subtitle.

Other than that, have fun! These are some of my weirdest levels, and some are pretty bizarre. Try not to let my obnoxious music get to you, try not to spoil the secrets in here, and have fun! If anybody wants, I can explain the mechanisms behind the levels, since some are quite complex and unlike anything most players will have seen before. Not quite on par with the Gotcha! mechanisms, but complicated nonetheless.

Note that XDBoy's movie overrides the intro movie, and glitches up slightly (doesn't show some text) if you have the intro movie disabled in GooTool. For maximum enjoyment, make sure you don't have the intro movie disabled (Options tab->Skip opening Movie checkbox). Don't worry; the new intro movie is epic, and worth the few extra seconds.


Version 1.2:
-MOM_EvilPilot balls tweaked to have less particles
-Undefined MOM_Cell ball resources removed (Caused crashes for some people)

Version 1.1:
-Fix for PAVMOM_IceBall's having malformed comment that GooBLE was unable to parse- Thanks, goomatz!

There are 3 screenshots.

Island 2 Map
Physics and new Goo Balls
Custom graphics for level loading screens
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.2WindowsWed, 06/27/2012 - 06:33com.goofans.MOM4Evr.Chapter2Tutorial_1.2.goomod14.79 MB4,855
1.1AllMon, 06/25/2012 - 15:33com.goofans.MOM4Evr.Chapter2Tutorial_1.1.goomod14.79 MB1,170
1.0AllSat, 06/23/2012 - 16:15com.goofans.MOM4Evr.Chapter2Tutorial.goomod14.79 MB1,171

There is 1 current download. Show 2 archived downloads.