New moderators!

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Joined: 09/01/2009

Hey, everybody! Let's welcome our new moderators Puggsoy and Albino Pokey into the land of Goo with a big round of applause!

Joined: 09/01/2009

Joined: 12/23/2010

Shy Gee, thanks for the welcome, MOM!

I hope that I can help improve the site in any way possible. I think that publishing addins is something that needs some helping hands right now, I had a look at the addin queue. Wow.

Anyway, due to this event I've decided to bring back Dancing Mario, which we all know and love. Hopefully I don't get sick of him too soon!

Joined: 08/06/2010

Puggsoy? Wow! Congratulations! Laughing out loud

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 02/20/2011







good job puggsoy and AP!! congradulations!! Smile Laughing out loud Big smile Party Crown Hat Sushi


Joined: 09/01/2009

And AP too! I'd give another round of applause, but that'd be sort of unoriginal, so I'll just edit my first post.

Congrats, both of ya! Laughing out loud

Joined: 07/08/2011

Dayum. Congrats to the both of you.

Sorry I don't have any ASCII art to show for it, but DAYUM. Laughing out loud

Joined: 02/20/2011

my ascii A was kinda bad. but my clap was DEAFENINGS!!!!1!!!
you're supposed to read it like," CLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Joined: 08/06/2010

Thank you! Smile

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 07/09/2011

Finally, moderators
Look at my signiture
Publish that
I'm waiting over a week

Joined: 04/17/2011

Thanks MOM I hopw one of them finally will publish my levels: Block warning, Crazy tumbler (I'm by myself not really sure if this Crazy tumbler level is okay so you say your evaluations moderators.) and the goo giant plant.

By the way there are other people not enough old but have almost enough mind and skills about all this that they could be moderators in future if some other people gona leave goofans.

They could be the ones like me, dan250 and some others if they join and are trying their best on goofans. For exaple I can tell my mates in Latvia about goofans and teach them what I know so one day they could be next generation moderators. Just in case I'll try to make my friends to call themselves on goofans: Elvis1526, Tacomann15, Black Wiki-goo...

By the way thanks MOM for accepting idea of making new moderators exactly when they were needed cause remember I told you once that there could be new people on goofans team in somewher... remember?

Joined: 09/01/2009

I cannot appoint new moderators. That was davidc.

Joined: 04/17/2011

He probably did it cause nobody actually were publishing addins right?

Still nobodys publishing the addins. Come on! There are about nine moderators that haven't left and none of the publishing the levels!!! AP or Puggsoy, do your job as you are the new moderators!!!

Joined: 09/01/2009

Be patient, Wiki-goo. We have lives outside of goofans. Tongue

Joined: 07/09/2011

I'm not patient

Joined: 04/17/2011

dan250 you do not say that to moderators. But anyway, MOM we were waiting for ages and our addins are not published and so may be other people! As I said before there are still about 9 moderators and none of them cannot publish our addins! If you are here then may be you publish my and dan250's levels. PLZ cause we were waiting "FOR AGES"!!!

By the way I don't get it I cannot change my picture. I pressed delete the picture I got and put the old one but it don't work!

Joined: 09/01/2009

Yeah, there's an internal server problem with PNG images for some reason. GIF's will usually work fine. Although I did manage to change mine recently, but maybe only because it had been a GIF for a while.

Joined: 04/17/2011

Can you just publish our levels?

Joined: 07/09/2011

We can say anything to the moderators
It's not like they're the kings of the castle Crown

and you lose your account (head) when you say that.
I'm not naughty Innocent

Joined: 04/17/2011

When I say what?

I know you are naughty but don't try to pretend you are better of making stff than me:

You made levels AND ONLY

I made level composition by merging 4 levels together in one addin and made edited texts for two of them

By the way you SHOULD merge your three S.M.O.K.E's levels if I could four then you can three. And it's easy as goo pie bro Wink

Joined: 07/09/2011

I don't care about that S.M.O.K.E
I need to get on with untrusted signs
anyway these S.M.O.K.E levels are like a demo for untrusted signs
and it's hard to merge stuff into 1 file
I tried it in the level pack

Joined: 04/29/2009

Yaix, congrats to AP and Puggsoy Party

Joined: 07/09/2011

ah, goomatz
did you realize that you are the co-author of my addin?

Joined: 04/17/2011

dan250 WOW... You are 10 but you are talking like an adult person (It's a compliment)! By the way it's not hard as I've tried it and it was easy.

Joined: 04/29/2009

No, I did not, till now. I wasn't here for quite a wile. I'm clad I could inspire you for a goo-d level, but I don't know, if it's enough to be a co author. I didn't do a bit for this addin.

Joined: 07/09/2011

wikigoo: 11 (9 days ago)
and I'm annoyed with that merge thing so I failed and left it.
and I don't want to even think about it

goomatz: without your keep on running level I couldn't have made this level
It's about the recycle bin and the lasers broke

Joined: 04/29/2009

hmkay . I feel honored. Grade
But for now lets stop being off topic.

Joined: 12/23/2010

dan250 and Wikigoo, please be patient. I became a moderator just before I went to sleep last night, and until now I haven't been able to use a PC, so I haven't been able to even look at any addins. Your impatience could make some of us less willing to do it... but of course I'm not that cruel.

By the way, so that everyone knows, I'm probably gonna check 1 addin per day max. And of course some days I won't at all. But right now, with the massive queue, I'm gonna try and do one every day.

Joined: 04/29/2009

I have an suggestion about goofans: could co-authors have acces to unpublished addins?

Joined: 12/23/2010

You mean unpublished addins that they are co-authors of, right? That would be logical.

Joined: 04/29/2009

exactly, so is it possible?