I hid that profile for now. In all honesty, you really should know better than to claim someone else's profile as your own, and I'm tempted to mark you cheater anyway.
@rainy, I'm quite amazed I'm still here as well. It seems like there's always something that pulls me back into the game if I'm off for a bit. Like just recently, when nav found that glitch in weather vane. Its such an easy game to drift in and out of between other stuff.
@worldofgooballs, I cant understand why you'd even go to the trouble of editing a profile to look like mine. You must've know it would get spotted and questioned. If you did it for AP's reason then you'll definitely be marked as a cheat. It would be the only way to get rid of it from the leaderboard. At the moment it looks like I've upped another one to hog 2nd place.
I've updated that missing names post so its up to date. It looks like that'll be all the info we can get for now. I think I can add LTumbleweed to Water Lock and dwerdwer to Road Blocks.
@worldofgooballs, Yeah you shouldn't copy someone's pers2.dat. It took me a long time and hard work to get in second place and 1500 balls.
I was wondering when you'd leave seeing that most of the record breaker left the game. But there are 6 more records which needs videos and I think you might want to get all of them before leaving. Hopefully, there are 3 times which 2 of them should be fairly easy for you, and there is 0 moves on upper shaft. 0 moves on welcoming unit can also be done if you have a lot of time to spare. Whistler and my water lock record are the hardest to get video on.
On BBS you mean doing the line whacking on that level? I think I can kick that line after a few tries.
What about Marius 2 move on deliverance? And I think he got the 0 move record in beauty and the electric tentacle. And Kopa with the least move on SHS?
Seeing that I got my goal of 1500 balls, I don't know what to do anymore. I'm more of a less move breaking person rather than goos, time or tower. (And i'm still not getting any ideas for a level.)
The reason I stopped playing was because I had spent so long buiding up my goo count only to have to do it all again lol. Now I'm just interested in seeing whats possible.
Yeah Burning man, if you want a slide of random create a line beneath the large structure, ie where the spikes are, take the line a fitting distance accross, glitch the balloons. Crush the giant structure so it goes to where the spikes are watch it fly to the right. The idea is to glitch the balloons in such a position that a majority of the structure gets detached and falls on to a line or triangle that gets saved. You invest 7 goos on the line but you can get six back.
@nav, I'll see what I can do about those without a vid, but dont count on me trying for them right now.
On BBS you mean doing the line whacking on that level? I think I can kick that line after a few tries.
Had any luck with it, cos its icredibly hard to do. Going for the max (18) would be mental seeing as you'd have to fling all those balls every time before each go. It wasn't so bad for my 16 strat, but line kicking is so much more difficult.
What about Marius 2 move on deliverance? And I think he got the 0 move record in beauty and the electric tentacle. And Kopa with the least move on SHS?
We dont know if those people actually set them. I suppose we could ask Kopa about SHS; HELLOOOO KOPAAAAA!!!?
I don't know what to do anymore.
Maybe you're just tired of it now; you could take a break from it for a few months.
@weed, I'll try that some time, along with goomatz's strat.
@goomatz, what are you up to then: still working on bman? If so, dont worry about me beating you to it cos I'm going having a break from WOG. Feel free to post any updates you have.
(And i'm still not getting any ideas for a level.)
Have you tried my levels yet?
You could also make a goopeg level
@goomatz, what are you up to then: still working on bman? If so, dont worry about me beating you to it cos I'm going having a break from WOG. Feel free to post any updates you have.
I had some more tries on fly away 16 balls but always failed.
For now I'm having a break too and I decided to concentrate my gooish brain on addins rather than new records after that break.
In your video description you wrote that the goo jumps out of the gear, you mean that when the bit dies, it form into a pilot for a short period of time and then dies again, right? If so, I actually had a plan of using this feature on a level where you have kill the bit to make a strand, sound impossible though.
I could play a little less. I should make a new tower soon. Working on your whack pack was the only thing I did these past few days. I might take the break now. But I will be on goofans everyday reading new posts. Hopefully AP's Another Planet will keep me busy as its taking a lot of time to finish it and i'm guessing because there is lots of levels or levels which needs time to complete.
@goomats, I played every levels of record breakers really. Its challenging to beat you all. I couldn't get any neat ideas though. Also that link beings me to a 'Page not found' I played your popup game though. I still haven't learn't the attributes or tags of a level/gooball/geometry though. Can't wait for your new addin.
Do you think 3 move is possible by this? I got the line to the top right edge but I don't know if its possible.
I'm kinda amazed and shocked about me still being good in the game with my resolution problem still.
This was my road block's video of 8 seconds a week back. I'm sure it can be done in 7 seconds though, and maybe 6. (Also I wanted to show you how I made a mistake and I fixed it in the middle of the kicking.)
Hopefully AP's Another Planet will keep me busy as its taking a lot of time to finish it and i'm guessing because there is lots of levels or levels which needs time to complete.
Thanks! I hope it will! I'm trying to add in extra levels at varying degrees of difficulty that aren't required to advance, but which unlock other levels in previous islands, etc, so there should be challenge there.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
In your video description you wrote that the goo jumps out of the gear, you mean that when the bit dies, it form into a pilot for a short period of time and then dies again, right? If so, I actually had a plan of using this feature on a level where you have kill the bit to make a strand, sound impossible though.
I think Peter meant the Pixel Goo which he has used to make a strand. In the video it happens at 2:03. The strand becomes a gooball again. Because it's inside the geometry it gets pushed away from the gear.
Nice level idea though, but what would you gain from strand for half a second?
So you mean that he got the 2 balls when he line got stuck at the geometry and than the gear touched the strand and than the 2 balls escaped? Cool! I once got 2 goos from a line when I hit a gear. I got no clue how they survived.
Thats the hard part. I need the bit to die to become a pilot without the pilot goo dieing instantly. I got no idea how its gonna happen though.
I had an idea where You start from the top and get to the bottom, problem is the platform will go higher and you have to build it quick. (kinda like down & out) Also there will be antigrav to make building more hard. I don't know if this has been done before though.
@AP, Could post the 'surperchallenge section' of Another Planet earlier like Crazy flying? I want to try some hard levels.
Also i'm working on getting 0 moves on upper shaft and welcoming unit in video. (this will be my third try of welcoming unit again.)
It may not be possible. When the mom ball died, it will pop all its children and killed them no matter if they touched deadly. Watch the death of the beauty ball closely.
So you mean that he got the 2 balls when he line got stuck at the geometry and than the gear touched the strand and than the 2 balls escaped? Cool! I once got 2 goos from a line when I hit a gear. I got no clue how they survived.
Almost correct, but he killed a gooball not the strand. Watch the video closely.
If the attribute strangeom (level.xml) is set true you can kill just the strands. Like the impale sticky 53 balls strategy. I guess that's what has happen to you.
If it were like that in fly away it would be so easy to get every ball.
Thats the hard part. I need the bit to die to become a pilot without the pilot goo dieing instantly. I got no idea how its gonna happen though.
What Mygod said.
Even if the chihldren are invulnerable and the mom got killed with a mostlydeadly geom the children will die.
@nav, Re. BBS - The only reason for making that strand was so I could bend the structure over to get the middle pixel to touch the gear and release the bottom one. The strand has no interaction with the gear at all, it just gets released when the ball it was attached to dies.
I should make a new tower soon.
Speaking of towers; if you want a challenge, you could try seeing how high you can go using only 100 balls like I did here. Try and beat it, and then when I come back I'll try and top it etc. I also did a 200 ball one as well.
Do you think 3 move is possible by this?
If you can kick the line over, then yes, 3 could be done like that. You could go for 1 move if you kicked over the starting double line and detached one on the wall. I reckon you could do it.
Also i'm working on getting 0 moves on upper shaft and welcoming unit in video.
@Mygod and Goomatz, Yeah its impossible to do that. I'll think of something else probably though.
@Peter, I'm not having much luck with a tower made in 200 or 100 balls. I tried that long time ago when you made a forum topic about it. I mainly depend on my final rush because i'm good at that(and I beat your whack pack ). I cant understand one part of your tower though, how did put a goo at the middle of the bottom? I tried it and couldn't get it right. And i'm still trying to master the flying triangle.
Re. Inci Desti, 1 move is hard, it's kinda impossible to get the 3 line strand out of there. By far 3 is least I think.
Re. Water Lock, It can be faster. In my 45 second record I got the structure to the pipe more faster than peter did on his 21 second record. I could try to beat it but as I said I was very lucky to get 45 seconds.
I'm not having much luck with Upper Shaft. The problem is after the bomb explodes, whacking the line is very hard. I still haven't tried Welcoming Unit yet.
I mainly depend on my final rush because i'm good at that
Ok then, another think you could try and top is this - a straight up final rush. You're only allowed to have 2 balls touching the ground.
I cant understand one part of your tower though, how did put a goo at the middle of the bottom?
Which tower are you talking about? Remember, the holes are made after the towers been built. That might be whats confusing you.
I'm not having much luck with Upper Shaft. The problem is after the bomb explodes, whacking the line is very hard. I still haven't tried Welcoming Unit yet.
I think you should forget about welcoming unit. We all know how its done and really there wouldnt be much point in it seeing as most of the vid would be cut out cos of the time it takes to do (it took DEFE at hour!). Just stick with shaft.
Ok, now you have to beat it using the building method I used. So no strand balls allowed, and no ball can have more than 4 strands attached to it. Start with a simple line on the floor and do a final rush off that, just like mine.
The bottom middle goo how did you put it there?
I built a structure similar to this, then removed everything below the red line and added 4 strands along the bottom to fill the gaps.
On and (mostly) off, but "yes" right now. I'm aiming for 52-53m. I'll either have something up w/in 2 weeks, or else, the idea didn't work (as usual, heh).
Usually I get around 0.6m (sometimes 0.8m) boost so I didn't beat you but was really near to your score. Whats the usual height of a flying triangle?
Yes how did you put that strand in the middle? Was that a straight build off or did you had to detach alot and add strands? Below the red line I cant figure out how you made the structure. (The main problem is the bottom middle, rest I can do it) I still say your tower is same as OMON's one.
I was wondering whether 9 seconds OCD was possible on SHS as I was trying, I saw that one video I got OCD faster than the 10 seconds run but the problem was I was a bit late in burning the structure (ended up with 11.1 or 11.2 seconds i think).
I got 8 seconds goal using the OCD strat and i'm wondering if OCD can be done in 9.
The upper shaft strat is new to me and I don't if it's possible (of course possible in TAS so we might be able to do it). I'll stick with the original one and if I get it on video i'll try your way if I have time.
Misty's one is hard. Almost every detachable goo (except ivy) mostly attaches to the structure. Sadly the ones which attaches has the most whacking power. It could be possible though.
Welcome back again buck. You should aim for 54 actually in case kamal suddenly shows up.
Nice 2 move strat. Do you think 1 is possible with it?
Did you guys every tried .VN-ty' 47.66m tower? He didn't use 2 balls and I think it can get over 50.
One last thing, my usual mouse malfunctioned and I'm using a wireless mouse now so its hard to control it and it may take time to adjust with it. So whacking line is impossible for me and doing speed runs is hard as its hard to take the gooball and attach it (I think I will be able to do speed runs again after a few days).
This was the ad I was talking about (the image of the ad disappeared for some reason, maybe because of my 2 ad blockers)
Just thought I'd throw this out there: I noticed a while back that DaB messed up slightly on his Product Launcher 51-second run. I myself attempted to beat his record and got within one second of his, which is pretty stinking close (Since I'm not exactly a speed demon when it comes to WoG levels). I think 50 seconds or less is quite possible. The only issue is kicking the ZBombProduct enough times to speed it up, and there's a bit of luck involved with how quickly the Fuses wake up. I think you can kick the ZBombProduct to the right side and wake the Fuses, though I never had much luck since I was fairly bad at kicking.
Also this means that I'm faster than Peter at one level. HAHAHA... I'll laugh until you inevitably beat me.
Its definitely not, but I cant argue with your beliefs.
I was wondering whether 9 seconds OCD was possible on SHS
I cant remember the last time I tried that OCD; I could give it a go and see.
Nice 2 move strat. Do you think 1 is possible with it?
Dont think so; its too much of a stretch.
Did you guys every tried .VN-ty' 47.66m tower?
Never tried that exact build, but I'd like to think that I could get any of the top 10 towers up to 50m.
This was the ad I was talking about (the image of the ad disappeared for some reason, maybe because of my 2 ad blockers)
I've got an ad blocker; maybe thats why I never see it. I dont know if there's anything I could do about it anyway.
@MOM, I've improved on my score since the last profile I upped and am now equal with you (52). I seem to be no better than you at it. Now you've brought it up I'll have another go.
That would be unfair. Personally I will recommend to delete that profile.
| Things I made | And even more |
@Mygod is right.
Now I get 1393 balls,7 more to 1400!
PS.#900 is mine.
I hid that profile for now. In all honesty, you really should know better than to claim someone else's profile as your own, and I'm tempted to mark you cheater anyway.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Wait, so you copied Peter's profile to get the badges from it? I agree, it should be either deleted or marked as cheating.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
@rainy, I'm quite amazed I'm still here as well. It seems like there's always something that pulls me back into the game if I'm off for a bit. Like just recently, when nav found that glitch in weather vane. Its such an easy game to drift in and out of between other stuff.
@worldofgooballs, I cant understand why you'd even go to the trouble of editing a profile to look like mine. You must've know it would get spotted and questioned. If you did it for AP's reason then you'll definitely be marked as a cheat. It would be the only way to get rid of it from the leaderboard. At the moment it looks like I've upped another one to hog 2nd place.
I've updated that missing names post so its up to date. It looks like that'll be all the info we can get for now. I think I can add LTumbleweed to Water Lock and dwerdwer to Road Blocks.
The ad is gone now, sorry for disturbing.
@worldofgooballs, Yeah you shouldn't copy someone's pers2.dat. It took me a long time and hard work to get in second place and 1500 balls.
I was wondering when you'd leave seeing that most of the record breaker left the game. But there are 6 more records which needs videos and I think you might want to get all of them before leaving. Hopefully, there are 3 times which 2 of them should be fairly easy for you, and there is 0 moves on upper shaft. 0 moves on welcoming unit can also be done if you have a lot of time to spare. Whistler and my water lock record are the hardest to get video on.
On BBS you mean doing the line whacking on that level? I think I can kick that line after a few tries.
What about Marius 2 move on deliverance? And I think he got the 0 move record in beauty and the electric tentacle. And Kopa with the least move on SHS?
Seeing that I got my goal of 1500 balls, I don't know what to do anymore. I'm more of a less move breaking person rather than goos, time or tower. (And i'm still not getting any ideas for a level.)
My Profile
The reason I stopped playing was because I had spent so long buiding up my goo count only to have to do it all again lol. Now I'm just interested in seeing whats possible.
Yeah Burning man, if you want a slide of random create a line beneath the large structure, ie where the spikes are, take the line a fitting distance accross, glitch the balloons. Crush the giant structure so it goes to where the spikes are watch it fly to the right. The idea is to glitch the balloons in such a position that a majority of the structure gets detached and falls on to a line or triangle that gets saved. You invest 7 goos on the line but you can get six back.
@Albino Pokey,of course I didn't.You can check my profile"timxxj".
Got 16b in BBS - http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/9297/bbs16b.jpg
Vid soon...
Read the description about the strand ball.
@nav, I'll see what I can do about those without a vid, but dont count on me trying for them right now.
Had any luck with it, cos its icredibly hard to do. Going for the max (18) would be mental seeing as you'd have to fling all those balls every time before each go. It wasn't so bad for my 16 strat, but line kicking is so much more difficult.
We dont know if those people actually set them. I suppose we could ask Kopa about SHS; HELLOOOO KOPAAAAA!!!?
Maybe you're just tired of it now; you could take a break from it for a few months.
@weed, I'll try that some time, along with goomatz's strat.
@goomatz, what are you up to then: still working on bman? If so, dont worry about me beating you to it cos I'm going having a break from WOG. Feel free to post any updates you have.
@worldof., let us know the result.
Have you tried my levels yet?
You could also make a goopeg level
I had some more tries on fly away 16 balls but always failed.
For now I'm having a break too and I decided to concentrate my gooish brain on addins rather than new records after that break.
on the run | keep on running | two-stroke-engine
@peter, I was wrong about BBS, it is hard.
In your video description you wrote that the goo jumps out of the gear, you mean that when the bit dies, it form into a pilot for a short period of time and then dies again, right? If so, I actually had a plan of using this feature on a level where you have kill the bit to make a strand, sound impossible though.
I could play a little less. I should make a new tower soon. Working on your whack pack was the only thing I did these past few days. I might take the break now. But I will be on goofans everyday reading new posts. Hopefully AP's Another Planet will keep me busy as its taking a lot of time to finish it and i'm guessing because there is lots of levels or levels which needs time to complete.
@goomats, I played every levels of record breakers really.
Its challenging to beat you all. I couldn't get any neat ideas though. Also that link beings me to a 'Page not found' I played your popup game though. I still haven't learn't the attributes or tags of a level/gooball/geometry though. Can't wait for your new addin. 
Do you think 3 move is possible by this? I got the line to the top right edge but I don't know if its possible.
I'm kinda amazed and shocked about me still being good in the game with my resolution problem still.
This was my road block's video of 8 seconds a week back. I'm sure it can be done in 7 seconds though, and maybe 6. (Also I wanted to show you how I made a mistake and I fixed it in the middle of the kicking.)
My Profile
Thanks! I hope it will!
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sorry, fixed the link.
In your video description you wrote that the goo jumps out of the gear, you mean that when the bit dies, it form into a pilot for a short period of time and then dies again, right? If so, I actually had a plan of using this feature on a level where you have kill the bit to make a strand, sound impossible though.
I think Peter meant the Pixel Goo which he has used to make a strand. In the video it happens at 2:03. The strand becomes a gooball again. Because it's inside the geometry it gets pushed away from the gear.
Nice level idea though, but what would you gain from strand for half a second?
on the run | keep on running | two-stroke-engine
So you mean that he got the 2 balls when he line got stuck at the geometry and than the gear touched the strand and than the 2 balls escaped? Cool!
I once got 2 goos from a line when I hit a gear. I got no clue how they survived. 
Thats the hard part. I need the bit to die to become a pilot without the pilot goo dieing instantly. I got no idea how its gonna happen though.
I had an idea where You start from the top and get to the bottom, problem is the platform will go higher and you have to build it quick. (kinda like down & out) Also there will be antigrav to make building more hard. I don't know if this has been done before though.
@AP, Could post the 'surperchallenge section' of Another Planet earlier like Crazy flying? I want to try some hard levels.
Also i'm working on getting 0 moves on upper shaft and welcoming unit in video. (this will be my third try of welcoming unit again.)
My Profile
It may not be possible. When the mom ball died, it will pop all its children and killed them no matter if they touched deadly. Watch the death of the beauty ball closely.
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Sure, although I'm not a very good judge of what's really hard and what isn't.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Almost correct, but he killed a gooball not the strand. Watch the video closely.
If the attribute strangeom (level.xml) is set true you can kill just the strands. Like the impale sticky 53 balls strategy. I guess that's what has happen to you.
If it were like that in fly away it would be so easy to get every ball.
Thats the hard part. I need the bit to die to become a pilot without the pilot goo dieing instantly. I got no idea how its gonna happen though.
What Mygod said.
Even if the chihldren are invulnerable and the mom got killed with a mostlydeadly geom the children will die.
on the run | keep on running | two-stroke-engine
@nav, Re. BBS - The only reason for making that strand was so I could bend the structure over to get the middle pixel to touch the gear and release the bottom one. The strand has no interaction with the gear at all, it just gets released when the ball it was attached to dies.
Speaking of towers; if you want a challenge, you could try seeing how high you can go using only 100 balls like I did here. Try and beat it, and then when I come back I'll try and top it etc. I also did a 200 ball one as well.
If you can kick the line over, then yes, 3 could be done like that. You could go for 1 move if you kicked over the starting double line and detached one on the wall. I reckon you could do it.
It'd be great if you could get those.
Is it possible to improve the water lock least goal time by whacking?
| Things I made | And even more |
@Mygod and Goomatz, Yeah its impossible to do that. I'll think of something else probably though.
@Peter, I'm not having much luck with a tower made in 200 or 100 balls. I tried that long time ago when you made a forum topic about it. I mainly depend on my final rush because i'm good at that(and I beat your whack pack
). I cant understand one part of your tower though, how did put a goo at the middle of the bottom? I tried it and couldn't get it right. And i'm still trying to master the flying triangle.
Re. Inci Desti, 1 move is hard, it's kinda impossible to get the 3 line strand out of there. By far 3 is least I think.
Re. Water Lock, It can be faster. In my 45 second record I got the structure to the pipe more faster than peter did on his 21 second record. I could try to beat it but as I said I was very lucky to get 45 seconds.
I'm not having much luck with Upper Shaft. The problem is after the bomb explodes, whacking the line is very hard. I still haven't tried Welcoming Unit yet.
My Profile
Ok then, another think you could try and top is this - a straight up final rush. You're only allowed to have 2 balls touching the ground.
Which tower are you talking about? Remember, the holes are made after the towers been built. That might be whats confusing you.
I think you should forget about welcoming unit. We all know how its done and really there wouldnt be much point in it seeing as most of the vid would be cut out cos of the time it takes to do (it took DEFE at hour!). Just stick with shaft.
This one. The bottom middle goo how did you put it there? (the goo under the down hole)
Not having much luck on it though.
My Profile
Ok, now you have to beat it using the building method I used. So no strand balls allowed, and no ball can have more than 4 strands attached to it. Start with a simple line on the floor and do a final rush off that, just like mine.
I built a structure similar to this, then removed everything below the red line and added 4 strands along the bottom to fill the gaps.
weather vane - 9 moves
My best was 18.6m without the flying triangle. (sorry no screenshot)
So did you make the starting structure with 2 goos bent so another one get to the middle and you can do the diamonds?
Nice 9 move start! You had a great eye to see the goo die and instantly place another one to make the line.
I got SHS OCD 10 seconds.
And it took me only 18 trys to do it! (sorry I was getting bored with upper shaft and this one was more easy)
My Profile
Thats not bad; with the flying tri you might've beaten me.
I'm not sure what you're saying. I start each layer by making a strand-line in the middle, then build each way off that.
Yeah, you have to leave it late so the line is vertical enough for kicking.
Added it to the site.
I've found another way that shaft can be done; read the description.
Also, here's a 3 move strat for misty that you could attempt, although its very difficult.
Hey buck, are you still working on a new tower?
On and (mostly) off, but "yes" right now. I'm aiming for 52-53m. I'll either have something up w/in 2 weeks, or else, the idea didn't work (as usual, heh).
Congratulations on your new record-breaker btw
Server Farm - 2 moves
Make that 53.82
If your idea doesn't work and you get fed up, you can always copy my design and easily go higher. You could make it your last resort.
Usually I get around 0.6m (sometimes 0.8m) boost so I didn't beat you but was really near to your score. Whats the usual height of a flying triangle?
Yes how did you put that strand in the middle? Was that a straight build off or did you had to detach alot and add strands? Below the red line I cant figure out how you made the structure. (The main problem is the bottom middle, rest I can do it) I still say your tower is same as OMON's one.
I was wondering whether 9 seconds OCD was possible on SHS as I was trying, I saw that one video I got OCD faster than the 10 seconds run but the problem was I was a bit late in burning the structure (ended up with 11.1 or 11.2 seconds i think).
I got 8 seconds goal using the OCD strat and i'm wondering if OCD can be done in 9.
The upper shaft strat is new to me and I don't if it's possible (of course possible in TAS so we might be able to do it). I'll stick with the original one and if I get it on video i'll try your way if I have time.
Misty's one is hard. Almost every detachable goo (except ivy) mostly attaches to the structure. Sadly the ones which attaches has the most whacking power.
It could be possible though.
Welcome back again buck.
You should aim for 54 actually in case kamal suddenly shows up. 
Nice 2 move strat. Do you think 1 is possible with it?
Did you guys every tried .VN-ty' 47.66m tower? He didn't use 2 balls and I think it can get over 50.
One last thing, my usual mouse malfunctioned and I'm using a wireless mouse now so its hard to control it and it may take time to adjust with it. So whacking line is impossible for me and doing speed runs is hard as its hard to take the gooball and attach it (I think I will be able to do speed runs again after a few days).
This was the ad I was talking about (the image of the ad disappeared for some reason, maybe because of my 2 ad blockers)
My Profile
Just thought I'd throw this out there: I noticed a while back that DaB messed up slightly on his Product Launcher 51-second run. I myself attempted to beat his record and got within one second of his, which is pretty stinking close (Since I'm not exactly a speed demon when it comes to WoG levels). I think 50 seconds or less is quite possible. The only issue is kicking the ZBombProduct enough times to speed it up, and there's a bit of luck involved with how quickly the Fuses wake up. I think you can kick the ZBombProduct to the right side and wake the Fuses, though I never had much luck since I was fairly bad at kicking.
Also this means that I'm faster than Peter at one level. HAHAHA... I'll laugh until you inevitably beat me.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
I'd say 1m if you can get full stretch.
Does this help?
Its definitely not, but I cant argue with your beliefs.
I cant remember the last time I tried that OCD; I could give it a go and see.
Dont think so; its too much of a stretch.
Never tried that exact build, but I'd like to think that I could get any of the top 10 towers up to 50m.
I've got an ad blocker; maybe thats why I never see it. I dont know if there's anything I could do about it anyway.
@MOM, I've improved on my score since the last profile I upped and am now equal with you (52). I seem to be no better than you at it. Now you've brought it up I'll have another go.
@buck, have you mastered the fly-tri yet?