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Joined: 04/17/2011

The planet end is coming - new world order is going to be out soon, the micro chips that you will have to put in your hand or on your head are coming, third world war is coming...

There is only one escape but it will be illegal. Oh well after 5 years everything illegal will be legal :s. We have to get the contact with the most richest christian man on the world and so encouraging him to make space ship for us and so we can go to Mars and live. But we will need our own strategy how to survive but for luck I got some ideas. Agree now. Places are limited - 1000 people in total the maximal that can be...

And this is especially for the members of goofans... I don't want to lose my friends so please believe me and get contact with me or I'll try to find you so you can come with me encourage the most richest christian man to make space ship and all the living systems so we can live on Mars. Only get your things packed up! Anything you want you can take with you and so you can live as you have to live your life. Believe me - the new world order will be after about 3 - 30 years later... GET PACKED UP AND KEEP THIS SECRET!!!

Joined: 07/08/2011


Joined: 12/31/2009
Joined: 07/09/2011

It's going to be the end of the world
23rd decemeber 2012
And i won't open my christmas present

No need to do this topic
I have lots evidence that it's this year

Ps. Wiki i think you watch too much telly

Joined: 04/17/2011

The end of the world wont be so son, dan250! It will be about maximal 30 years later!

Joined: 07/08/2011

Wikigoo-4evr wrote:
The end of the world wont be so son, dan250! It will be about maximal 30 years later!

Don't you mean minimal?

And the Dec 23 thing is really silly. Even if we had evidence supporting a solar flare or anything that was in the movie, it would be impossible for us to deduce an exact date at this time. That's just assuming from the Mayan calander, which is a silly way of deduction anyway.

Joined: 09/14/2011

There are no the end of the world in 23 dec !
Anyway , I don't believe with this thing !

Joined: 02/20/2011

i don't believe the world will end 12/12/12, but i woulld laugh my head off if at the end of the day every one was like, ok, no end of world, we're safe, and it ends the next day. Tongue


Joined: 12/23/2010

I noted that you mentioned twice that the man who will make the spaceship has to be Christian. That may not go down too well with all 1000 people.

And in the future, when you have an actual secret to tell I don't recommend the internet as the safest place to keep it. GooFans is on Google and open to the public, don't forget.

Joined: 04/17/2011

If the end of the world is going to be in 12/12/12 then I will make myself an idiot. When the truth will come that end of the world won't be on 12/12/12 then people are going to be angry to those who said that world will end on 12/12/12 and then there probably will be chaos!

The thing is not about that when world is gona end. The thing is HOW TO ESCAPE IT and so I have already told you that so tell me if you wanna live but I cannot guarantee that but I hope it will work only... we will have to live on Mars...

Joined: 09/14/2011

Hey,Hey !
Live on the mars ???!
No,No !
This is bad idea ! Becuase i don't think that we will be safe ! If it the end of the world that mean it's the end of the world ! Nothing will make we safe !
But my question is why you believe that ??? Don't worry ! nothing will happened !

Joined: 07/09/2011

trust me
there is going to be an end of the world in 23/12/12
Or it's going to be somewhere this year

but I heard in 2036
that a asteroid is going to crash sydney
good luck

Joined: 04/17/2011

kidkida you dunno whats the thing about... Not life on Mars but WE GONA live on Mars! The thing is we cannot live outside in the Mars but we will be able to live in the space ship we arrived with. And actually we can make safe buildings so we can live in them cause the oxygen is coming from plants, right? And James... As the micro chips that are two centimeters long will be required and will be place of mony will come out YOU ARE going to ask for help case the microchips has a system that anybody can control ANY part of your body. If yuo don't want that then trust me you should escape cause then you won't be able to live! Some people already put on their hands the microchips - WE NEED TO ESCAPE FROM THIS PLANET AS SOON AS IT'S POSSIBLE!!! Whose with me?!

Joined: 12/23/2010

Living on Mars is currently impossible, and I do not think that we will be able to develop the technology for it in 30 years, even if NASA did believe this was true.

Joined: 07/08/2011

Newt Gingrich: "And we will have regular flights to Mars by 2020."

Honestly we need to nuke one of its moons so it crashes into Mars and terraforma it. After that, we would just need a good supply of resources and ways to renew them.

Joined: 04/17/2011

What for regular flies?! By the way I just explained you how we will live. If you mean not oxygen but something like food and water... Well I have already figured that out Wink! We are not going to do anything on Mars just live on it and make buildings. I only am worried about the water. I will need to advestise on Mars - drink less water cause I'm not sure if you can actually get freezed some space ships, and then melt the ice so you get water! But plants also need to water! So in place of water we will need to drink juices from fruits and vegetables!

Joined: 12/23/2010

I'm not worried about oxygen: get some plants over there and you're sorted. I'm saying that a large amount of people can't comfortably and reliably live on Mars for a large amount of time due to a lot of other reasons. One of them being how far away it is from the sun, compared to Earth. Heating would take a massive amount of energy, which, by the way, would also be a mission to generate. There's no natural wind, and solar energy would be much weaker than here. Not to mention the possibility of technology malfunctions.

But then again, I don't believe the world will end then. So yay for me!

Joined: 01/07/2010

Wiki-goo...You do drugs?
Seriously, Maybe you watched one of that youtube videos explaining that, Do you really trust a person who made a video?
Think about it and question your self confidence

Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO

Joined: 08/06/2010

Is there a lot of CO2 there? I don't remember. If there is, we'd just need LOTS of water and a few green plants for oxygen.

But there's one big problem. The moons around Mars aren't heavy enough to stabilize its rotation, so the seasons would fluctuate insanely. Freezing winter one day, boiling heat the next. And no ozone to protect us. Water would evaporate quickly, and--I'm not sure--would the gravity be able to hold it or not?

Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.

Joined: 02/20/2011

it will end on: 13/32/20z5
(in other words, i don't think it will end.)

the internet is kinda a bad place to keep secrets, but whatever, you can have your beliefs and i can have mine. i am not saying i am or am not christian (as i want to keep SOME privacy) but you should be a little carefull where you tread. oh, and g0o-gle, that was sorta rude, of course he doesn't.


Joined: 01/07/2010

kirdneh wrote:
oh, and g0o-gle, that was sorta rude, of course he doesn't.


Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO

Joined: 09/14/2011

Can i ask you all what will happened on the world ???
If Antarctica melted .
We can live underground !
That just idea to make you Comfortable .
Solve the problem ! or if there anything else . sorry , I can't help !

Joined: 07/09/2011

Mars hasn't got that thing earth has.
It had but it Lost it.
Because without that thing,
there are weathers like earthquakes, sandstorms...

Joined: 01/07/2010

Hey You!
Start the fun and Install the fan made CHAPTER 6: MOON OF GOO

Joined: 02/20/2011

it's ok.
and i think earth isn't good about living up to its expectations when it comes to science, as back to the future's flying cars haven't been made yet. but we did mae 3d screens with out glasses as in the game with jaws 3d.... and our tvs are awesomer than there's... but other than that, not so much. the best thing to do is to stick out your thumb, get your book from Megadodo publications, catch a flight with some zogons (sneak in through the Dentrassises)Tongue


Joined: 05/11/2011

Didn't I make something like this?

I made goomods.

Joined: 07/08/2011

Back then, people didn't think the internet would play such a large part in our lives. Nowadays, everything is getting more and more automated. There are fewer and fewer reasons to leave your home each day. Our quantum physicists are doing their best to combine nanotechnology with everything we take for granted: our walls, bathrooms, and floors.

Joined: 05/11/2011

AND TOILETS Laughing out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I made goomods.

Joined: 04/17/2011

Goo-gle, I'm a christian so I cannot have drugs and I think there is no point of them. By the way I had an idea of making that you need to pay for the air but thats the most idiotic thing ever. I mean to get air to move from somewhere but it's still idiotic... Ahh what am I talking about... Anyway I got all in my mind. We can get almost all the things as on the earth so on the Mars only differently... By the way toilets, gooey goo are going to have the same pipe system...

Joined: 05/11/2011

My name is not toilets

I made goomods.

Joined: 09/01/2009

lawl. That was genuinely funny. Laughing out loud