Ok Fly Away Little Ones, do you think if you could destroy the middle goo of the structure you could use the glitch to pull the rest off, if so i've actually got the middle goo to destroy itself leaving the outer ring. I think more is possible because of this.
...But I've seen you click the timebug in the record video. Why didn't it crash?
Yes I said this and it's wrong. I discovered during playing that it crashes only iff a ball vanishs after climbing on a breaking strand and you play on and click a timebug later. I was thinking about correcting my post but but I did't get to it.
Okay... Now I have seen this bug and my game was crashed.
Anyway you are right.
Thanks for all the work you have been doing lately. I think I'll try and get back to breaking records again Gonna post as soon as I have something solid to show.
There aren't many records left really, the main 3 would be Fly Away Little Ones - 16 balls, Incineration Destination - 6 moves and Blustery Day - 5 moves. Unless you've found another possible one. Feel free to say any ideas you have, I'm not going to try and beat you to any.
Well, there is a POSSIBILITY (as in practiclly impossible) of 1 more on beauty and the electric tentacle, by smashing a strand through the wall to get the beatuy goo being held up by rectangle geomotry (reference this) and get one more goo, but I doubt its possible
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?
Thats clever, using the next smash in to get out the one before.
So, the 16 way would be to break them off until you're left with a strand and one stuck in the geom (to leave), then put the strand in the pipe, attach balloon, whack it down, got your 16th.
But I think 17 could be got by smacking the strand back in with a balloon attached, retrieving the ball and snapping the strand, leaving you with a ball attached to a balloon, then get it to the pipe somehow. This would only work if the strand would wobble up & down the same with a balloon attached to it, needs checking.
I tried kicking the whole structure dose'nt work so I go to far end make it into a line and try to throw it.I couldn't do it tho but I think thats the way of getting 0 move.for 1 move I add a red ball to the structure and make it a triangle so i can throw it to the pipe.
@Mr weed, just when I think that levels done with, you go and suggest another improvement
Its very doable, I think the hardest parts are going to be hovering the kicked line to wake the bombs and also the final kick over of them all. It might be easier to rest the line on the left side and then knock the balls over individually. I'll have a go.
@naveed, there should be a printscreen key on your keyboard. If you do ever set a record we'd prefer it if you made a video of it, its always nice to be able to watch back a record you've set
Okay,though breaking the records is hard as DaB took most of the least time and you got the least move and max goo.I'll still try.What should I use to record my videos?
Ok Fly Away Little Ones, do you think if you could destroy the middle goo of the structure you could use the glitch to pull the rest off, if so i've actually got the middle goo to destroy itself leaving the outer ring. I think more is possible because of this.
That is what I was trying to do. I failed with ripping it apart though. In fact I didn't even get 15 balls. I gave up for now.
on the run | keep on running | two-stroke-engine
@wogfan, Re.blustery day, I reckon that could be done, using a balloon to whack it down. I'll try it sometime along with incineration-6m.
@Mygod, Re.super fuse, I dont think thats possible.
@Mr. weed, I told goomatz how to get 16 a while back.
Keep the ideas coming.
Yes I said this and it's wrong. I discovered during playing that it crashes only iff a ball vanishs after climbing on a breaking strand and you play on and click a timebug later. I was thinking about correcting my post but but I did't get to it.
Anyway you are right.
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Peter B, is wogfan site updated with latest records?
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
You've probably looked by now, but yes, I update it every time a new record is set.
Thanks for all the work you have been doing lately. I think I'll try and get back to breaking records again
Gonna post as soon as I have something solid to show.
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
There aren't many records left really, the main 3 would be Fly Away Little Ones - 16 balls, Incineration Destination - 6 moves and Blustery Day - 5 moves. Unless you've found another possible one. Feel free to say any ideas you have, I'm not going to try and beat you to any.
Well, there is a POSSIBILITY (as in practiclly impossible) of 1 more on beauty and the electric tentacle, by smashing a strand through the wall to get the beatuy goo being held up by rectangle geomotry (reference this) and get one more goo, but I doubt its possible
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?
After that how could you get the strand back?
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Got the 6 move done for Incin.
use one of the ballons stuck in place, pull the line up, and over the geomotry
Yamaco! - Every Gooball ever
Computer! Y U get virus?
There's no gap in the geometry to pull it over.
If it can't be done the other way this is the alternative. I like it, it's funky.
Thats clever, using the next smash in to get out the one before.
So, the 16 way would be to break them off until you're left with a strand and one stuck in the geom (to leave), then put the strand in the pipe, attach balloon, whack it down, got your 16th.
But I think 17 could be got by smacking the strand back in with a balloon attached, retrieving the ball and snapping the strand, leaving you with a ball attached to a balloon, then get it to the pipe somehow. This would only work if the strand would wobble up & down the same with a balloon attached to it, needs checking.
wow cool!! can u try you have to explode the head in 0 moves? my best is 1 move and im trying to figure out how Kopa did it..
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As a matter of fact I was just going to get the 0 move record. Having a look on the WOGFan site (see my sig) I see there's no vid, so I'll make one.
I tried kicking the whole structure dose'nt work so I go to far end make it into a line and try to throw it.I couldn't do it tho but I think thats the way of getting 0 move.for 1 move I add a red ball to the structure and make it a triangle so i can throw it to the pipe.
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Made it.
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Awesome i never thought of making it a triangle.Going to start working on it now.
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An 8 second improvement!
This is certainly possible, if a little awkward.
Can anyone of you tell how to take a screenshot?I might use it if i break any least move or time. thanks
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@Mr weed, just when I think that levels done with, you go and suggest another improvement
Its very doable, I think the hardest parts are going to be hovering the kicked line to wake the bombs and also the final kick over of them all. It might be easier to rest the line on the left side and then knock the balls over individually. I'll have a go.
@naveed, there should be a printscreen key on your keyboard. If you do ever set a record we'd prefer it if you made a video of it, its always nice to be able to watch back a record you've set
Sorry peter I dont have a youtube chanel
but thanks.I'll try to make screenshots though. 
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Record it anyway and we'll deal with it when the time comes.
Okay,though breaking the records is hard as DaB took most of the least time and you got the least move and max goo.I'll still try.What should I use to record my videos?
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