World of Goo is an innovative physics-based puzzle game based on building structures using balls of goo. In the pages that follow you will find everything there is to know about the game, its developers, how to play, and maybe even the mysterious Sign Painter. You'll also find a walkthrough for each level and many tips and tricks.
Be sure to also check out the World of Goo FAQ which answers the most common questions!
If you have a Wii, the only way to get World of Goo is via WiiWare.
If you use Windows, we strongly recommend purchasing it directly from 2D Boy, as this gives you the best set of features and gives the most revenue to the developers. However there are a number of other ways to get the game, and the pros and cons of each are listed below.
If you use a Mac, be careful. The original box sets were made with only the PC version, as the Mac version had not been released at that time. We are unaware of any more recent versions that include the Mac version. Additionally, in Germany, RTL released a box set claiming "PC and Mac compatibility", but only the PC version was included. For this reason we strongly suggest buying from 2D Boy directly.
For Linux, your only option is to purchase the downloadable version from 2D Boy.
Also check out the feature comparison and Getting World of Goo FAQs.
In World of Goo, you control Goo Balls which you can link together in various ways to form structures.
In most levels, you can simply drag and drop the balls to link them into a structure. You normally need to build in generally triangular structures as most Goo Balls require at last two arms to grab on to other balls.
Special types of Goo Ball exist that only have one arm (water for example), or that are lighter than air (like balloons). Others cannot be attached but can build towers. Still more balls can be shot in a direction but not dragged. There are dozens of types of ball in the game, but you are introduced to each gently.
Most levels require you to rescue Goo Balls to complete them. You must build towards the level's pipe so that it can suck the remaning balls. If you can't see the pipe, a small arrow will on the screen will be pointing toward it.
Some levels do not have pipes. In such levels you are given clues as to where you have to build or what you have to do.
The Sign Painter is your friend. Almost every level has signposts (which are animated so you can see them easily). Click on them and he'll give you a clue.
For those in need of further challenge, every level has an "OCD" mode. Press ESCAPE to see the game menu, and click "ocd" to see what the additional requirements are to obtain OCD. They involve rescuing additional balls, or completing in a limited number of moves or amount of time. When you meet the OCD requirements of a level, a little flag will appear on the map screen besides that level.
You first encounter time bugs in Impale Sticky. They are little white flying bugs that you can can click on to "undo" one move. Be careful how you use them though, for you won't always get a new time bug when you make a move.
Once you have completed the minimum level requirements, all time bugs will vanish, which can be annoying if you're trying for OCD.
Once you've completed Leap Hole in Chapter 2, you gain the use of a whistle. Hold down the mouse button to whistle and nearby Goo Balls will be attracted to it. They'll move faster and tend to head towards the sound.
The whistle is useful to get balls where you want them quickly; for example to stabilise a structure by changing the weight distribution, or to get balls to the exit quickly.
Once you have the whistle you can use it on any level, including earlier levels if you choose to go back to them to attempt OCD.
On the title screen of the game, you can pick up the tiny black balls that are circling the World of Goo Corporation and play with them. The planet has gravity so you can throw them around to your heart's content.
In the level "Beauty and the Electric Tentacle", you can find a secret area with an image showing the "simplicity" of the physics of Goo.
Simply navigate the beauty ball to the left instead of the right, as shown in the following video:
On the iPad version, one can look very hard to find Super Meat Boy hiding... in Super Fuse Challenge Time (who started the fire?).
All the charts!
All the records!
All the videos! {well almost... we're still working on a couple }
Everything you ever wanted to know about WOGFAN, but were afraid to ask.
Comments, Feedback, Suggestions welcome!
The World of Goo Corporation is a sandbox level in World of Goo, which allows the player to build towers and structures using a maximum of 300 Goo Balls.
A competition occurs between World of Goo players, with each player attempting to create the highest towers using their 300 Goo Balls. Currently, the highest record is just over 50m.
Some players have developed cheats to be able to use more then 300 Goo Balls, although these cheats normally does not allow scores to be sent. However, some players have made drastic modifications to create tall towers using a ridiculously little amount of Goo Balls, such as five (5), in order to cheat the leaderboards, a section on World of Goo's official website which records the highest towers built.
Here are the levels.
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Simply make a structure going upwards in the shape of a bottle. To get the OCD, simple complete the structure using three (3) goo balls.
There is 1 video.
Balls Used
<level ballsrequired="4" letterboxed="false" visualdebug="false" autobounds="true" textcolor="255,255,255" timebugprobability="0" strandgeom="false" allowskip="true" > <!-- Camera --> <camera aspect="normal" endpos="0,327" endzoom="0.936"> <poi pos="6,634.5" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1" /> <poi pos="1,313.5" traveltime="2" pause="0" zoom="1" /> </camera> <camera aspect="widescreen" endpos="0,327" endzoom="1.273"> <poi pos="0,624.5" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1.273" /> <poi pos="0,241.8" traveltime="2" pause="0" zoom="1.273" /> </camera> <!-- Music --> <music id="SOUND_LEVEL_GOINGUP_TEMP_CARNIVALLOOP" /> <!-- Fire --> <!-- Signposts --> <!-- Pipes --> <pipe id="0" depth="0" > <Vertex x="0" y="514" /> <Vertex x="0" y="614" /> <Vertex x="100" y="614" /> <Vertex x="100" y="879" /> <Vertex x="0" y="879" /> <Vertex x="0" y="1064" /> </pipe> <!-- Balls --> <BallInstance type="common" x="-88.5" y="98.5" id="0" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="49.5" y="101.5" id="1" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="39.5" y="205.5" id="2" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-73.5" y="189.5" id="3" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-286.5" y="1332" id="4" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="243.5" y="1881" id="5" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-26.5" y="1570" id="6" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="296.5" y="1566" id="7" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-286.5" y="1520" id="8" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="189.5" y="2710" id="9" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="119.5" y="2225" id="10" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="128.5" y="2086" id="11" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="255.5" y="1331" id="12" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-107.5" y="2702" id="13" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="341.5" y="1468" id="14" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-212.5" y="1920" id="15" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-294.5" y="2087" id="16" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-39.5" y="1816" id="17" angle="0" /> <!-- Arms --> <Strand gb1="0" gb2="2" /> <Strand gb1="3" gb2="2" /> <Strand gb1="2" gb2="1" /> <Strand gb1="1" gb2="0" /> <Strand gb1="0" gb2="3" /> <Strand gb1="3" gb2="1" /> <!-- Level Exit --> <levelexit id="theExit" pos="0,514" radius="75" filter="" > </levelexit> </level>
<scene minx="-430" miny="0" maxx="430" maxy="1000" backgroundcolor="0,0,0" > <!-- ForceFields --> <linearforcefield type="gravity" force="0,-10" dampeningfactor="0" antigrav="true" geomonly="false" /> <!-- Particles --> <particles effect="bigleaves1" depth="240" pretick="0" /> <particles effect="smallleaves1" depth="-240" pretick="0" /> <!-- SceneLayers --> <SceneLayer name="bush_fg1a" depth="200" x="7.25" y="56.95" scalex="0.963" scaley="0.963" rotation="1.25" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_BUSH_FG1A" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_fg1a" depth="200" x="312.25" y="68.93" scalex="0.963" scaley="0.963" rotation="-17.99" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_BUSH_FG1A" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_fg1a" depth="200" x="-332.74" y="64.51" scalex="0.833" scaley="0.833" rotation="12.2" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_BUSH_FG1A" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1" depth="120" x="-29.44" y="32.14" scalex="1.252" scaley="1.252" rotation="12.92" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_BUSH_LEAFY_1" /> <SceneLayer name="hill_fg1a" depth="0" x="-0.04" y="50.53" scalex="1.012" scaley="1" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_HILL_FG1A" /> <SceneLayer name="tree_stripe1" depth="-8" x="-386.22" y="200.68" scalex="0.821" scaley="0.821" rotation="-155.58" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_TREE_STRIPE1" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1b" depth="-80" x="290.8" y="52.17" scalex="0.997" scaley="1.001" rotation="-6.31" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_BUSH_LEAFY_1B" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1b" depth="-80" x="-270.15" y="49.81" scalex="1.098" scaley="1.1" rotation="18.97" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_BUSH_LEAFY_1B" /> <SceneLayer name="tree_stripe1" depth="-88" x="377" y="256" scalex="1.02" scaley="1.02" rotation="-27.66" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_TREE_STRIPE1" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1" depth="-120" x="330.53" y="46.15" scalex="1.252" scaley="1.252" rotation="-6.41" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_BUSH_LEAFY_1" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1" depth="-120" x="-313.65" y="78.78" scalex="1.253" scaley="1.25" rotation="12.97" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_BUSH_LEAFY_1" /> <SceneLayer name="tutorialPost" depth="-360" x="-302.5" y="227" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_TUTORIALPOST" /> <SceneLayer name="sky_blue2a" depth="-600" x="-0.08" y="420.94" scalex="3.361" scaley="6.042" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_GOINGUP_SKY_BLUE2A" /> <!-- Buttons --> <!-- Labels --> <!-- Static Geometry --> <circle id="ground" static="true" tag="walkable" material="verysticky" x="-7" y="-817" radius="900" /> <line id="" static="true" tag="detaching" material="rock" anchor="436.5,331.5" normal="-1,-0.0071" /> <line id="" static="true" tag="detaching" material="rock" anchor="-437,321" normal="1,-0.0056" /> <line id="" static="true" material="rock" anchor="-14,18.5" normal="-0.0031,1" /> <!-- Dynamic Geometry --> <!-- Geometry Constraints --> </scene>
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Build a bridge across a ravine. If you have lived long enough to realize that air will not support objects with any significant weight, this level should be a piece of cake.
From across a small divide, another mysterious pipe appeared up in the sky.
Its opening looked warm and inviting...
The Goo Balls seemed to wonder where it might lead.
-the Sign Painter
How did I get up here?!
-the adventurous Sign Painter
There is 1 video.
Balls Used
<level ballsrequired="8" letterboxed="false" visualdebug="false" autobounds="false" textcolor="255,255,255" texteffects="true" timebugprobability="0" strandgeom="true" allowskip="true" > <!-- Camera --> <camera aspect="normal" endpos="3.34,428.79" endzoom="0.705"> <poi pos="255.5,437.54" traveltime="0" pause="0.7" zoom="1.185" /> <poi pos="-7.08,376.91" traveltime="2" pause="0" zoom="0.812" /> <poi pos="-193,363" traveltime="2" pause="0" zoom="1" /> </camera> <camera aspect="widescreen" endpos="-1.41,431.46" endzoom="0.926"> <poi pos="292.94,325.67" traveltime="0" pause="0.7" zoom="1.783" /> <poi pos="10.99,420.78" traveltime="2" pause="0" zoom="0.934" /> <poi pos="-129.43,375.15" traveltime="2" pause="0" zoom="1.163" /> </camera> <!-- Music --> <music id="SOUND_LEVEL_ECONOMICDIVIDE_TEMP_DWTD2" /> <!-- Fire --> <!-- Signposts --> <signpost name="signpost_brown" depth="-63.2" x="462.81" y="917.91" scalex="0.748" scaley="0.748" rotation="50.94" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_SIGNPOST_BROWN" text="SIGNPOST_ECONOMICDIVIDE_2" /> <signpost name="signpost_brown" depth="-63.2" x="-395.3" y="534.44" scalex="0.89" scaley="0.987" rotation="-58.57" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_SIGNPOST_BROWN" text="SIGNPOST_ECONOMICDIVIDE_1" /> <!-- Pipes --> <pipe id="0" depth="0" > <Vertex x="376" y="502" /> <Vertex x="376" y="610" /> <Vertex x="502" y="610" /> <Vertex x="502" y="542" /> <Vertex x="607" y="542" /> </pipe> <!-- Balls --> <BallInstance type="common" x="322.26" y="320.84" id="0" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="279.26" y="320.84" id="1" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="366.26" y="316.84" id="2" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-232.63" y="284.03" id="3" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-341.64" y="279.34" id="4" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-354.38" y="372.38" id="5" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-217.39" y="368.99" id="6" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-459.69" y="262.68" id="7" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-507" y="286" id="8" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-571" y="314" id="9" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-512" y="330" id="10" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-501" y="456" id="11" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-566" y="267" id="12" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-540" y="434" id="13" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-385.65" y="304.33" id="14" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-479.73" y="339.28" id="15" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-417.3" y="400.56" id="16" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-438.74" y="636.84" id="17" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-489.74" y="605.84" id="18" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-530.74" y="535.84" id="19" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-329.74" y="411.84" id="20" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-545" y="337" id="21" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-444" y="447" id="22" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-413.88" y="361.78" id="23" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-459" y="394.01" id="24" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-511.5" y="392.51" id="25" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-376.94" y="421.05" id="26" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-276.45" y="346.16" id="27" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-568" y="375" id="28" angle="0" /> <!-- Arms --> <Strand gb1="5" gb2="3" /> <Strand gb1="5" gb2="6" /> <Strand gb1="6" gb2="3" /> <Strand gb1="5" gb2="4" /> <Strand gb1="5" gb2="7" /> <Strand gb1="7" gb2="4" /> <Strand gb1="4" gb2="3" /> <!-- Level Exit --> <levelexit id="theExit" pos="375.98828125,502.00048828125" radius="75" filter="" > </levelexit> </level>
<scene minx="-600" miny="0" maxx="600" maxy="1000" backgroundcolor="0,0,0" > <!-- ForceFields --> <linearforcefield type="gravity" force="0,-10" dampeningfactor="0" antigrav="true" geomonly="false" /> <!-- Particles --> <particles effect="blackBallsRising" depth="400" pos="123.94580078125,1118.494140625" pretick="0" /> <!-- SceneLayers --> <SceneLayer name="bush_fg1a" depth="200" x="468" y="116.9" scalex="1.432" scaley="1.432" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_BUSH_FG1A" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_fg1a" depth="200" x="-444.65" y="107.75" scalex="1.432" scaley="1.432" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_BUSH_FG1A" /> <SceneLayer name="tree_stripe1" depth="80" x="485.55" y="155.96" scalex="0.615" scaley="1.02" rotation="-32.98" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_TREE_STRIPE1" /> <SceneLayer name="tree_stripe1" depth="80" x="-466.43" y="150.96" scalex="0.615" scaley="1.02" rotation="-142.78" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_TREE_STRIPE1" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_fg1a" depth="80" x="381.35" y="27.75" scalex="1.432" scaley="1.432" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_BUSH_FG1A" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_fg1a" depth="80" x="560.22" y="261.25" scalex="1.008" scaley="1.008" rotation="85.76" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_BUSH_FG1A" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_fg1a" depth="80" x="-589.79" y="171.23" scalex="1.008" scaley="1.008" rotation="-71.65" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_BUSH_FG1A" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_fg1a" depth="80" x="-315.65" y="39.75" scalex="1.432" scaley="1.432" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_BUSH_FG1A" /> <SceneLayer name="cliff_left" depth="0" x="-366.46" y="138.96" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_CLIFF_LEFT" /> <SceneLayer name="cliff_right" depth="0" x="394.04" y="153.46" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_CLIFF_RIGHT" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1" depth="-48" x="446.68" y="300.92" scalex="1.247" scaley="1.254" rotation="-7.44" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_BUSH_LEAFY_1" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1" depth="-48" x="-460.11" y="284.79" scalex="1.25" scaley="1.248" rotation="7.48" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_BUSH_LEAFY_1" /> <SceneLayer name="signpostPole_brown" depth="-63.28" x="472.88" y="913.7" scalex="0.904" scaley="0.723" rotation="53.52" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_SIGNPOSTPOLE_BROWN" /> <SceneLayer name="signpostPole_brown" depth="-63.28" x="-412" y="528.99" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="-56.46" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_SIGNPOSTPOLE_BROWN" /> <SceneLayer name="tree_stripe1" depth="-64" x="523.88" y="565.46" scalex="0.615" scaley="1.385" rotation="-17.21" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_TREE_STRIPE1" /> <SceneLayer name="tree_stripe1" depth="-64" x="469.09" y="617.48" scalex="0.615" scaley="1.595" rotation="-5.48" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_TREE_STRIPE1" /> <SceneLayer name="tree_stripe1" depth="-64" x="-426.4" y="626.21" scalex="0.615" scaley="1.592" rotation="-3.93" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_TREE_STRIPE1" /> <SceneLayer name="tree_stripe1" depth="-64" x="-492.17" y="615.2" scalex="0.615" scaley="1.592" rotation="3.42" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_TREE_STRIPE1" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1b" depth="-80" x="504.83" y="329.76" scalex="0.992" scaley="1.002" rotation="-12.09" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_BUSH_LEAFY_1B" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1b" depth="-80" x="-472.83" y="328.29" scalex="1.069" scaley="1.069" rotation="3.83" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_BUSH_LEAFY_1B" /> <SceneLayer name="tree_sil_1" depth="-144" x="646.6" y="368.91" scalex="1.014" scaley="1.016" rotation="-17.74" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_TREE_SIL_1" /> <SceneLayer name="tree_sil_1" depth="-136" x="-432.94" y="375.12" scalex="0.823" scaley="0.816" rotation="-7.81" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_TREE_SIL_1" /> <SceneLayer name="tree_sil_1" depth="-120" x="-609.51" y="434.78" scalex="1.173" scaley="1.173" rotation="6.06" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_TREE_SIL_1" /> <SceneLayer name="sky_pissyellowstripes" depth="-480" x="0" y="489.02" scalex="4.688" scaley="3.743" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_ECONOMICDIVIDE_SKY_PISSYELLOWSTRIPES" /> <!-- Buttons --> <!-- Labels --> <!-- Static Geometry --> <compositegeom id="platform right" x="450.1484" y="103.4844" rotation="0" static="true" tag="walkable" material="verysticky" > <circle id="" x="-196.9819" y="131.3491" radius="60.1665" /> <rectangle id="" x="61.4868" y="-21.3501" width="341.6905" height="275.5755" rotation="0.2085" /> <rectangle id="" x="-140.1641" y="90.7422" width="89.6629" height="148.7237" rotation="0.9414" /> <rectangle id="" x="17.3223" y="108.1758" width="145.9848" height="134.6969" rotation="-0.1387" /> <rectangle id="" x="146.5063" y="85.6099" width="130.9527" height="129.0303" rotation="-0.2573" /> <rectangle id="" x="-125.3105" y="137.5405" width="158.0097" height="99.3153" rotation="-0.035" /> </compositegeom> <circle id="" static="true" tag="stopsign" material="rock" x="-148.312" y="263.7896" radius="18.7485" /> <circle id="" static="true" tag="stopsign" material="rock" x="200.688" y="290.7896" radius="18.7485" /> <line id="bound bottom" static="true" tag="deadly" material="rock" anchor="-42.1584,-23.0723" normal="-0.0023,1" /> <line id="bound right" static="true" tag="detaching" material="rock" anchor="602.8115,361.9094" normal="-1,-0.0018" /> <line id="bound left" static="true" tag="detaching" material="rock" anchor="-603.3828,387.4084" normal="1,0" /> <compositegeom id="platform left" x="-382.593" y="94.5176" rotation="0" static="true" tag="walkable" material="verysticky" > <circle id="" x="191.093" y="117.9824" radius="53.5" /> <rectangle id="" x="-60.5947" y="-32.3721" width="341.6905" height="238.7556" rotation="-0.1209" /> <rectangle id="" x="129.6848" y="75.9116" width="124.2451" height="89.6633" rotation="0.621" /> <rectangle id="" x="-28.936" y="89.1426" width="145.9849" height="134.6972" rotation="0.1498" /> <rectangle id="" x="-151.7527" y="64.5767" width="130.9527" height="129.0297" rotation="0.3218" /> <rectangle id="" x="113.4307" y="118.5078" width="158.0102" height="99.3151" rotation="0.0317" /> </compositegeom> <!-- Dynamic Geometry --> <!-- Geometry Constraints --> </scene>
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Build a ladder down to wake up the sleeping Goo's, then build up to the top.
This cave looks like it's been undisturbed for thousands of years...
Until now!
When the pipe broke through the ceiling above, the sunlight must have blinded these rare Albino GooBalls.
They didn't seem to notice when it began to snow.
Maybe they would wake up if they had something to jump onto.
-the Sign Painter
There is 1 video.
Balls Used
<level ballsrequired="8" letterboxed="false" visualdebug="false" autobounds="false" textcolor="255,255,255" texteffects="true" timebugprobability="0" strandgeom="true" allowskip="false" > <!-- Camera --> <camera aspect="normal" endpos="0,627.09" endzoom="0.942"> <poi pos="0,875" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="0.946" /> <poi pos="2.5,307.5" traveltime="5" pause="0" zoom="1" /> </camera> <camera aspect="widescreen" endpos="0,627.09" endzoom="1.217"> <poi pos="0,875" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1.217" /> <poi pos="0,307.5" traveltime="5" pause="0" zoom="1.217" /> </camera> <!-- Music --> <music id="SOUND_LEVEL_HANGLOW_RAINRAINWINDYWINDY" /> <!-- Fire --> <!-- Signposts --> <signpost name="signpost_gray" depth="8" x="-250.33" y="270.6" scalex="0.931" scaley="0.931" rotation="-27.36" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_HANGLOW_SIGNPOST_GRAY" text="SIGNPOST_HANGLOW_1" /> <!-- Pipes --> <pipe id="0" depth="-0.8" > <Vertex x="-2" y="1055" /> <Vertex x="-2" y="1161" /> <Vertex x="119" y="1161" /> <Vertex x="119" y="1295" /> </pipe> <!-- Balls --> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-66" y="592" id="0" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-176" y="666" id="1" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-52.51" y="667" id="2" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="172" y="636" id="3" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="54" y="578" id="4" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="30.01" y="639.5" id="5" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="67" y="673" id="6" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="116" y="612" id="7" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-104" y="619" id="8" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-7" y="709" id="9" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="85" y="594" id="10" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="11" y="586" id="11" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-30" y="589" id="12" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="195" y="405" id="13" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="161" y="415" id="14" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-183.51" y="393.5" id="15" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-5.99" y="435" id="16" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="71" y="455.5" id="17" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-156" y="308" id="18" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="255" y="251" id="19" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-106" y="229" id="20" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-251" y="367" id="21" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="21" y="313" id="22" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="115" y="251" id="23" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="192" y="299" id="24" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-17" y="213" id="25" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="86" y="152" id="26" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-150" y="438" id="27" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-36" y="390" id="28" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="221" y="367" id="29" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="88" y="346" id="30" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-107" y="354" id="31" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <!-- Arms --> <Strand gb1="1" gb2="0" /> <Strand gb1="0" gb2="4" /> <Strand gb1="4" gb2="3" /> <!-- Level Exit --> <levelexit id="theExit" pos="-2,1055" radius="75" filter="" > </levelexit> </level>
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Build up and left around to the top, while avoiding the blades.
If you do something wrong click a time bug to go back in time.
The Goo Balls were excited to explore the mysterious pipe system...
...even if it meant traversing ridiculously contrived terrain.
One of the goo balls seemed to say he felt like an armadillo. Moo!
-love, the mysterious Sign Painter
There is 1 video.
Balls Used
<level ballsrequired="26" letterboxed="false" visualdebug="false" autobounds="false" textcolor="255,255,255" texteffects="true" timebugprobability="0.7" strandgeom="true" allowskip="true" > <!-- Camera --> <camera aspect="normal" endpos="-6,542.75" endzoom="0.593"> <poi pos="178.33,844" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1.235" /> <poi pos="190.67,590.25" traveltime="2" pause="0" zoom="0.796" /> <poi pos="284.33,435" traveltime="2" pause="0" zoom="1" /> </camera> <camera aspect="widescreen" endpos="0,542.75" endzoom="0.782"> <poi pos="97.73,693.15" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1.479" /> <poi pos="26,578.01" traveltime="2" pause="0" zoom="0.843" /> <poi pos="126.5,375" traveltime="2" pause="0" zoom="1" /> </camera> <!-- Music --> <music id="SOUND_LEVEL_IMPALESTICKY_TEMP_MINIOTTBB" /> <!-- Fire --> <!-- Signposts --> <signpost name="signpost_brown" depth="-0.72" x="299" y="692.73" scalex="0.89" scaley="0.987" rotation="-11.09" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_IMPALESTICKY_SIGNPOST_BROWN" text="SIGNPOST_IMPALESTICKY_1" /> <!-- Pipes --> <pipe id="0" depth="0" > <Vertex x="177" y="880" /> <Vertex x="177" y="970" /> <Vertex x="263" y="970" /> <Vertex x="263" y="1195" /> </pipe> <!-- Balls --> <BallInstance type="common" x="-11" y="752" id="0" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-44" y="706" id="1" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="8" y="706" id="2" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="87.67" y="787.33" id="3" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="49" y="749" id="4" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="107" y="744" id="5" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="20" y="792" id="6" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="119" y="692" id="7" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="70" y="703" id="8" discovered="false" angle="0" /> 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height="189.2668" rotation="0.8684" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="598.0508" y="266.7871" width="98.9997" height="134.5638" rotation="-0.7818" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="634.5811" y="723.0562" width="57.7504" height="144.8383" rotation="-0.4851" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="608.6299" y="649.833" width="98.9991" height="248.2897" rotation="-0.9352" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="558.4102" y="1028.4448" width="120.9997" height="833.2956" rotation="0.5559" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="656.4902" y="441.4968" width="121" height="442.3335" rotation="0" /> <line id="bound bottom" static="true" tag="detaching" material="rock" anchor="-25.4092,-31.0635" normal="-0.0018,1" /> <line id="bound right" static="true" tag="detaching" material="rock" anchor="626.9453,672.0483" normal="-0.9885,-0.151" /> <line id="bound left" static="true" tag="detaching" material="rock" anchor="-712.377,580.9084" normal="1,0" /> <!-- Dynamic Geometry --> <!-- Geometry Constraints --> </scene>
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Use the Ivy Goo Balls to climb up by removing the ones at the bottom and placing them at the top.
A new species of GooBall!
I must say, they look quite beautiful...
Maybe they have commitment anxiety, I'm not sure,
but it looks like they can be easily detached from each other
-the helpful Sign Painter
If a Goo Ball falls into a well 10 meters deep...
and climbs up 3 meters each day...
but slides down 2 meters at night...
will he still look fabulous in the morning?
...maybe if he were to brace against the walls as hard as he could, and believe in the power of friction...
...he could leave the ground behind...
-your friend, the Sign Painter
There is 1 video.
Balls Used
<level ballsrequired="2" letterboxed="false" visualdebug="false" autobounds="false" textcolor="255,255,255" timebugprobability="0.333" strandgeom="false" > <!-- Camera --> <camera aspect="normal" endpos="0,932.01" endzoom="1.002"> <poi pos="0,1000" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1" /> <poi pos="0,306.01" traveltime="2" pause="1" zoom="1" /> </camera> <camera aspect="widescreen" endpos="0,932.01" endzoom="1.334"> <poi pos="0,1070" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1.334" /> <poi pos="0,231.01" traveltime="2" pause="1" zoom="1.334" /> </camera> <!-- Music --> <music id="SOUND_LEVEL_IVYTOWER_TEMP_DWTD2" /> <!-- Fire --> <!-- Signposts --> <signpost name="signpost_brown" depth="40" x="-237.44" y="762.99" scalex="0.817" scaley="0.817" rotation="-91.32" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_IVYTOWER_SIGNPOST_BROWN" text="SIGNPOST_IVYTOWER_2" /> <signpost name="signpost_brown" depth="40" x="269.7" y="150.65" scalex="0.817" scaley="0.817" rotation="-7.91" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_IVYTOWER_SIGNPOST_BROWN" text="SIGNPOST_IVYTOWER_1" /> <!-- Pipes --> <pipe id="0" depth="-12" > <Vertex x="0" y="1175" /> <Vertex x="0" y="1250" /> <Vertex x="275" y="1250" /> </pipe> <!-- Balls --> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="116" y="902" id="0" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="23" y="86" id="1" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="0" y="123" id="2" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="53" y="2349" id="3" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-42" y="99" id="4" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-124" y="1825" id="5" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-50" y="2601" id="6" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="63" y="1073" id="7" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="84" y="1396" id="8" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-136" y="1265" id="9" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="136" y="1130.49" id="10" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-1" y="252.99" id="11" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="0" y="351.99" id="12" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="88" y="210.5" id="13" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-92.99" y="210.5" id="14" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-104.49" y="332.5" id="15" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="99.5" y="334.5" id="16" angle="0" /> <!-- Arms --> <Strand gb1="11" gb2="13" /> <Strand gb1="12" gb2="11" /> <Strand gb1="16" gb2="12" /> <Strand gb1="11" gb2="14" /> <Strand gb1="15" gb2="14" /> <Strand gb1="12" gb2="15" /> <Strand gb1="13" gb2="16" /> <Strand gb1="16" gb2="11" /> <Strand gb1="15" gb2="11" /> <!-- Level Exit --> <levelexit id="theExit" pos="0,1175" radius="75" filter="" > </levelexit> </level>
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Some winners are bigger than other winners!
Look in each area's MENU for more important information.
-with distinction, the Sign Painter
There is 1 video.
Balls Used
<level ballsrequired="8" letterboxed="false" visualdebug="false" autobounds="false" textcolor="255,255,255" texteffects="true" timebugprobability="0" strandgeom="false" allowskip="true" > <!-- Camera --> <camera aspect="normal" endpos="0,591.85" endzoom="0.67"> <poi pos="-4.99,835" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1" /> <poi pos="-0.87,451.85" traveltime="2" pause="0.3" zoom="0.67" /> <poi pos="-2.48,305.51" traveltime="2" pause="0" zoom="1" /> </camera> <camera aspect="widescreen" endpos="0,591.85" endzoom="0.912"> <poi pos="-7,890.57" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1.361" /> <poi pos="0,571.85" traveltime="2" pause="0.3" zoom="0.912" /> <poi pos="-2.48,305.51" traveltime="2" pause="0" zoom="1" /> </camera> <!-- Music --> <music id="SOUND_LEVEL_TUMBLER_KAPTAINPOLKA" /> <!-- Fire --> <!-- Signposts --> <signpost name="signpost_gray" depth="-8" x="-522.87" y="204.89" scalex="0.931" scaley="0.931" rotation="-60.92" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_SIGNPOST_GRAY" text="SIGNPOST_TUMBLER_1" /> <!-- Pipes --> <pipe id="0" depth="-8" > <Vertex x="0" y="859" /> <Vertex x="0" y="994" /> <Vertex x="100" y="994" /> <Vertex x="100" y="1334" /> </pipe> <!-- Balls --> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-269" y="569" id="0" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="217" y="483" id="1" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="97" y="555" id="2" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="273" y="521" id="3" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="251" y="387" id="4" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="142" y="508" id="5" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="92" y="442" id="6" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="161" y="437" id="7" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="17" y="409" id="8" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-53" y="481" id="9" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-408" y="442" id="10" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-181" y="413" id="11" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-417" y="608" id="12" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-247" y="819" id="13" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-408" y="767" id="14" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-367" y="692" id="15" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="383" y="792" id="16" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="283" y="733" id="17" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="295" y="771" id="18" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="273" y="637" id="19" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="183" y="687" id="20" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="367" y="508" id="21" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-258" y="733" id="22" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-159" y="663" id="23" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-238" y="666" id="24" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-321" y="775" id="25" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-183" y="583" id="26" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="342" y="708" id="27" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="221" y="727" id="28" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="199" y="593" id="29" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="367" y="583" id="30" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="392" y="642" id="31" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-367" y="542" id="32" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-208" y="742" id="33" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-233" y="619" id="34" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-312" y="622" id="35" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="62.5" y="162.5" id="36" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-62.5" y="162.5" id="37" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="62.5" y="287.5" id="38" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common_albino" x="-62.5" y="287.5" id="39" angle="0" /> <!-- Arms --> <Strand gb1="37" gb2="38" /> <Strand gb1="39" gb2="36" /> <Strand gb1="37" gb2="39" /> <Strand gb1="36" gb2="37" /> <Strand gb1="38" gb2="36" /> <Strand gb1="39" gb2="38" /> <!-- Level Exit --> <levelexit id="theExit" pos="0,859" radius="75" filter="" > </levelexit> </level>
<scene minx="-600" miny="0" maxx="600" maxy="1200" backgroundcolor="0,0,0" > <!-- ForceFields --> <linearforcefield type="gravity" force="0,-10" dampeningfactor="0" antigrav="true" geomonly="false" /> <!-- Particles --> <!-- SceneLayers --> <SceneLayer name="signpostPole_gray" depth="-8.8" x="-560.39" y="187.78" scalex="1" scaley="1.545" rotation="-60.13" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_SIGNPOSTPOLE_GRAY" /> <SceneLayer name="lightShaft1" depth="-16" x="39.75" y="584.39" scalex="1.621" scaley="2.162" rotation="10.13" alpha="0.20000000298023" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_LIGHTSHAFT1" /> <SceneLayer name="gear1blurGray" depth="-40" x="374.62" y="1130.99" scalex="1.144" scaley="1.144" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="128,128,128" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_GEAR1BLURGRAY" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="-0.8333" /> <SceneLayer name="gear1blurGray" depth="-40" x="-361.38" y="42.99" scalex="1.144" scaley="1.144" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="128,128,128" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_GEAR1BLURGRAY" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="-0.8333" /> <SceneLayer name="gear1blurGray" depth="-40" x="-512.73" y="1033.14" scalex="1.364" scaley="1.364" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="128,128,128" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_GEAR1BLURGRAY" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="-0.8333" /> <SceneLayer name="gear1blurGray" depth="-40" x="571.27" y="213.14" scalex="1.364" scaley="1.364" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="128,128,128" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_GEAR1BLURGRAY" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="-0.8333" /> <SceneLayer name="Wheel01" depth="-96" x="-1.43" y="605.99" scalex="1.856" scaley="1.856" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="140,140,140" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_WHEEL01" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="0.027778" /> <SceneLayer name="Wheel01" depth="-192" x="-1.46" y="606.51" scalex="1.513" scaley="1.513" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="86,86,86" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_WHEEL01" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="0.03888889" /> <SceneLayer name="Wheel01" depth="-288" x="-1.95" y="604" scalex="1.226" scaley="1.226" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="56,56,56" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_WHEEL01" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="0.05" /> <SceneLayer name="Wheel01" depth="-384" x="-1.95" y="606.01" scalex="0.979" scaley="0.979" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="24,24,24" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_WHEEL01" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="0.061111" /> <SceneLayer name="gear1blurGray" depth="-400" x="-123.78" y="787.86" scalex="0.91" scaley="0.91" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="0,0,0" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_GEAR1BLURGRAY" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="-1.111" /> <SceneLayer name="gear1blurGray" depth="-400" x="-173.94" y="442.54" scalex="0.631" scaley="0.631" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="0,0,0" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_GEAR1BLURGRAY" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="-1.111" /> <SceneLayer name="gear1blurGray" depth="-400" x="12.55" y="612.52" scalex="0.791" scaley="0.791" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="64,64,64" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_GEAR1BLURGRAY" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="0.8333" /> <SceneLayer name="bg" depth="-960" x="0" y="600" scalex="4.688" scaley="4.688" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_BG" /> <!-- Buttons --> <!-- Labels --> <!-- Static Geometry --> <line id="bottom" static="true" tag="deadly" material="rock" anchor="-44.0005,-35.002" normal="0.0058,1" /> <line id="" static="true" tag="deadly" material="rock" anchor="26,1246" normal="0.0062,-1" /> <line id="" static="true" tag="deadly" material="rock" anchor="-639.5239,653.5383" normal="1,0.0064" /> <line id="" static="true" tag="deadly" material="rock" anchor="656.9038,625.5391" normal="-0.9999,-0.0122" /> <!-- Dynamic Geometry --> <compositegeom id="wheel" x="0" y="600" rotation="0" static="false" tag="walkable" material="rock" rotspeed="0.0017" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TUMBLER_WHEEL00" imagepos="0.0287,600.9691" imagerot="0" imagescale="1.0666,1.0666" > <rectangle id="" mass="100.3572990067" x="344.7144" y="344.7144" width="64.9996" height="458.2663" rotation="0.7854" /> <rectangle id="" mass="100.357527740789" x="-344.7144" y="-344.7144" width="64.9998" height="458.2661" rotation="0.7854" /> <rectangle id="" mass="100.357756474678" x="344.7144" y="-344.7144" width="65" height="458.266" rotation="-0.7854" /> <rectangle id="" mass="100.357070270965" x="-344.7144" y="344.7144" width="64.9994" height="458.2665" rotation="-0.7854" /> <rectangle id="" mass="99.642586626717" x="487.5" y="0" width="65" height="455" rotation="0" /> <rectangle id="" mass="99.642586626717" x="-487.5" y="0" width="65" height="455" rotation="0" /> <rectangle id="" mass="99.642586626717" x="0" y="-487.5" width="455" height="65" rotation="0" /> <rectangle id="" mass="99.642586626717" x="0" y="487.5" width="455" height="65" rotation="0" /> </compositegeom> <!-- Geometry Constraints --> <hinge body1="wheel" anchor="0,600"/> </scene>
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The Goo Balls on this side didn't seem to like the Goo Balls over there on that side...
I don't know, they look the same to me.
Totally delicious.
-the Sign Painter
There is 1 video.
Balls Used
<level ballsrequired="15" letterboxed="false" visualdebug="false" autobounds="false" textcolor="255,255,255" texteffects="true" timebugprobability="0.333" strandgeom="true" allowskip="true" > <!-- Camera --> <camera aspect="normal" endpos="3.5,653.38" endzoom="0.553"> <poi pos="-351.48,253.06" traveltime="0" pause="1.1" zoom="1.584" /> <poi pos="371.02,244.44" traveltime="0.7" pause="1.1" zoom="1.55" /> <poi pos="2.53,664.75" traveltime="4" pause="1" zoom="0.531" /> <poi pos="0.33,794.5" traveltime="0.5" pause="0" zoom="0.963" /> </camera> <camera aspect="widescreen" endpos="1.38,680.15" endzoom="0.709"> <poi pos="-344.11,251.19" traveltime="0" pause="1.1" zoom="1.621" /> <poi pos="375.74,241.71" traveltime="0.7" pause="1.1" zoom="1.883" /> <poi pos="2,694.55" traveltime="4" pause="1" zoom="0.714" /> <poi pos="0.33,794.5" traveltime="0.5" pause="0" zoom="0.963" /> </camera> <!-- Music --> <music id="SOUND_LEVEL_CHAIN_TEMP_JELLY" /> <!-- Fire --> <!-- Signposts --> <signpost name="signpost_brown" depth="8" x="-112.99" y="327.01" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="17.83" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_CHAIN_SIGNPOST_BROWN" text="SIGNPOST_CHAIN_1" /> <!-- Pipes --> <pipe id="0" depth="0" > <Vertex x="0" y="1330" /> <Vertex x="0" y="1450" /> <Vertex x="300" y="1450" /> <Vertex x="300" y="1325" /> <Vertex x="350" y="1325" /> <Vertex x="350" y="1475" /> <Vertex x="400" y="1475" /> <Vertex x="400" y="1350" /> <Vertex x="450" y="1350" /> <Vertex x="450" y="1425" /> <Vertex x="825" y="1425" /> </pipe> <!-- Balls --> <BallInstance type="common" x="289.49" y="256.08" id="0" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="455.43" y="268.06" id="1" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="350.44" y="277.06" id="2" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-249" y="317" id="3" discovered="false" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="563" y="371" id="4" discovered="false" angle="0" /> 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angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-411.53" y="850.03" id="17" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="507" y="851" id="18" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-581" y="897" id="19" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-295" y="907" id="20" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-213.54" y="929.53" id="21" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-627.49" y="895.98" id="22" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="294.99" y="847.52" id="23" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="395.98" y="819.52" id="24" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Ivy" x="-504.52" y="838.03" id="25" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="49" y="966.51" id="26" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="151" y="920.01" id="27" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="242.49" y="870.51" id="28" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="341.49" y="830.02" id="29" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="447.98" y="807.52" id="30" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="567.98" 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gb1="33" gb2="26" /> <Strand gb1="34" gb2="33" /> <Strand gb1="35" gb2="34" /> <Strand gb1="36" gb2="35" /> <Strand gb1="37" gb2="36" /> <Strand gb1="38" gb2="37" /> <Strand gb1="39" gb2="38" /> <!-- Level Exit --> <levelexit id="theExit" pos="0,1330" radius="75" filter="" > </levelexit> </level>
<scene minx="-800" miny="0" maxx="800" maxy="1600" backgroundcolor="0,0,0" > <!-- ForceFields --> <linearforcefield type="gravity" force="0,-10" dampeningfactor="0" antigrav="true" geomonly="false" /> <!-- Particles --> <!-- SceneLayers --> <SceneLayer name="signpostPole_brown" depth="7.2" x="-111.75" y="304.73" scalex="1" scaley="1.14" rotation="11.78" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_CHAIN_SIGNPOSTPOLE_BROWN" /> <SceneLayer name="post" depth="-4" x="7.96" y="463.04" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_CHAIN_POST" /> <SceneLayer name="ground" depth="-8" x="0" y="154.99" scalex="1.563" scaley="1.221" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_CHAIN_GROUND" /> <SceneLayer name="cliffLeft" depth="-16" x="-664.96" y="581.46" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_CHAIN_CLIFFLEFT" /> <SceneLayer name="cliffRight" depth="-16" x="665.04" y="576.46" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_CHAIN_CLIFFRIGHT" /> <SceneLayer name="bg" depth="-240" x="0" y="819.48" scalex="2.937" scaley="2.849" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_CHAIN_BG" /> <!-- Buttons --> <!-- Labels --> <!-- Static Geometry --> <rectangle id="stop" static="true" tag="stopsign" material="rock" x="87.3232" y="296.2798" width="25.0006" height="128.1864" rotation="0.6287" /> <rectangle id="stop" static="true" tag="stopsign" material="rock" x="-31.0093" y="297.6123" width="25.0007" height="128.1865" rotation="-0.906" /> <rectangle id="stop" static="true" tag="stopsign" material="rock" x="660.5" y="349.5005" width="25.0006" height="320.9999" rotation="-0.7676" /> <rectangle id="stop" static="true" tag="stopsign" material="rock" x="-650.5" y="343.5" width="25.0008" height="321.0003" rotation="0.7849" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" tag="unwalkable" material="ice" x="23.1389" y="247.6963" width="139.8429" height="137.9535" rotation="0.6798" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" tag="unwalkable" material="ice" x="784.5566" y="259.874" width="289.0047" height="424.1788" rotation="-0.7726" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" tag="unwalkable" material="ice" x="-760.1675" y="252.1919" width="279.0464" height="439.6916" rotation="0.7617" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="473.9673" y="156.2153" width="315.0992" height="131.9931" rotation="0.1637" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="181.5791" y="165.439" width="290.9847" height="128.9924" rotation="-0.237" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="-177.9993" y="163.311" width="376.9223" height="131.9931" rotation="0.2767" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="-460.3884" y="150.4399" width="290.9857" height="128.9931" rotation="-0.1885" /> <circle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="40.0864" y="340.9302" radius="49.4976" /> <circle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="-28.6597" y="516.6714" radius="69.7466" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="7.656" y="409.0713" width="73.261" height="132.6704" rotation="0.4021" /> <line id="right" static="true" tag="detaching" material="rock" anchor="795.0493,755.6611" normal="-0.9945,0.1049" /> <line id="top" static="true" tag="detaching" material="rock" anchor="-9.6604,1523.6204" normal="0.0042,-1" /> <line id="left" static="true" tag="detaching" material="rock" anchor="-790.1057,740.5574" normal="0.9935,0.1135" /> <line id="bottom" static="true" material="rock" anchor="-27.6597,185.689" normal="-0.0069,1" /> <rectangle id="neck" static="true" material="rock" nogeomcollisions="true" x="8.3174" y="642.7144" width="82.5018" height="176.9854" rotation="-0.3167" /> <!-- Dynamic Geometry --> <circle id="SpinBall" mass="200" static="false" tag="unwalkable" material="rock" image="IMAGE_SCENE_CHAIN_HEAD" imagepos="-0.9634,799.4597" imagerot="0" imagescale="1.0001,1.0001" x="0" y="794" radius="161" /> <!-- Geometry Constraints --> <hinge body1="SpinBall" anchor="0,794"/> </scene>
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Use the Balloon Goo's to lift the bars, but leave enough to lift the block of Goo's to the pipe
Open the gates and fly, monkeys, fly!
But don't forget about me, ok?
-sincerely, the Sign Painter
There is 1 video.
Balls Used
<level ballsrequired="4" letterboxed="false" visualdebug="false" autobounds="false" textcolor="255,255,255" texteffects="true" timebugprobability="0" strandgeom="true" allowskip="true" > <!-- Camera --> <camera aspect="normal" endpos="3.92,977.21" endzoom="0.815"> <poi pos="17,1736.63" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1.176" /> <poi pos="4.9,403.67" traveltime="3" pause="0" zoom="0.859" /> </camera> <camera aspect="widescreen" endpos="0,977.21" endzoom="1.095"> <poi pos="17,1736.63" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1.176" /> <poi pos="0,281.16" traveltime="3" pause="0" zoom="1.095" /> </camera> <!-- Music --> <music id="SOUND_LEVEL_FLYINGMACHINE_TEMP_JELLY" /> <!-- Fire --> <!-- Signposts --> <signpost name="signpost_brown" depth="-8" x="-183.54" y="179.05" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="4.1" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_SIGNPOST_BROWN" text="SIGNPOST_FLYINGMACHINE_1" /> <!-- Pipes --> <pipe id="0" depth="8" > <Vertex x="0" y="1720" /> <Vertex x="0" y="1820" /> <Vertex x="100" y="1820" /> <Vertex x="100" y="2065" /> </pipe> <!-- Balls --> <BallInstance type="AnchorSticky" x="-262.4" y="359.44" id="0" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="AnchorSticky" x="371.5" y="482" id="1" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="326.59" y="598.91" id="2" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="125" y="417" id="3" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="71.01" y="414.5" id="4" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="-58" y="407" id="5" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="389" y="608" id="6" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="-67.4" y="543.4" id="7" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="44.6" y="536.4" id="8" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="3.29" y="410.73" id="9" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="GooProduct" x="162.5" y="187.5" id="10" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="GooProduct" x="187.5" y="237.5" id="11" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="GooProduct" x="162.5" y="287.5" id="12" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="GooProduct" x="-187.5" y="237.5" id="13" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="GooProduct" x="-137.5" y="187.5" id="14" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="GooProduct" x="-137.5" y="262.5" id="15" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="48.5" y="235.5" id="16" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-51.5" y="235.5" id="17" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="48.5" y="135.5" id="18" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-51.5" y="135.5" id="19" angle="0" /> <!-- Arms --> <Strand gb1="1" gb2="6" /> <Strand gb1="1" gb2="2" /> <Strand gb1="17" gb2="16" /> <Strand gb1="19" gb2="17" /> <Strand gb1="18" gb2="19" /> <Strand gb1="16" gb2="18" /> <Strand gb1="19" gb2="16" /> <!-- Level Exit --> <levelexit id="theExit" pos="0,1720" radius="75" filter="" > </levelexit> </level>
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image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_SCREW1" /> <SceneLayer name="main" depth="0" x="0" y="324" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_MAIN" /> <SceneLayer name="signpostPole_brown" depth="-8.8" x="-184.63" y="162.09" scalex="1" scaley="1.14" rotation="3.71" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_SIGNPOSTPOLE_BROWN" /> <SceneLayer name="gear1blur" depth="-40" x="296.5" y="155.5" scalex="0.365" scaley="0.365" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="128,128,128" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_GEAR1BLUR" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="4" /> <SceneLayer name="gear1blur" depth="-40" x="383" y="243" scalex="0.568" scaley="0.568" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="128,128,128" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_GEAR1BLUR" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="-3" /> <SceneLayer name="gear1blur" depth="-40" x="480" y="119" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="128,128,128" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_GEAR1BLUR" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="2" /> <SceneLayer name="usefulBlackSquare" depth="-48" x="418.93" y="180.22" scalex="9.005" scaley="5.721" rotation="-12.55" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_USEFULBLACKSQUARE" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1" depth="-88" x="232.56" y="169.66" scalex="0.999" scaley="0.999" rotation="81.04" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_BUSH_LEAFY_1" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1" depth="-80" x="-127.44" y="145.65" scalex="0.999" scaley="0.999" rotation="1.53" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_BUSH_LEAFY_1" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1b" depth="-120" x="56.48" y="100.01" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="22.28" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_BUSH_LEAFY_1B" /> <SceneLayer name="tree_sil_1" depth="-120" x="112.84" y="150.73" scalex="0.531" scaley="0.514" rotation="-6.27" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_TREE_SIL_1" /> <SceneLayer name="wogcCloud1" depth="-160" x="513.01" y="1345.21" scalex="1.89" scaley="1.442" rotation="-15.38" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_WOGCCLOUD1" /> <SceneLayer name="wogcCloud1" depth="-160" x="545.32" y="633.71" scalex="1.354" scaley="1.125" rotation="-13.77" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_WOGCCLOUD1" /> <SceneLayer name="wogcCloud1" depth="-160" x="-537.18" y="957.99" scalex="1.809" scaley="1.383" rotation="9.81" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_WOGCCLOUD1" /> <SceneLayer name="bg" depth="-640" x="0.04" y="1013.01" scalex="1.953" scaley="3.215" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_BG" /> <!-- Buttons --> <!-- Labels --> <!-- Static Geometry --> <rectangle id="stop" static="true" tag="stopsign" material="rock" x="278.4785" y="394.5" width="16.957" height="89" rotation="0" /> 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width="347.9457" height="400.0015" rotation="-0.2346" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="-399.4385" y="127.019" width="319.659" height="361.0431" rotation="0.1076" /> <line id="" static="true" tag="unwalkable" material="rock" anchor="545,800" normal="-1,0" /> <line id="" static="true" tag="unwalkable" material="rock" anchor="46.7053,2007.9922" normal="0,-1" /> <line id="" static="true" tag="unwalkable" material="rock" anchor="-535,800" normal="1,0" /> <line id="" static="true" material="rock" anchor="6,111" normal="0,1" /> <!-- Dynamic Geometry --> <rectangle id="doorLittle" mass="350" static="false" tag="walkable" material="ice" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_BARLITTLE" imagepos="-0.929,359.6595" imagerot="0.0744" imagescale="0.8999,1" x="-1.8511" y="360.0562" width="566.9276" height="43.1781" rotation="0.0702" /> <rectangle id="doorBig" mass="450" static="false" tag="walkable" material="ice" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FLYINGMACHINE_BARBIG" imagepos="6.5031,481.999" imagerot="-0.0251" imagescale="1,1" x="5.4761" y="483.2231" width="786.9778" height="45.9532" rotation="-0.0232" /> <!-- Geometry Constraints --> <hinge body1="doorLittle" anchor="289,357"/> <hinge body1="doorBig" anchor="-383.2158203125,466.6357421875"/> </scene>
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Fisty swore he would never be like those tadpoles that grow up and shoot colored gems out of their mouths.
But he wondered what it might be like.
-the Sign Painter
There is 1 video.
Balls Used
<level ballsrequired="6" letterboxed="false" visualdebug="false" autobounds="false" textcolor="255,255,255" timebugprobability="0.333" strandgeom="false" allowskip="true" > <!-- Camera --> <camera aspect="normal" endpos="-104.89,401.28" endzoom="0.764"> <poi pos="500.7,402.03" traveltime="0" pause="0.4" zoom="1.017" /> <poi pos="-372.38,399.78" traveltime="4" pause="0.8" zoom="0.764" /> <poi pos="-357.49,425.5" traveltime="1" pause="0" zoom="1" /> </camera> <camera aspect="widescreen" endpos="-104.89,401.28" endzoom="0.764"> <poi pos="404.37,425.42" traveltime="0" pause="0.4" zoom="1.105" /> <poi pos="-183.28,399.78" traveltime="4" pause="0.8" zoom="0.764" /> <poi pos="-352.5,425.5" traveltime="1" pause="0" zoom="1" /> </camera> <!-- Music --> <music id="SOUND_LEVEL_FISTYREACHESOUT_RAINRAINWINDYWINDY" /> <!-- Fire --> <!-- Signposts --> <signpost name="signpost_brown" depth="-7.2" x="-17.35" y="171.54" scalex="1" scaley="1" rotation="-7.91" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_SIGNPOST_BROWN" text="SIGNPOST_FISTYREACHESOUT_1" /> <!-- Pipes --> <pipe id="0" depth="8" > <Vertex x="675" y="450" /> <Vertex x="800" y="450" /> <Vertex x="800" y="350" /> <Vertex x="1000" y="350" /> </pipe> <!-- Balls --> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="-682" y="604" id="0" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="-680.88" y="480.91" id="1" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="-617.02" y="678.02" id="2" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="-539.01" y="387" id="3" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="-503.01" y="587.5" id="4" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="-779" y="529" id="5" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="balloon" x="-559" y="706" id="6" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-244.93" y="289.76" id="7" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-113.95" y="297.47" id="8" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-766.37" y="656.4" id="9" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-581.88" y="628.39" id="10" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-744.37" y="619.73" id="11" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-700" y="716" id="12" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-475.39" y="687.9" id="13" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-525.01" y="436.5" id="14" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-775.37" y="432.91" id="15" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-634.38" y="614.4" id="16" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-355.01" y="608.5" id="17" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-518" y="307" id="18" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-582" y="557" id="19" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-730.89" y="556.39" id="20" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-724.39" y="504.39" id="21" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-538.5" y="644" id="22" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-680.5" y="673.5" id="23" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-395.51" y="604" id="24" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-578.88" y="450.91" id="25" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-636.5" y="431.5" id="26" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-582.01" y="351.01" id="27" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-782.5" y="484" id="28" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-668.88" y="543.9" id="29" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-718" y="432" id="30" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-357" y="382" id="31" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-131.45" y="402.39" id="32" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-261.38" y="383.69" id="33" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Anchor" x="-362.5" y="282.68" id="34" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="Anchor" x="-462.5" y="387.5" id="35" angle="0" /> <!-- Arms --> <Strand gb1="18" gb2="34" /> <Strand gb1="7" gb2="31" /> <Strand gb1="33" gb2="34" /> <Strand gb1="7" gb2="34" /> <Strand gb1="31" gb2="35" /> <Strand gb1="33" gb2="31" /> <Strand gb1="33" gb2="8" /> <Strand gb1="33" gb2="7" /> <Strand gb1="8" gb2="7" /> <Strand gb1="32" gb2="8" /> <Strand gb1="33" gb2="32" /> <Strand gb1="7" gb2="32" /> <!-- Level Exit --> <levelexit id="theExit" pos="675,450" radius="75" filter="" > </levelexit> </level>
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name="spikeBlack_group" depth="-40" x="341.72" y="807.51" scalex="1.275" scaley="2.078" rotation="177.05" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_SPIKEBLACK_GROUP" /> <SceneLayer name="spikeBlack_group" depth="-40" x="724.63" y="807.48" scalex="1.275" scaley="2.078" rotation="178.08" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_SPIKEBLACK_GROUP" /> <SceneLayer name="spikeBlack_group" depth="-40" x="696.2" y="18.51" scalex="1.275" scaley="2.078" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_SPIKEBLACK_GROUP" /> <SceneLayer name="spikeBlack_group" depth="-40" x="322.72" y="17.01" scalex="1.275" scaley="2.078" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_SPIKEBLACK_GROUP" /> <SceneLayer name="spikeBlack_group" depth="-40" x="-55.26" y="12.52" scalex="1.275" scaley="2.078" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_SPIKEBLACK_GROUP" /> <SceneLayer name="spikeBlack_group" depth="-40" x="-437.74" y="13.51" scalex="1.275" scaley="2.078" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_SPIKEBLACK_GROUP" /> <SceneLayer id="Fisty_body_bg" name="Fisty_body_bg" depth="-8" x="-332.68" y="385.45" scalex="0.843" scaley="0.843" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_FISTY_BODY_BG" /> <SceneLayer id="Fisty_eye_bg" name="Fisty_eye_bg" depth="-24" x="-503.76" y="563.71" scalex="0.843" scaley="0.843" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_FISTY_EYE_BG" /> <SceneLayer id="Fisty_leg_bg" name="Fisty_leg_bg" depth="-24" x="-402.64" y="245.14" scalex="0.843" scaley="0.843" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_FISTY_LEG_BG" /> <SceneLayer id="Fisty_arm_bg" name="Fisty_arm_bg" depth="-24" x="-374.4" y="351.75" scalex="0.843" scaley="0.843" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_FISTY_ARM_BG" /> <SceneLayer name="gear2_256" depth="-8" x="-657.18" y="391.74" scalex="0.405" scaley="0.405" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_GEAR2_256" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="-0.9" /> <SceneLayer name="gear2_256" depth="-8" x="-587.9" y="447.96" scalex="0.7" scaley="0.7" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_GEAR2_256" anim="rot_1rps" animspeed="0.45" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1" depth="-80" x="-148.53" y="786.49" scalex="1.25" scaley="1.25" rotation="178.54" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_BUSH_LEAFY_1" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1" depth="-80" x="752.92" y="781.99" scalex="1.25" scaley="1.25" rotation="178.54" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_BUSH_LEAFY_1" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1" depth="-16" x="857.92" y="116.03" scalex="1.25" scaley="1.25" rotation="91.08" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_BUSH_LEAFY_1" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1" depth="-80" x="341.94" y="-9.47" scalex="1.25" scaley="1.25" rotation="10.7" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_BUSH_LEAFY_1" /> <SceneLayer name="bush_leafy_1" depth="-80" x="-415.52" y="-15.46" scalex="1.25" scaley="1.25" rotation="10.7" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_BUSH_LEAFY_1" /> <SceneLayer name="blueBogTree" depth="-208" x="742.23" y="42.34" scalex="0.405" scaley="0.405" rotation="13.74" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_BLUEBOGTREE" /> <SceneLayer name="blueBogTree" depth="-168" x="432.9" y="154.52" scalex="0.636" scaley="0.636" rotation="-10.7" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_BLUEBOGTREE" /> <SceneLayer name="blueBogTree" depth="-128" x="131.74" y="262.19" scalex="0.938" scaley="0.938" rotation="-9.4" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_BLUEBOGTREE" /> <SceneLayer name="blueBogTree" depth="-88" x="-237.51" y="316" scalex="1.536" scaley="1.536" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_BLUEBOGTREE" /> <SceneLayer name="bg" depth="-400" x="12.97" y="403.99" scalex="3.412" scaley="1.596" rotation="0" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_FISTYREACHESOUT_BG" /> <!-- Buttons --> <!-- Labels --> <!-- Static Geometry --> <rectangle id="mouthBottom" static="true" tag="walkable" material="verysticky" x="-324.2231" y="252.0034" width="194.2249" height="31.5647" rotation="0.0066" /> <circle id="stop" static="true" tag="stopsign" material="rock" x="-272.3289" y="590" radius="33.3334" /> <circle id="stop" static="true" tag="stopsign" material="rock" x="-230.3293" y="266.4985" radius="33.3334" /> <rectangle id="" static="true" material="rock" x="-417.9246" y="518.2383" width="304.9106" height="48.4349" 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material="rock" anchor="1173.8867,446.5" normal="-1,0" /> <!-- Dynamic Geometry --> <!-- Geometry Constraints --> </scene>
» Screenshots | » Comments |
Go as fast as you can! They are stronger than you think...
They will have to work together to climb very high...
...a real Tower of Goo!
Some of them felt they had done something like this a long long time ago...
...but things were more experimental back then.
-peace, the Sign Painter!
Balls Used
<level ballsrequired="25" letterboxed="false" visualdebug="false" autobounds="false" textcolor="255,255,255" texteffects="true" timebugprobability="0.333" strandgeom="false" allowskip="true" > <!-- Camera --> <camera aspect="normal" endpos="0,778.09" endzoom="0.804"> <poi pos="-0.5,295.5" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1" /> </camera> <camera aspect="widescreen" endpos="0,778.09" endzoom="1.095"> <poi pos="0,295.5" traveltime="0" pause="0" zoom="1.095" /> </camera> <!-- Music --> <music id="SOUND_LEVEL_TOWEROFGOO_KAPTAINPOLKA" /> <!-- Fire --> <!-- Signposts --> <signpost name="signpost_brown" depth="-78.4" x="325.82" y="648.35" scalex="1.004" scaley="1.004" rotation="41.25" alpha="1" colorize="255,255,255" image="IMAGE_SCENE_TOWEROFGOO_SIGNPOST_BROWN" text="SIGNPOST_TOWEROFGOO_1" /> <!-- Pipes --> <pipe id="0" depth="-0.8" > <Vertex x="11" y="1621" /> <Vertex x="11" y="1859" /> <Vertex x="235" y="1859" /> <Vertex x="235" y="1778" /> <Vertex x="575" y="1778" /> </pipe> <!-- Balls --> 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x="-244.5" y="758.5" id="14" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="75.5" y="851.5" id="15" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="84.5" y="712.5" id="16" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="136.5" y="646.5" id="17" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="297.5" y="514.5" id="18" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-212.5" y="628.5" id="19" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-338.5" y="713.5" id="20" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="204.5" y="304.5" id="21" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="274.5" y="188.5" id="22" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="-147.5" y="294.5" id="23" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="364.5" y="730.5" id="24" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="266.5" y="714.5" id="25" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="166.5" y="730.5" id="26" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="264.5" y="1022.5" id="27" angle="0" /> <BallInstance type="common" x="166.5" y="1006.5" id="28" 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» Screenshots | » Comments |
As the sun set over the last of the hills, one of the Goo Balls seemed to say...
...that life sure seemed like a giant physics simulation!
...but as he fell into the spikey death pit below, he knew it probably didn't matter
-love, the Sign Painter
It says...
'Hello, this is MOM.'
'Are you there?'
'Are you coming home?'
Balls Used
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» Videos » Screenshots | » Comments |
The last of the Goo Balls didn't seem to know that they were extremely delicious
or about the nature of the smelly pit in which they found themselves.
They said something about this being the last level of the first chapter...
...whatever that means.
-the Sign Painter
You might be on to something...
It will be a tight fit, you might have to leave some behind...
but that's probably ok, we're all in it together
-the signpainter was here too
They say this is the highest point on the entire island...
As the sun rises, you can almost see forever...
...but I wonder what you might see if you floated a little higher...
-we'll meet again, the Sign Painter
There is 1 video.
Balls Used
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